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Europe Crime Analysis Dashboard 🕵️‍♂️🔍📊

Welcome to the Europe Crime Analysis Dashboard! This Power BI dashboard provides comprehensive insights into crime trends across Europe, enabling users to understand and analyze various aspects of reported crimes.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 📈

  • Total Crimes: Sum of all reported crimes in the dataset.
  • Total Resolved and Unresolved Crimes: Distinction between resolved and unresolved crimes, offering an overview of the overall resolution rate.

Crime Distribution Analysis 📅

  • Crime Distribution by Year and Yearly Changes: Analysis of crimes categorized by year, including insights into the year-over-year changes.
  • Crimes by Time Range (3:00 AM to 5:59 AM): Exploration of crime occurrences within specific time intervals, providing a detailed breakdown.
  • Hitmap Showing Crime Distribution by Weekdays and Months: Visualization using a hitmap to illustrate how crimes are distributed across weekdays and months.
  • Identification of the Most Dangerous Time of the Day: Exploration to pinpoint the specific periods during the day associated with a higher frequency of crimes.
  • Crimes by Country: Examination of crimes categorized by the country where they occurred.
  • Monthly Crime Trend Analysis: Analysis of the monthly crime trend, accompanied by the percentage variance to highlight fluctuations.

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Happy analyzing! 🕵️‍♂️🔍📊