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Simple TON Auction

This project implements simplified English & Dutch Auctions if Free TON smart contracts.

System consists of 3 contracts:

  • SimpleRoot (aka Auction deployer)
  • SimpleAuction (Auction itself)
  • DeBot (Auction iterface)

Sample Root in Devnet 0:0eb6fef10aa7f2496c8f43c5b120ae01a2f0661508184b98b9b0c8f44052b709

Sample DeBot in Devnet 0:ed64f712d1c8e263cbaf338944f1a78e8beaa3acc5534c57e759471a342a4868


Setup Auction contract image in constructor while deploying contract.

Call CreateAuction(description, startPrice, auctionDuration) to deploy new Auction contract. Returns Auction address.

English auction

It is default auction type in SimpleAuction.sol

Bids should be made directly by transfering funds to Auction contract. Auction stores 2 latest bids and automaticully refunds previous bids.

Once auction is finished it can deploy new contract or perform any action, the system is flexible and easy to modify.


  • Money transfer - place Bid
  • Finish() - mark auction as finished. Call this function when time for bids ended
  • Withdraw(address dest) - withdraw the earned amount

Dutch auction (reversed auction)

It is optional partially implemented auction type in DutchAuction.sol

In this type of auction, seller should lower price until somebody places bid.

Bids are submitted in the same way as in the English auction, via common transfers.

Auction created with StartPrice and MinPrice. MinPrice - the minimum price to which the bid price can drop.


  • Money transfer - place Bid
  • ReducePrice(value) - reduce price by amount
  • Finish() - mark auction as finished. Call this function when time for bids ended
  • Withdraw(address dest) - withdraw the earned amount


Tests are made using mocha. To run project on local Node SE:

  • Start docker with tonos
  • Compile contracts (easiest way is to use TONDev extension in VS Code, jsut right click on .sol files and click Compile)
  • Pack contracts test:pack
  • Run tests test:common


DeBot allows users to interact with Auctions and deploy new Auctions.

DeBot is not finished yet, but you still can create new auctions using it.

Deploy DeBot

  • Change Root address in file debot.test.ts
  • Compile & pack contracts
  • Run test:debot

Use DeBot

  • Connect to it using tonos-cli --url debot fetch <addr>
  • Create new Auction (press 2)
  • Enter all data
  • Interact with auction (press 1)


  • Compile contracts (easiest way is to use TONDev extension in VS Code, jsut right click on .sol files and click Compile)
  • Pack contracts test:pack
  • Deploy to devnet test:deploy
  • Follow instruction in console:
    • Transfer funds to Root address
    • Transfer funds to DeBot address
  • Save keys & you are breathtaking


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