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ACB Meeting #2

Matias Mora edited this page Feb 17, 2015 · 2 revisions
  • Date: Mo Feb 9th 2015, 15:30 UTC
  • Location: Skype
  • Attendees: Alessandro Caproni, Matthias Fuessling, Matias Mora, Guillermo Gimenez, Jorge Avarias (as CCB Chair)

Pre-meeting Homework

Previous Action Items

  • AI Matthias F.: ACS Workshop advanced track comments addition TODO
  • AI Matias M.: add board members to wiki DONE
  • AI Matias M.: restrict management pages access/edit? Proposal to be discussed (admin sub-repo)
  • AI Matias M.: start wiki page with potential collaboration projects, to be discussed at next ACB meeting DONE (Project Proposals)
  • AI Alessandro: write protocol and membership rules draft TODO
  • AI Guillermo: contact Jonathan and ask about website status DONE (domain registered for 2 years; Jonathan working on page implementation)
  • AI Jorge I.: add community training material based on past ACS Workshop courses TODO
  • AI All: add e-mail address to github profile TODO (some)
  • AI All: Identify resources to contribute to web platform not needed right now
  • AI All: contribute to the project proposals wiki once created DONE


  • ACS Community status and update on previews action items.
  • Define community's development priorities within project proposals.
    • Define highest feasibility+impact project(s) to be implemented in the short term.
    • Suggest release plan to CCB.
  • Summary:
  • Action items.
  • Tentative date for next meeting.


  • Review of past action items (see comments above).

  • Summary of first CCB meeting by Jorge A.

  • Discussion of project proposals. Assigning relative priority to each.

  • Reorganize ACS distribution

    • Third-party packages already downloaded and patched in the github version
    • Jorge A.: some past UTFSM projects worked on related topics
    • Alessandro: working on removing some tools that are shipped with the OS
    • Matthias F.: CTA is producing RPMs and can share this
    • Matias M.: summer student at ALMA SCO is working on a design and prototype of the community buildfarm
  • Port ACS to RHEL/CentOS 7

    • RHEL, CentOS, SL have the same binary compatibility level; also same directory structures and same administrative tools
    • SL normally lagging behind in updates, and adds some special CERN patches; however CERN has decided to switch to CentOS starting with version 7.
    • Agreed to use CentOS as official community platform
    • Matthias F.: CTA is interested and working on this (they are currently using SL, but might consider to switch in the future)
  • Port ACS to Java 8

    • Alessandro: ALMA planning to update soon, together with RHEL 6
  • Port ACS to other platforms

    • Need should depend on real interest from users
    • No interest among current users
  • Port ACS to embedded platforms

    • Matthias F.: CTA exploring possibilities of using ARM (normally using OPC UA)
    • Jorge A.: Currently C++ container (and ACS examples) working for Raspberry Pi
    • Although not in use right now, this is important for general ACS usability
    • Potential research projects
  • Extend ACS compatibility for hardware interfacing

    • Important for general ACS usability
    • Guillermo: LLAMA working on RTAI support on CentOS 6, to provide RPMs
    • CCB to gather existing code and provide an easy way for users to share their implementations
  • Profile/audit ACS services and explore alternatives

    • Future decisions to be made based on case analysis/prototypes
    • Potential research projects
  • Provide ACS component code generation for all supported languages

    • Important for ACS general usage; not a high priority for current users
    • Alessandro: not really needed by ALMA, as most component code is already written
    • CCB to gather existing code from past projects
  • Complete BACI implementation for all supported languages

    • Matthias F.: CTA to use Java BACI, and will dedicate resources if needed
    • Alessandro: no interest for ALMA as all BACI components are C++
    • Important for ACS general usage
    • Current status: only a few types supported
  • Provide monitoring database support and access tools

    • Alessandro/Matias M.: ALMA abandoned SQL backend due to performance requirements
    • Matthias F.: active research area at CTA, testing different Blobber DAO backends
    • CCB to gather existing DAO implementations
  • Add generic TMCDB-like support and tools

    • Alessandro: ACS-2015.2 shipping with Khushbu's MySQL implementation as an alternative to hsqldb for testing
    • Alessandro: eventually ALMA will work on the proposed tmcdb-explorer split; to check status with Rafael H.
  • Component call interceptors

    • Important for consistency among languages
    • CCB to review/integrate C++ implementation by Tomas S.
  • Provide asynchronous calls for all supported languages

    • Important for consistency among languages
    • Matthias F.: interest at CTA
    • Need to find out status of C++ and Java
  • Complete Python API to match other languages' capabilities

    • Important for consistency among languages
    • More information needed to know what needs to be completed
  • Development tools

    • Important for general ACS usability
    • Matthias F.: interesting for CTA, specially testing environments
  • AI Matias M.: iterate project notes and comments with the board and issue a public announcement

  • AI All: seek resources for high priority projects

  • AI Matthias F.: ACS Workshop advanced track comments addition

  • AI Matias M.: create admin sub-repo to have a read-only wiki area for certain topics, only editable by board members

  • AI Jorge I.: add e-mail address to github profile

  • AI Alessandro: add e-mail address to github profile

  • AI Guillermo: follow up on web page status with Jonathan; inform the board if help is needed to make progress

  • AI Jorge I.: add community training material based on past ACS Workshop courses

  • Next meeting: to focus on non-coding community tasks (documentation, infrastructure, etc.)

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