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Minimalistic and tiny color manipulation library

Dependency-free. Only 2.8 KB (minified + gzipped). Internally works with HSL colors. Inspired by various other color libraries.

Table of Contents


Install nanocolor via npm:

npm install --save nanocolor-hsl

Then import it in your project:

import nanocolor from 'nanocolor-hsl';

Or include the files via <script> tag:

<script src="node_modules/nanocolor/dist/nanocolor.min.js"></script>


const color = nanocolor('#ff9900').lighten(50).shift(150).desaturate().hex;
console.log(color); // -> #93e3ec

Also check the demo in the demo directory.



The nanocolor constructor can be called with hex color strings, RGB values or nanocolor instances:

  • nanocolor('#112233') or
  • nanocolor('#123') or
  • nanocolor(17, 34, 51) or
  • nanocolor(instance)

Instance Fields and Methods

Computed Fields

  • instance.isDark: Returns a boolean whether or not the color is considered dark.
  • instance.isLight: Returns a boolean whether or not the color is considered light.
  • instance.hex: Returns a hex color string representing the color, e.g. #112233.
  • instance.hsl: Returns an object with the color's channels in the HSL space, e.g. { h: 100, s: 50, l: 25 }.
  • instance.rgb: Returns an object with the color's channels in the RGB space, e.g. { r: 255, g: 100, b: 0 }.

Chainable Methods

These methods can be chained (i.e. they return the nanocolor instance). For example: instance.lighten().saturate()

  • instance.grayscale(perceived = true): Transforms the color to grayscale. Only sets saturation to zero if perceived is false.
  • instance.invert(): Inverts the color.
  • instance.darken(factor = 30): Darkens the color. Factor is optional (0 <= factor <= 100).
  • instance.lighten(factor = 30): Lightens the color. Factor is optional (0 <= factor <= 100).
  • instance.saturate(factor = 30): Saturates the color. Factor is optional (0 <= factor <= 100).
  • instance.desaturate(factor = 30): Desaturates the color. Factor is optional (0 <= factor <= 100).
  • instance.shift(amount): Shifts the HSL hue of the color by the given amount, e.g. from red to green. Amount is an integer usually in the range -360 <= amount <= 360.
  • instance.mix(color, opacity = 50): Mixes the current color with the given color. The new color is applied with the given opacity i.e. percentage (0 <= opacity <= 100).

Other Methods

  • instance.equals(color): Returns a boolean whether or not the color equals the given color. color can be a hex color string or a nanocolor instance.
  • Compares the given color (hex string or nanocolor instance) to the current instance. Returns 0 if the colors are equal, and -1 or 1 otherwise. Hue is compared first, then lightness, and then saturation. Also see nanocolor.sort(array).
  • instance.clone(): Returns a clone of the current instance.
  • instance.format(opacity): Returns a string representation for CSS, e.g. rgb(1, 2, 3) or, when opacity is given, rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.42).

Static Methods

  • nanocolor.isValid(colorString): Checks if the given colorString is a valid hex color string.
  • nanocolor.random(): Returns a completely random color.
  • nanocolor.random(hue): Returns a random color with the given HSL hue (0 <= hue <= 360), e.g. variations of green or red.
  • nanocolor.gradient(from, to, steps): Creates a gradient between the two colors from and to (hex strings or nanocolor instances). steps specifies how many color steps the gradient should have (steps >= 2). Returns an array of nanocolor instances.
  • nanocolor.sort(array): Returns an array of sorted nanocolor instances based on the given array. Sorting is done by comparing hue first, then lightness, and then saturation.