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Weather - Forecast


Build Statuscodecov
License API
This repository is a weather application to display the current weather ☔ at the user’s location and a 5-day forecast using the Open Weather API as well as photos of a saved location from The Flickr API

✨Application Features:

This app enable users to:

  • See the weather details as well as a 5 days forecast of their current location
  • Search and save locations as favorite
  • View public photos of a saved location
  • delete or refresh weather details of a saved location.
Home (Dark Theme) Home (Light Theme)
Saved Locations (Dark Theme) (Light Theme)
Screen Recording

Tech-stack used 🛠

Tech Tools Usage/Purpose
Kotlin Language
Jetpack Compose UI creation library
Compose Navigation Navigate between Compose Screen
Compose Paging Managing multiple pages of data
Coil 🖼️ Image Loading Library
Coroutines 🧵 Asynchronous Programming
StateFlow Observable Data and state holder
Dependency injection with Hilt 💉 Dependency Injection Library
Retrofit 🌐 Used for Networking
OkHTTP 🌐 HTTP Client required by Retrofit Library for Networking
Kotlinx Serialization 🌐 Use to serialize and deserialize Kotlin objects to JSON
Kotlin Gradle ⚙️ All the gradle files are written in pure kotlin
AndroidX Android library for core functionalities
ViewModel Manage data and UI State in lifecycle-aware fashion
Room DB 💾 For local data storage
android-maps-compose Show saved locations on the Map


Testing Tools Usage/Purpose
Junit Unit Testing
Mockk Data Mocking
Truth Unit Testing
Turbine Flow Testing

Other Tools/Project setup

Tools Usage/Purpose
Gradle secrets plugin A Gradle plugin for providing your secrets to your Android project
Hilt(DI) Dependency Injection Library
Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) code generation for Room and Hilt libraries
Timber For local Logging
Lottie Compose Icon and images animations
Gradle version catalogs Gradle Dependencies management
Spotless For Code formatting check how to setup

Other Tools

Workflow Tools Usage/Purpose
Bitrise For CI/CD
Fastlane Local gradle tasks automation
jacoco For code coverage reporting generation
codecov Code coverage reporting - Get Code Coverage Insights Directly in the CI/CD Workflow

This App is based on the MVVM architecture and the Repository pattern, which follows the Google's official architecture guidance.

  • Each layer follows unidirectional event/data flow; the UI layer emits user events to the data layer, and the data layer exposes data as a stream to other layers.
  • The data layer is designed to work independently of other layers and must be pure, which means it doesn't have any dependencies on the other layers.

With this loosely coupled architecture, it increases the usability of components and scalability of the app

Development Setup ⚙️ and Pre-requisite 📝

The Project uses 2 api :

  1. OpenWeather API 🔑 for Weather Data and.
  2. The Flickr API 🔑 to fetch paginated photos of a give location
  3. Google Maps API key 🔑

⚙️ Setup Weather Data API

This project fetches weather data from the OpenWeather API.
To begin the setup, you'll need to create an account and get a free API key.

  1. Create an account at
  2. Go to settings from the profile icon
  3. Click on API
  4. Click on Create

⚙️ Setup Location Public Photos Data API

This project fetches photos data from The Flickr API.
To begin the setup, you'll need to create an account and get a free API key. How to create your Flickr API keys, go to Flickr

  1. Create an Application - You will first need to create an application. Click on “create your first”.
  2. Request an API Key - Then, make a request for an API key by clicking on “Request an API Key - check this guide with visuals

⚙️ Setup Google Maps API key 🔑

  1. Get a Maps API key

in your you will need to add your API keys and copy the urls for the two apis

#Insert at ~/

OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID = <insert your OperWeather API Key>

FLICKR_API_KEY = <insert your Flickr API Key>

#Maps API Key
MAPS_API_KEY = <insert YOUR Maps >

This project uses the Hilt for dependency Injection. After opening this project in your Android Studio you might get some error which is due unavailability of a few classes. You need to make a project or try to build the project, this will generate all the required classes for Hilt.


  • Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 1
  • JDK 17

Sample Apk

Weather Forecast Apk

Weather - ForecastApp
Copyright (c) 2023 Awesome Jim ( 

 This App is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). 
 See the [license]( for more information.