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More precise value analysis of neg, add, sub
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xavierleroy committed Jul 19, 2024
1 parent 9449802 commit 9876946
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 17 deletions.
169 changes: 152 additions & 17 deletions backend/ValueDomain.v
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Expand Up @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ Proof.
intros. apply vmatch_ifptr. intros. subst v. inv H; eapply pmatch_top'; eauto.

(** Some properties about [is_uns] and [is_sgn]. *)
(** Some properties of [is_uns] and [is_sgn]. *)

Lemma is_uns_mon: forall n1 n2 i, is_uns n1 i -> n1 <= n2 -> is_uns n2 i.
Expand All @@ -626,6 +626,17 @@ Definition usize := Int.size.

Definition ssize (i: int) := Int.size (if i then Int.not i else i) + 1.

Lemma usize_pos: forall n, 0 <= usize n.
unfold usize; intros. generalize (Int.size_range n); lia.

Lemma ssize_pos: forall n, 0 < ssize n.
unfold ssize; intros.
generalize (Int.size_range (if n then Int.not n else n)); lia.

Lemma is_uns_usize:
forall i, is_uns (usize i) i.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -709,7 +720,18 @@ Proof.
apply Int.sign_ext_widen; lia.

Hint Resolve is_uns_mon is_sgn_mon is_uns_sgn is_uns_usize is_sgn_ssize : va.
Lemma is_uns_wordsize: forall i, is_uns Int.zwordsize i.
intros; red; intros. lia.

Lemma is_sgn_wordsize: forall i, is_sgn Int.zwordsize i.
intros; red; intros. f_equal. lia.

Hint Resolve is_uns_mon is_sgn_mon is_uns_sgn is_uns_usize is_sgn_ssize
is_uns_wordsize is_sgn_wordsize usize_pos ssize_pos : va.

Lemma is_uns_1:
forall n, is_uns 1 n -> n = \/ n =
Expand All @@ -719,6 +741,57 @@ Proof.
rewrite Int.bits_zero. destruct (zeq i 0). subst i; auto. apply H; lia.

Lemma is_uns_range: forall z n,
0 <= n -> 0 <= z < two_p n -> is_uns n (Int.repr z).
intros; red; intros. rewrite Int.testbit_repr by auto.
replace z with (z mod two_p n) by auto using Zmod_small.
rewrite Ztestbit_mod_two_p by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto.

Lemma range_is_uns: forall i n,
0 <= n -> is_uns n i -> 0 <= Int.unsigned i < two_p n.
intros. destruct (zlt n Int.zwordsize).
- apply is_uns_zero_ext in H0; auto.
rewrite <- H0. rewrite Int.zero_ext_mod by lia.
auto using Z_mod_lt, two_p_gt_ZERO.
- assert (Int.modulus <= two_p n).
{ rewrite Int.modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone. generalize Int.wordsize_pos; lia. }
generalize (Int.unsigned_range i). lia.

Lemma is_sgn_range: forall z n,
0 < n -> -(two_p (n - 1)) <= z < two_p (n - 1) -> is_sgn n (Int.repr z).
intros. destruct (zlt n Int.zwordsize); [destruct (zlt z 0) | ].
- red; intros.
set (z' := Z.pred (Z.opp z)).
assert (A: Int.repr z' = Int.not (Int.repr z)).
{ rewrite Int.not_neg. apply Int.eqm_samerepr.
unfold z'. replace (Z.pred (-z)) with ((-z) + (-1)) by lia.
apply Int.eqm_add. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_r. apply eqmod_neg. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr.
apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr. }
assert (U: is_uns (n - 1) (Int.repr z')).
{ apply is_uns_range; lia. }
assert (V: forall m, 0 <= m < Int.zwordsize -> m >= n - 1 ->
Int.testbit (Int.repr z) m = true).
{ intros. apply negb_false_iff. rewrite <- Int.bits_not by auto. rewrite <- A. apply U; auto. }
rewrite ! V by lia. auto.
- apply is_uns_sgn with (n - 1). apply is_uns_range; lia. lia.
- eauto with va.

