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Processing Inbound Email

Andrew Theken edited this page Jan 16, 2015 · 3 revisions

The Postmark API provides powerful features to process inbound messages. You can use PostmarkClient to retrieve these messages.

Get Inbound Messages:

$client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");

$matchedInboundMessages = $client->
	getInboundMessages(100, 0, "", 
	"Reply to this message verify your email address.");

Get A Single Inbound Message:

$client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");

$inboundMessageId = "a message id";
$inboundMessage = $client->getInboundMessageDetails($inboundMessageId);

Bypass Inbound Rule for Message:

(See our developer documentation on Inbound Rules for more information.)

$client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");

$inboundMessageId = "a message id";
$bypassResult = $client->bypassInboundMessageRules($inboundMessageId);