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The scope of project is to read, load, and clean test and training data, append data frames and then label them. We have used dplyr package.

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Project Overview:

The project comprises of getting and cleaning data using R programming language. The data set used here is collected using accelerometers from the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. A full description is available at the site where the data was obtained: The objectives of the project are listed as follows:

  • Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
  • Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
  • Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
  • Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names.
  • From the data set in above step, creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.

The data for the project was obtained from:


Step No 1: Getting Features Names and Activity labels

In this step we extracted the feature names and activity labels from features.txt and activity_label.txt and saved them in variables Afeatures(the variables which are measured) and Aactivitylabel(the activities during which features are measured like Standing, Walking etc. They are numbered from 1 to 6, depending on the activity) respectively.

Step No 2: Loading Test data and Train data

The data is divided into testing sets (30%) and training sets (70%). These include files as subject (i.e.participants are named 1 to 30), labels(1-6) and data readings for both test and training data.

Step No 3: Combining Test and Train data frames

The data set from Step 2 are now combined and formed first dataframe with test and train observations together.

Step No 4: Naming columns of combined dataframes in Step No 3:

In this step we have given desccriptive names to our data frame

Step No 5: Adding Activity and Subject to complete the dataframe

This step yields a final master data frame.

Step No 6: Extracting data of Mean and Std

As per instructions we have to extract Mean and Std observations from data frame for further calucations

Step No 7: Grouping by Activity and Subject

We are required to group by the subject and then activity.


Afeatures = The variables which are measured

Aactivitylabel = Activity labels (1 WALKING , 2 WALKING_UPSTAIRS , 3 WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS , 4 SITTING , 5 STANDING , 6 LAYING)

subjecttest , subjecttrain = Subjects for test and train data sets.

test , train = Observations for test and train data sets.

testlabel, trainlabel = labels for test and train data sets.

subjecttraintest = Combined dataframe of Subjects of test and train data sets

traintestlabel = Combined dataframe of Labels of test and train data sets

traintest = Combined dataframe of Observations of test and train data sets

completetraintest = Final Master data frame

xy = dataframe of observations of "Activity","Subject","mean","std"

yL = data frame grouped by Activity and then Subject


The scope of project is to read, load, and clean test and training data, append data frames and then label them. We have used dplyr package.







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