Lemma range_is_sgn: forall i n,
0 < n -> is_sgn n i -> -(two_p (n - 1)) <= Int.signed i < two_p (n - 1).
intros. destruct (zlt n Int.zwordsize).
- apply is_sgn_sign_ext in H0; auto. rewrite <- H0. apply Int.sign_ext_range; lia.
- assert (Int.half_modulus <= two_p (n - 1)).
{ rewrite Int.half_modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone. generalize Int.wordsize_pos; lia. }
generalize (Int.signed_range i). unfold Int.min_signed, Int.max_signed. lia.

(** Tracking leakage of pointers through arithmetic operations.
In the CompCert semantics, arithmetic operations (e.g. "xor") applied
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -984,17 +1057,6 @@ Qed.

Hint Resolve vge_uns_uns' vge_uns_i' vge_sgn_sgn' vge_sgn_i' : va.

Lemma usize_pos: forall n, 0 <= usize n.
unfold usize; intros. generalize (Int.size_range n); lia.

Lemma ssize_pos: forall n, 0 < ssize n.
unfold ssize; intros.
generalize (Int.size_range (if n then Int.not n else n)); lia.

Lemma vge_lub_l:
forall x y, vge (vlub x y) x.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1567,15 +1629,35 @@ Qed.

(** Integer arithmetic operations *)

Definition neg := unop_int Int.neg.
Definition neg (x: aval) :=
match x with
| I i => I (Int.neg i)
| Sgn p n => sgn p (n + 1)
| _ => ntop1 x

Lemma neg_sound:
forall v x, vmatch v x -> vmatch (Val.neg v) (neg x).
Proof (unop_int_sound Int.neg).
destruct 1; simpl; eauto with va.
assert (A: Int.neg i = Int.repr (- Int.signed i)).
{ intros. apply Int.eqm_samerepr. apply eqmod_neg. apply Int.eqm_sym. apply Int.eqm_signed_unsigned. }
rewrite A.
exploit range_is_sgn; eauto. intros B.
apply vmatch_sgn. apply is_sgn_range. lia.
assert (two_p (n + 1 - 1) = two_p (n - 1) * 2).
{ replace (n + 1 - 1) with ((n - 1) + 1) by lia. apply two_p_is_exp; lia. }

