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FIRE: Combining Multi-Stage Filtering with Taint Analysis for Scalable Recurring Vulnerability Detection.

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FIRE: Combining Multi-Stage Filtering with Taint Analysis for Scalable Recurring Vulnerability Detection.


The project consists four components(packages): BloomFilter(SFBF, Section 3.1), TokenFilter(Token Similarity Filter, Section 3.2), SyntaxFilter(AST Similarity Filter, Section 3.3), Trace(Vulnerability Identification Phase, Section 4).

Besides, we provide utils classes in Dataset package to load dataset, including the Old-New-Funcs dataset, NormalSampledataset, and a class to load the target system (Dataset/

During the detection, cache, log, processed, result, workspace five directories are used.

We provide dockerfile and a flask server(, so you can build the project to docker and use HTTP Request to detect vulnerability.


Install Python Requirements


conda env new -f environment.yml


# Install Python Requirements Except Torch
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install Torch
pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 --index-url

Install Codebert

Put codebert-base in resource/codebert.

You can find codebert here microsoft/codebert-base.

Install Joern

Joern needs Java to run. In our project we use jdk-17.0.11.

Install Java

Get tar.gz tarball of jdk and unzip it to resource/jdk-17.0.11.

java --version
java 17.0.11 2024-04-16 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 17.0.11+7-LTS-207)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.11+7-LTS-207, mixed mode, sharing)

Install Joern-cli

We use version 1.2.1 of Joern. You can find Joern in joernio/joern.

Please download the zip tarball of Joern and unzip it to resource/joern-cli

     ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ███╗   ██╗
     ██║██╔═══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗  ██║
     ██║██║   ██║█████╗  ██████╔╝██╔██╗ ██║
██   ██║██║   ██║██╔══╝  ██╔══██╗██║╚██╗██║
╚█████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗██║  ██║██║ ╚████║
 ╚════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝
Version: 1.2.1
Type `help` or `browse(help)` to begin

About Ctags

Since Ctags is a lightweight open-source software, we put its binary version in Database/universal-ctags with COPYING. So you don't need to install it. However, you should make sure +x is set to ctags file before run.

./Dataset/universal-ctags/ctags --version
Universal Ctags 6.0.0(293f11e), Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Universal Ctags Team
Universal Ctags is derived from Exuberant Ctags.
Exuberant Ctags 5.8, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert
  Compiled: Dec 20 2023, 10:38:07
  Output version: 0.0
  Optional compiled features: +wildcards, +regex, +gnulib_regex, +iconv, +option-directory, +xpath, +json, +interactive, +yaml, +packcc, +optscript

About Redis

Trace need Redis for caching. We use Redis docker in our experiments. If you want to build docker, please make sure you have put redis 7.2.3 in resource/redis-7.2.3, and the external redis docker is no need in the run since we will install one in the procedure of the building.

docker run -p 6379:6379 redis:7.2.3


We use Old-New-Funcs dataset to store all the vulnerabilities and patches pairs that are used in all the components of FIRE.

Old-New-Funcs Dataset

We suggest to put the dataset to resource/OldNewFuncs.

Unfortunately we can not open source the dataset we used in this project, but you can build one using your own data following the structure below.

An Example of the Old-New-Funcs dataset folder structure:

|-- OldNewFuncs
|   |-- ffmpeg (software directory)
|   |   |-- CVE-2009-0385 (CVE directory)
|   |   |   |-- CVE-2009-0385_CWE-189_72e715fb798f2cb79fd24a6d2eaeafb7c6eeda17_4xm.c_1.1_fourxm_read_header_OLD.vul [Vulnerable Version]
|   |   |   |-- CVE-2009-0385_CWE-189_72e715fb798f2cb79fd24a6d2eaeafb7c6eeda17_4xm.c_1.1_fourxm_read_header_NEW.vul [Patch Version]
|   |   |   |-- ...Other Old-New-Funcs files (with the filename extension `.vul`)
|   |   |-- ...Other CVEs
|   |-- ...Other Software

We do not utilize the software and CVE directory name. However, we utilize the old-new-funcs file's filename in our project. Each Old-New-Funcs file should store a function.

