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Repository files navigation


Visual Studio Code extentsion to synchronize files when saving between a workspace folder and one or many outside folders.


Multiple mappings supported.

,"filesync.mappings": [
	{ "source": "C:\\Dev\\Apple", "destination": "Z:\\Stage\\Apple"}
	, {
		"source": "C:\\Dev\\Peach"
		, "destination": [ "Y:\\Stage\\Peach", "Z:\\Live\\Peach" ]
	, {
		"source": "C:\\Dev\\Orange"
		,"destination": [
			{ "path": "Y:\\Stage\\Orange", "name": "Stage", "active": true }
			, {"path": "Z:\\Live\\Orange", "name": "Live", "active": false }
			, "X:\\Test\\Orange"

File Sync status bar.

fs-statusbar_active fs-statusbar_syncing



Extension Settings

  • filesync.mappings: An array of mappings to sync one source folder across to one or multiple destination folders.

Single Destination Mapping

{ "source": "C:\\Dev\\Apple", "destination": "Z:\\Stage\\Apple" }
  • source: String - Root path of your workspace folder. Any files saved will be copied out to the destination.
  • desitnation: String - Path of folder to keep in sync with workspace folder (source).

Multi-Destination Mapping

	"source": "C:\\Dev\\Apple"
	, "destination": [
			"path": "Y:\\Live\\Apple"
			,"name": "Live"
			,"active": false
  • source: String - Root path of your workspace folder. Any files saved will be copied out to all destinations defined.
  • destination: Array of destinations, either simple or complex.
    • simple: String - Path of folder to keep in sync with workspace folder (source).
    • complex: Object - Defines a path, name and if destination is active or disabled.
      • path: String - Path of folder to keep in sync with workspace folder (source).
      • name: String - Name of destination.
      • active: Boolean - Determines if destination will be synced to. true will copy files to destination, false will disable destination.

Known Issues

None currently known. Please submit a ticket if any are encountered.

Release Notes

1.1.0 - 2020-05-04


  • Workspace folders support.

1.0.0 - 2019-10-08


  • Multi-destination support.