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List of Experiments

Experiment 1 Exploration of WEKA tool for Regression task.
Experiment 2 Exploration of WEKA tool for Classification task.
Experiment 3 Exploration of WEKA tool for Clustering task.
Experiment 4 Write a python program to import and export data using Pandas and show the details of the dataset like number of rows, columns, first five rows, size, number of missing values, sum, average, min and max values from the numerical columns.
Experiment 5 Using Python language do the exploratory data analysis of dataset imported in the lab 4.
Experiment 6 Implement the missing value, and outlier handling data preprocessing techniques on the dataset imported in lab 4 or any other dataset.
Experiment 7 Implement feature scaling and one hot encoding data preprocessing techniques on the dataset imported in lab 4 or any other dataset.
Experiment 8 Implement Dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method.
Experiment 9 Implement different techniques of handling imbalanced data.
Experiment 10 Write a Python program to demonstrate various Data Visualization Techniques using Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries.

Note:- Refer to file in folder for documentation