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Shorts Summary is a web application that uses AI to analyze shorts videos from Youtube and generate a summary of its content. This project is part of the NLW (Next Level Week) organized by the RocketSeat.

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Shorts Summary

Shorts Summary is my first project with backend and AI. With Shorts Summary you can get the summary of a short video, by entering a valid URL video of a short from YouTube. This project is part of NLW (Next Level Week) from Rocketseat. The purpose of NLW is to share with the Brazilian community of programmers a challenging project for free with the goal of improving the programmer's coding skills and demonstrating new trends.

This project is not deployed since there is a need for hosting. However, you can check it out and run it locally in your navigator. Please, see "Requirements".

Shorts summary initial page

Shorts summary with a video summary

Development Process

  • Access Figma design;
  • Initiate project using vite@latest;
  • Frontend development: HTML structure and styles;
  • Downloading dependencies for the backend: express cors axios;
  • Set up server-side and routes;
  • Downloading ytdl-core dependency for downloading YouTube videos;
  • Creating a function for video download;
  • Verifying if the video is a short;
  • Connecting front and Backend;
  • Recovering from the frontend the video URL, specifically the video ID and sending it to the server;
  • Displaying message to the user;
  • Using mock for testing response /utils;
  • Installing dependencies for AI:
    • @xenova/transformers: a library that allows you to run machine learning models.
    • fluent-ffmpeg ffmpeg-static: tool for video and audio processing, like editing and transcoding.
    • node-wav: node module used to work with WAV audio files (decoding (reading) and encoding (writing)).
  • Creating a function to convert and read audio;
  • Creating a function to transcribe the audio to text format;
  • Creating a function to create the summary of the text with AI, model Xenova/distilbart-cnn-12-6;
  • Testing.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup;
  • JS modules;
  • Mobile-first workflow;
  • Node.js
  • Machine learning model Xenova/distilbart-cnn-12-6;

Technologies and Tools


To work with the code, you will need, before you begin, to install on your machine: NodeJs, Git and to have a source-code editor such as VSCode. You will also need to download all the dependencies used in this project by using this command in your terminal:

npm install

To run de server side on your machine, use de following command:

npm run server

To run de frontend side on your machine, use de following command:

npm run web

What I learned

The use of ffmpeg library, Promise, and Float32Array:

  • Convert video MP4 into a WAV file using ffmpeg library;
  • Use Promise to manage tasks that take time and handle potential outcomes (successful outcomes (resolved) and errors (rejected) when the task is completed;
  • Use Float32Array to store float numbers (audio, graphics, scientific calc) to make the code faster and to use less memory space.
import fs from "fs"
import wav from "node-wav"
import ffmpeg from "fluent-ffmpeg"
import ffmpegStatic from "ffmpeg-static"

const filePath = "./tmp/audio.mp4";
const outputPath = filePath.replace(".mp4", ".wav");

export const convert = () => 
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log("Converting video...")

    .on("end", () => {
        const file = fs.readFileSync(outputPath);
        const fileDecoded = wav.decode(file);
        const audioData = fileDecoded.channelData[0];
        const floatArray = new Float32Array(audioData);

        console.log("Video converted with success!")
    .on("error", (error) => {
        console.log("Error converting video.", error)

Backend and Async Functions:

  • Setup the backend/server side, route and endpoints;
  • Use async functions (asynchronous functions), to run the code not necessarily from top to bottom. In this way, the code can run/finish some tasks, while other tasks are paused, so the program does not freeze, instead, in the meanwhile finishes other tasks and resumes those paused tasks later. I also learned the use of the "await" keyword to pause certain tasks/functions and wait for a Promise to resolve before continuing.
import cors from "cors"
import express from "express"
import { download } from "./download.js"
import { summarize } from "./summarize.js";
import { transcribe } from "./transcribe.js";
import { convert } from "./convert.js"

const app = express();

app.get("/summary/:id", async (request, response) => {
    try {
        await download(
        const convertedAudio = await convert();
        const result = await transcribe(convertedAudio);
        return response.json({ result })
    } catch (error) {
        return response.json({ error })
})"/summary", async (request, response) => {
    try {
        const result = await summarize(request.body.text);
        return response.json({ result })
    } catch (error) {
        return response.json({ error })

app.listen(3333, () => console.log("Server is running on port 3333."))

Using AI for text summarization:

  • Use Xenova/distilbart-cnn-12-6 model for summarization.
import { pipeline } from "@xenova/transformers"

export async function summarize(text) {
    try {
        console.log("Summarizing text...");

        // Use A action of summarization from AI model Xenova
        const generator = await pipeline(
        const output = await generator(text);
        console.log("Summarization finished with success!")
        return output[0].summary_text
    } catch (error) {
        console.log("Unable to summarize text.");
        throw new Error(error)

Useful resources

  • Hugging Face: This platform offers AI models to use in your projects. You can search by AI specialization areas such as Multimodal, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing (Shorts Summary is part of this area), Audio, Tabular, and Reinforcement Learning.

Made with ❤️ by Caroline Almeida Nikolic


Shorts Summary is a web application that uses AI to analyze shorts videos from Youtube and generate a summary of its content. This project is part of the NLW (Next Level Week) organized by the RocketSeat.







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