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Create Alchemy SQL BE

Getting started

  1. Clone your repo down and run npm i to install dependencies.
  2. Change all the files in the data directory to match the data model of your app. (If you skip this step, you will end up with bessie, jumpy, and spot at GET /animals.)
  3. Run heroku create
  4. Run npm run setup-heroku to create a heroku SQL database in the cloud to go with your heroku app.
  5. Run heroku config:get DATABASE_URL to get your heroku sql database url from the cloud.
  6. Put the database URL in your .env file, under DATABASE_URL. (Don't forget to changge the file name from .env-example to .env!)
  7. Run npm run setup-db
  8. Run npm run start:watch to start the dev server
  9. Routes are in lib/app.js, not in server.js. This is so our tests will not launch a server every time.

HARD MODE: Override default queries

// OPTIONALLY pass in new queries to override defaults

const authRoutes = createAuthRoutes({
    selectUser(email) {
        return client.query(`
            SELECT id, email, hash
            FROM users
            WHERE email = $1;
        ).then(result => result.rows[0]);
    insertUser(user, hash) {
        return client.query(`
            INSERT into users (email, hash)
            VALUES ($1, $2)
            RETURNING id, email;
        [, hash]
        ).then(result => result.rows[0]);