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NAL Parser & Interpreter

A parser and interpreter for a text-based gaming language (Neill’s Adventure Language).

Test .nal files are included in the test-nal-files folder with escape211.nal being the most complex.

To compile:

make -f

.nal files can then be parsed by

./parse filename.nal

And interpreted by

./interp filename.nal


The formal grammar for NAL is detailed below:

<PROGRAM> := "{" lt;INSTRS> <INSTRS> := "}" | <INSTRUCT> <INSTRS> <INSTRUCT> := <FILE> | <ABORT> | <INPUT> | <IFCOND> | <INC> | <SET> | <JUMP> | <PRINT> | <RND>

The individual commands are covered in more detail below.

Execute the instructions in file, then return here e.g. : FILE "test1.nal"

   <FILE> := "FILE" <STRCON>

Halt/abort all execution right now!

   <ABORT> := "ABORT"

Fill a number−variable with a number, or 2 string−variables with string: IN2STR ( $C, $ZER ) or INNUM ( %NV )

   <INPUT> := "IN2STR" "(" <STRVAR> "," <STRVAR> ")" | "INNUM" "(" <NUMVAR> ")"

Jump to the nth word in this file (the first word is number zero!) Brackets count as one word, "things in quotes" count as one word, e.g. : JUMP 5

   <JUMP> := "JUMP" <NUMCON>

Output the value of variable, or constant, to screen with (without a linefeed)


Set a variable to a random number in the range 0 − 99 e.g. : RND ( %N ) Number should be seeded via the clock to be different on successive executions

   <RND> := "RND" "(" <NUMVAR> ")"

If condition/test is true, execute INSTRS after brace, else skip braces


   <IFEQUAL> := "IFEQUAL" "(" <VARCON> "," <VARCON> ")"


Add 1 to a number−variable e.g. : INC ( %ABC )

   <INC> := "INC" "(" <NUMVAR> ")"

Set a variable. All variables are GLOBAL, and persist across the use of FILE etc. $A = "Hello" or %B = 17.6

   <SET> := <VAR> "=" <VARCON>

Some other helpful variable/constant rules: (Here ROT18 is ROT13 for letters and rot5 for digits)

   <VARCON> := <VAR> | <CON>

   <VAR> := <STRVAR> | <NUMVAR>

   <CON> := <STRCON> | <NUMCON>

   <STRVAR> := $[A−Z]+

   <NUMVAR> := %[A−Z]+

   <STRCON> := A plain−text string in double−quotes.
    e.g. "HELLO.TXT", or a ROT18 string in hashes e.g. #URYYB.GKG#

   <NUMCON> := A number e.g. 14.301


A parser and interpreter for a text-based gaming language.







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