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V-Chat is a Social Media App like Instagram / Twitter where user can share posts and learnings.

How to run the app locally?

$ git clone
$ cd V-Chat
$ npm install
$ npm start

Screens in this project

  • Authentication (Login, Signup) Pages
  • My Profile Page
  • Home Page
  • Explore Page
  • Bookmarks Page
  • 404 (Not Found) Page


  • Authentication using JWT along with form validation for Login and Signup Pages.
  • All the pages except Login and SignUp are protected and can only be accessed after login.
  • User can create a post, edit and delete their post from home screen.
  • Images, Videos and Emoji's can also be added to the Post.
  • User can add comment on any post and can edit / delete their comment on any post.
  • User can also reply on comment given by other user's on their post.
  • User can like or unlike any post.
  • User can add or remove posts from bookmarks.
  • In Home Page user can see their posts and the posts of friends followed by user.
  • Trending and Latest Feature for posts are also implemented where user can sort the posts based on maximum likes and by date.
  • Explore Page where all the posts will be visible for all users on the platform.
  • Bookmarks Page where all the posts bookmarked by user will be visible.
  • User can follow or unfollow other users.
  • Profile Page where user can edit their profile. It contains details like Avatar, Bio and Portfolio URL.
  • User can view the profile of other users as well.
  • Search Functionality with search suggestions.
  • Suggestions with Follow Button on all pages.
  • Loader is shown while the posts are fetched.
  • Alerts in the app to notify the users about success/failure operations.
  • Toogle between Light and Dark Themes.

Tech Stack and Tools

  • React + Redux Toolkit
  • React Router v6
  • Chakra UI
  • Git For Version Control
  • Netlify for Deployment
  • Cloudinary for Image and Video Storage

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