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Persian Text Search Engine - Information Retrieval Project

This repository contains the final project for an Information Retrieval (IR) course, focused on developing a search engine for Persian text. The project demonstrates essential steps in building a search engine, including text tokenization, normalization, stemming, and ranking based on TF-IDF weighted cosine similarity.


The aim of this project is to develop a search engine capable of indexing and retrieving Persian language news articles. The search engine uses common information retrieval techniques such as:

  • Tokenization: Breaking down text into individual words or tokens.
  • Text Normalization: Ensuring consistency in the text data by removing or standardizing punctuation, spacing, and numbers.
  • Stemming: Reducing words to their root forms, which helps in recognizing different forms of the same word.
  • TF-IDF: Calculating the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) score to weigh the importance of terms in each document.
  • Cosine Similarity: Ranking documents by calculating the cosine similarity between the search query and the document vectors.


1. Data Loading

  • The search engine processes a JSON file (IR_data_news.json) that contains Persian news articles, including fields like:
    • content: The body of the news article.
    • title: The title of the news article.
    • url: A link to the original source of the article.

2. Text Preprocessing

  • Tokenization: The tokenize() function splits the text into tokens while handling special Persian punctuation and grammar rules, preparing the text for indexing.
  • Normalization: The TextNormalizer class handles:
    • Removing punctuation.
    • Correcting spacing issues, especially around Persian verb prefixes and suffixes.
    • Translating Arabic numerals to Persian numerals.
    • Ensuring consistent formatting across the dataset.

3. Stemming

  • Using the parsivar library, stemming is applied to reduce words to their base or root form, which is crucial for improving search accuracy by grouping similar words together.

4. Search Functionality

  • Inverted Index: The core of the search engine is an inverted index that maps terms (tokens) to the documents in which they appear.
  • TF-IDF: Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is used to weigh the terms based on how important they are to a particular document, while discounting terms that appear too frequently across the corpus.
  • Cosine Similarity: The cosine similarity score is computed between the query and each document's vector representation (using TF-IDF weights), ensuring the ranking of documents based on their relevance to the query.

5. Query Handling

  • Users can input search queries in Persian, and the engine returns the most relevant documents (news articles) from the dataset.
  • Top-K Results: The engine returns the top-K most relevant documents by calculating the cosine similarity between the query and document vectors, using TF-IDF weighting for terms. The higher the cosine similarity, the more relevant the document is to the query.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd IR-SearchEngine
  2. Place the data file (IR_data_news.json) in the project root directory.


  1. Running the Search Engine:

    • Open and run the Jupyter notebook (IR_Final_Proj_9931045.ipynb).
    • The notebook will:
      • Load and preprocess the Persian news articles.
      • Build an inverted index.
      • Compute TF-IDF scores for each term.
      • Handle user queries and return the top search results based on cosine similarity between the query and document vectors.
  2. Example Queries:

    • You can input queries in Persian to search the dataset and retrieve relevant articles along with their titles and URLs.


The following libraries are used in this project:

  • parsivar: A library for Persian language processing (tokenization, stemming).
  • numpy: For numerical operations and data manipulation.
  • collections: For building efficient data structures like inverted indexes.
  • re: Regular expressions for text pattern matching.

Install them using:

pip install parsivar numpy


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