Definition add (x y: aval) :=
match x, y with
| I i, I j => I (Int.add i j)
| I i, Uns p n | Uns p n, I i => uns p (Z.max n (usize i) + 1)
| I i, Sgn p n | Sgn p n, I i => sgn p (Z.max n (ssize i) + 1)
| Uns p1 n1, Uns p2 n2 => uns (plub p1 p2) (Z.max n1 n2 + 1)
| Sgn p1 n1, Sgn p2 n2 => sgn (plub p1 p2) (Z.max n1 n2 + 1)
| Uns p1 n1, Sgn p2 n2 | Sgn p2 n2, Uns p1 n1 => sgn (plub p1 p2) (Z.max (n1 + 1) n2 + 1)
| Ptr p, I i | I i, Ptr p => Ptr (if Archi.ptr64 then poffset p else padd p (Ptrofs.of_int i))
| Ptr p, _ | _, Ptr p => Ptr (poffset p)
| Ifptr p, I i | I i, Ifptr p => Ifptr (if Archi.ptr64 then poffset p else padd p (Ptrofs.of_int i))
Expand All @@ -1587,9 +1669,33 @@ Definition add (x y: aval) :=
Lemma add_sound:
forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.add v w) (add x y).
assert (UNS: forall n i m j,
0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> is_uns n i -> is_uns m j ->
is_uns (Z.max n m + 1) (Int.add i j)).
{ intros. apply range_is_uns in H1; auto. apply range_is_uns in H2; auto.
apply is_uns_range. lia.
assert (two_p n <= two_p (Z.max n m)) by (apply two_p_monotone; lia).
assert (two_p m <= two_p (Z.max n m)) by (apply two_p_monotone; lia).
assert (two_p (Z.max n m + 1) = two_p (Z.max n m) * 2) by (apply two_p_is_exp; lia).
lia. }
assert (SGN: forall n i m j,
0 < n -> 0 < m -> is_sgn n i -> is_sgn m j ->
is_sgn (Z.max n m + 1) (Int.add i j)).
{ intros. apply range_is_sgn in H1; auto. apply range_is_sgn in H2; auto.
rewrite Int.add_signed. apply is_sgn_range. lia.
set (p := Z.max n m - 1).
assert (two_p (n-1) <= two_p p) by (apply two_p_monotone; lia).
assert (two_p (m-1) <= two_p p) by (apply two_p_monotone; lia).
assert (two_p (Z.max n m + 1 - 1) = two_p p * 2).
{ replace (Z.max n m + 1 - 1) with (p + 1) by lia. apply two_p_is_exp; lia. }
lia. }
assert (SGN2: forall n i m j,
0 < n -> 0 < m -> is_sgn n i -> is_sgn m j ->
is_sgn (Z.max n m + 1) (Int.add j i)).
{ intros. rewrite Z.max_comm; eauto. }
intros. unfold Val.add, add. destruct Archi.ptr64.
- inv H; inv H0; constructor.
- inv H; inv H0; constructor;
- inv H; inv H0; eauto with va.
- inv H; inv H0; eauto with va; constructor;
((apply padd_sound; assumption) || (eapply poffset_sound; eassumption) || idtac).
apply pmatch_lub_r. eapply poffset_sound; eauto.
apply pmatch_lub_l. eapply poffset_sound; eauto.
Expand All @@ -1598,6 +1704,11 @@ Qed.
Definition sub (v w: aval) :=
match v, w with
| I i1, I i2 => I (Int.sub i1 i2)
| I i, Uns p n | Uns p n, I i => sgn p (Z.max (n + 1) (ssize i) + 1)
| I i, Sgn p n | Sgn p n, I i => sgn p (Z.max n (ssize i) + 1)
| Uns p1 n1, Uns p2 n2 => sgn (plub p1 p2) (Z.max n1 n2 + 1)
| Sgn p1 n1, Sgn p2 n2 => sgn (plub p1 p2) (Z.max n1 n2 + 1)
| Uns p1 n1, Sgn p2 n2 | Sgn p2 n2, Uns p1 n1 => sgn (plub p1 p2) (Z.max (n1 + 1) n2 + 1)
| Ptr p, I i => if Archi.ptr64 then Ifptr (poffset p) else Ptr (psub p (Ptrofs.of_int i))
| Ptr p, _ => Ifptr (poffset p)
| Ifptr p, I i => if Archi.ptr64 then Ifptr (plub (poffset p) (provenance w)) else Ifptr (psub p (Ptrofs.of_int i))
Expand All @@ -1608,6 +1719,30 @@ Definition sub (v w: aval) :=
Lemma sub_sound:
forall v w x y, vmatch v x -> vmatch w y -> vmatch (Val.sub v w) (sub x y).
assert (UNS: forall n i m j,
0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> is_uns n i -> is_uns m j ->
is_sgn (Z.max n m + 1) (Int.sub i j)).
{ intros. apply range_is_uns in H1; auto. apply range_is_uns in H2; auto.
apply is_sgn_range. lia.
assert (two_p n <= two_p (Z.max n m)) by (apply two_p_monotone; lia).
assert (two_p m <= two_p (Z.max n m)) by (apply two_p_monotone; lia).
replace (Z.max n m + 1 - 1) with (Z.max n m) by lia.
lia. }
assert (SGN: forall n i m j,
0 < n -> 0 < m -> is_sgn n i -> is_sgn m j ->
is_sgn (Z.max n m + 1) (Int.sub i j)).
{ intros. apply range_is_sgn in H1; auto. apply range_is_sgn in H2; auto.
rewrite Int.sub_signed. apply is_sgn_range. lia.
set (p := Z.max n m - 1).
assert (two_p (n-1) <= two_p p) by (apply two_p_monotone; lia).
assert (two_p (m-1) <= two_p p) by (apply two_p_monotone; lia).
assert (two_p (Z.max n m + 1 - 1) = two_p p * 2).
{ replace (Z.max n m + 1 - 1) with (p + 1) by lia. apply two_p_is_exp; lia. }
lia. }
assert (SGN2: forall n i m j,
0 < n -> 0 < m -> is_sgn n i -> is_sgn m j ->
is_sgn (Z.max n m + 1) (Int.sub j i)).
{ intros. rewrite Z.max_comm. eauto. }
intros. unfold Val.sub, sub. destruct Archi.ptr64.
- inv H; inv H0; eauto with va.
- inv H; inv H0; try (destruct (eq_block b b0)); eauto using psub_sound, poffset_sound, pmatch_lub_l with va.
Expand Down

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