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Patrette edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 7 revisions

Build status


Carbon has three different main flavors.

  • 🥇 Production: the most stable version,
  • 🥈 Preview: the preview version, could be unstable,
  • 🥉 Edge: the bleeding edge, where new things are born 🍼.

In general most people is advised to get the latest stable version which is the only one considered to be production ready.

Building Carbon

This following instructions were written for 🪟 Windows environments but Carbon can be built on 🐧 Linux hosts as well. The project has been successfully built using either Visual Studio 2019/2022 or Visual Studio Code or Rider.

Preparing the buildroot

  1. ⬇️ Clone [the project][1] on your machine.
  2. 📂 Go to the Tools\Build\win folder.
  3. 👟 Run bootstrap.bat for it to download all Rust-related DLLs.
  4. 📒 Open the solution found in Carbon.Core\Carbon.Core.sln.
  5. 🚀 Develop, build and have fun.

When building locally there a set of scripts that can help you during the development cycle, those scripts are located on the Tools\Build\ folder, we have windows and linux scripts available. To export your own artifacts locally, run the Tools\Build\win\build_debug.bat script. This will create a Releases folder on project's root with the .dll and .zip files.

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