The Old-New-Funcs filename structure:

[CVE-No.]_[CWE-No.]_[Commit]_[File Extracted From]_[Version]_[Function Name]_[OLD/NEW].vul

OLD tag refers to vulnerability version, while NEW tag refers to patch version.

We utilized the CVE, Function Name and OLD/NEW part of the filename in FIRE. So please set them properly.

NormalSample Dataset (No need anymore)

The NormalSample Dataset Structure:

We suggest to put the dataset at resource/NormalSample

|-- NormalSample Dataset
|   |-- ffmpeg (software directory)
|   |   |-- ...functions
|   |-- ...Other Software

There are no extra constraints for the filenames of the normal functions stored in the software directory.

How To Run

Run Locally

Make sure you have properly installed all the requirements and prepared the datasets before running.

You can execute python3 main --help to read the help message of this project.

Currently, FIRE only runs on Linux.

Basic Usage

python3 /path/to/target/system

Help Message

python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--rebuild [{bloomFilter,old-new-funcs,normal-sample,target} ...]] project

Extract data from project dir

positional arguments:
  project               Path to the project dir

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rebuild [{bloomFilter,old-new-funcs,target} ...]
                        Rebuild any of the components/dataset cache

Rebuild Option

We provide a rebuild option to rebuild the cache when there are any updates to the dataset. We suggest applying all the rebuild options first time before running the project.

If you update Old-New-Funcs Dataset, please rebuild bloomFilter and old-new-funcs.

If you do not specify any rebuild options, target option is set default to extract function of the target system each time before the vulnerbility detection.

Use space to separate the option if you want to apply multiple rebuild option.


Detection results are not only display in the console, but also in the result folder as well. You can find the detection result in result/[target-system].

Run Remote or In Docker

Run if you want to run FIRE remote. If you use docker, runs automatically. This will open a flask server on port 8000 on the machine/docker. You can change the port in the


You can publish a vulnerability detecting job using the following HTTP requests.


  • Method: GET
  • URL: /process?git-url={git-url}&branch={branch}
    • git-url: git url to the target system.
    • branch: tag or branch of the target system.


  • Body(Json)
    • time: Project Runtime.
    • vul: Vulnerabilities Detected.
    • vul_cnt: Count of the detected vulnerabilities.

Docker build

You should fully generate the cache (old-new-funcs and bloomFilter) before building the docker.

docker build .


We use lazy caching technique (generate the cache vector when the vulnerability and patch function are needed) instead of generate vectors of all vulnerability and patch functions in advance in Trace component to accelerate the experiments, making the first run of FIRE might slower than expected. However, in production environment, all the vectors of vulnerability and patch function should generate in advance. So please run again to get the actual run speed.

The experiments are conducted on a machine with a 3.40 GHz Intel i7-13700k processor and 48 GB of RAM, running on ArchLinux with Linux Zen Kernel (Appendix C). Please adjust the max process in each component to avoid crashes according to your experiments environments.


Siyue Feng, Yueming Wu, Wenjie Xue, Sikui Pan, Deqing Zou, Yang Liu and Hai Jin. 2024. FIRE: Combining Multi-Stage Filtering with Taint Analysis for Scalable Recurring Vulnerability Detection. In Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security ’24), August 14–16, 2024, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown in Philadelphia, PA, USA, 18 pages.

If you use our dataset or source code, please kindly cite our paper:

  author={Feng, Siyue and Wu, Yueming and Xue, Wenjie and Pan, Sikui and Zou, Deqing and Liu, Yang and Jin, Hai},
  booktitle={33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security ’24)}, 
  title={FIRE: Combining Multi-Stage Filtering with Taint Analysis for Scalable Recurring Vulnerability Detection}, 

Support or Contact

FIRE is developed in the National Engineering Research Center for Big Data Technology and System, Services Computing Technology and System Lab, Hubei Key Laboratory of Distributed System Security, Hubei Engineering Research Center on Big Data Security, Cluster and Grid Computing Lab, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China by Siyue Feng (, Yueming Wu (, Wenjie Xue (, Sikui Pan (, Deqing Zou (, Yang Liu (, and Hai Jin (


FIRE: Combining Multi-Stage Filtering with Taint Analysis for Scalable Recurring Vulnerability Detection.






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