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MatthiasSachs committed Oct 27, 2023
1 parent 27da9f6 commit 86e340a
Showing 1 changed file with 161 additions and 3 deletions.
164 changes: 161 additions & 3 deletions src/iterator.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ using JuLIP.Potentials: neigsz
using JuLIP: Atoms
# using ACE: BondEnvelope, filter, State, CylindricalBondEnvelope

using ACEbonds.BondCutoffs: AbstractBondCutoff, env_cutoff, env_filter
using ACEbonds.BondCutoffs: AbstractBondCutoff, env_cutoff, env_filter, EllipsoidCutoff

_msort(z1,z2) = (z1<=z2 ? (z1,z2) : (z2,z1)) #TODO: this is hack. Need to either not use it here or define it once across all packages.
enclosing_spherical_cutoff(cutoff::EllipsoidCutoff) = max(cutoff.rcutbond*.5 + cutoff.zcutenv, sqrt((cutoff.rcutbond*.5)^2+ cutoff.rcutenv^2))
enclosing_spherical_cutoff(cutoffs::Dict{Tuple{AtomicNumber,AtomicNumber},CUTOFF}) where {CUTOFF<:AbstractBondCutoff} = maximum(enclosing_spherical_cutoff(c) for c in values(cutoffs))

bonds(at::Atoms, env::AbstractBondCutoff, args...) =
bonds( at, env.rcutbond, env_cutoff(env),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,7 +151,9 @@ Alternatively, indsf can also be of the form of a filter function `atom_filter(i
where both atoms satisfy the filter criterion.
bonds(at::Atoms, rcutbond, rcutenv, env_filter, subset) = FilteredBondsIterator(at, rcutbond, rcutenv, env_filter, subset)

bonds(at::Atoms, cutoff::AbstractBondCutoff, filter=_->true) = FilteredBondsIterator( at, cutoff.rcutbond,
enclosing_spherical_cutoff(cutoff) ,
(r, z) -> env_filter(r, z, cutoff), filter )

* rcutbond: include all bonds (i,j) such that rij <= rcutbond
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,7 +263,7 @@ function _get_bond_env(iter::FilteredBondsIterator, i, j, rrij)
rr = rrq + rri - rrmid
z = dot(rr, ŝ)
r = norm(rr - z * ŝ)
if iter.env_filter(r, z)
if iter.env_filter(r, z) #TODO: by modifying the env_filter function we could allow for species pair-dependent Ellipsoid cutoffs.
push!(Js, Js_i[q])
push!(Rs, rr)
push!(Zs, Zs_i[q])
Expand All @@ -266,3 +273,154 @@ function _get_bond_env(iter::FilteredBondsIterator, i, j, rrij)
return Js, Rs, Zs

struct FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff

* rcutbond: include all bonds (i,j) such that rij <= rcutbond
* `rcutenv`: include all bond environment atoms k such that `|rk - mid| <= rcutenv`
* `env_filter` : `env_filter(r,z,zzi,zzj) == true` if particle `X` is to be included; `false` if to be discarded from the environment
* `subset` : can either be of type Array{<:Int} in which case the bond iterator iterates only over bonds between atom pairs where the indices of both atoms are contained in indsf.
Alternatively, indsf can also be of the form of a filter function `atom_filter(i::Int,at::AbstractAtoms)::Bool`, that returns `true` if bonds to the ith atom
in the configuration `at` are to be included in the iterator, and `false`` otherwise. Consequently, the iterator only iterates over bonds between atom pairs
where both atoms satisfy the filter criterion.
function bonds(at::Atoms, cutoffs::Dict{Tuple{AtomicNumber,AtomicNumber},CUTOFF}, subset::Array{<:Int}) where {CUTOFF<:AbstractBondCutoff}
rcutbond = maximum(cutoff.rcutbond for cutoff in values(cutoffs))
rcutenv = enclosing_spherical_cutoff(cutoffs)
return FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff(at, rcutbond, rcutenv,subset, cutoffs)

function bonds(at::Atoms, cutoffs::Dict{Tuple{AtomicNumber,AtomicNumber},CUTOFF}, filter= _->true) where {CUTOFF<:AbstractBondCutoff}
subset = findall(i->filter(i,at), 1:length(at) )
return bonds(at, cutoffs, subset)

* rcutbond: include all bonds (i,j) such that rij <= rcutbond
* `rcutenv`: include all bond environment atoms k such that `|rk - mid| <= rcutenv`
* `env_filter` : `env_filter(X) == true` if particle `X` is to be included; `false` if to be discarded from the environment
function FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff(at::Atoms, rcutbond::Real, rcutenv::Real, subset::Array{<:Int}, cutoffs)
nlist_bond = neighbourlist(at, rcutbond; recompute=true, storelist=false)
nlist_env = neighbourlist(at, rcutenv; recompute=true, storelist=false)
return FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff(at, nlist_bond, nlist_env, subset, cutoffs)

function FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff(at::Atoms, rcutbond::Real, rcutenv::Real, env_filter, filter)
subset = findall(i->filter(i,at), 1:length(at) )
#@show inds
return FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff(at, rcutbond, rcutenv, env_filter, subset)

function increment(iter::FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff, state)
ic, ib, Js, Rs = state
ib = ib + 1 # increase bond index
if ib > length(Js) # already visited/iterated over all atoms in environment ?
ic = ic + 1 # increase index of center atom
if ic > length(iter.subset) # all relevant center atoms already visited?
return (nothing, ib, Js, Rs) # if yes, done!
ib = 1 # if no start at first atom in next environment
Js, Rs = neigs(iter.nlist_bond, iter.subset[ic])
return (ic, ib, Js, Rs)

function Base.iterate(iter::FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff)
# if none of the atoms satisfy the filter criterion, there is nothing to iterate over
if length(iter.subset) == 0
return nothing
Js, Rs = neigs(iter.nlist_bond, iter.subset[1])
state = (1,0,Js,Rs)
return iterate(iter, state)

function Base.iterate(iter::FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff, state)
ic, ib, Js, Rs = state
Zs =[Js]
# Check whether s must be incremented (jumpt to next centre atom) or nothing left to iterate over
if ic > length(iter.subset) # nothing left to do
return nothing
#println("Before while")
#@show Js
(ic, ib, Js, Rs) = increment(iter, (ic, ib, Js, Rs))
if isnothing(ic)
return nothing
elseif !isempty(Js) && Js[ib] in iter.subset && haskey(iter.cutoffs,_msort([iter.subset[ic]],[Js[ib]])) && norm(Rs[ib]) < iter.cutoffs[_msort([iter.subset[ic]],[Js[ib]])].rcutbond # here we could add a finer filter criterion, e.g. iter.fiter(iter.subset[ic], Js[ib], )
i = iter.subset[ic]
j = Js[ib] # index of neighbour (in central cell)
rrij = Rs[ib] # position of neighbour (in shifted cell) relative to i
# ssj = Rs[q] -[j] # shift of atom j into shifted cell
# @show (i,j)
# now we construct the environment
Js_e, Rs_e, Zs_e = _get_bond_env(iter, i, j, rrij)

return (i, j, rrij, Js_e, Rs_e, Zs_e), (ic, ib, Js, Rs)

function _get_bond_env(iter::FilteredBondsIteratorVarCutoff, i, j, rrij)
# TODO: store temporary arrays
Js_i, Rs_i, Zs_i = neigsz(iter.nlist_env,, i)

rri =[i]
rrmid = rri + 0.5 * rrij
Js = Int[]; sizehint!(Js, length(Js_i) ÷ 4)
Rs = typeof(rrij)[]; sizehint!(Rs, length(Js_i) ÷ 4)
Zs = AtomicNumber[]; sizehint!(Zs, length(Js_i) ÷ 4)

= rrij/norm(rrij)

# find the bond and remember it;
# TODO: this could now be integrated into the second loop
q_bond = 0
for (q, rrq) in enumerate(Rs_i)
# rr = rrq + rri - rrmid
if rrq rrij # TODO: replace this with checking for j and shift!
@assert Js_i[q] == j
q_bond = q
if q_bond == 0
error("the central bond neigbour atom j was not found")

# now add the environment
cutoff = iter.cutoffs[_msort([i],[j])]
for (q, rrq) in enumerate(Rs_i)
# skip the central bond
if q == q_bond; continue; end
# add the rest provided they fall within the provided env_filter
rr = rrq + rri - rrmid
z = dot(rr, ŝ)
r = norm(rr - z * ŝ)
if env_filter(r, z, cutoff) #TODO: by modifying the env_filter function we could allow for species pair-dependent Ellipsoid cutoffs.
push!(Js, Js_i[q])
push!(Rs, rr)
push!(Zs, Zs_i[q])

return Js, Rs, Zs

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