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Avian influenza virus exhibits distinct evolutionary dynamics in wild birds and poultry

This repository contains the data sets supporting the results of the following article:

Fourment M. & Holmes E.C. Avian influenza virus exhibits distinct evolutionary dynamics in wild birds and poultry. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2015, 15:120; doi: 10.1186/s12862-015-0410-5.

Each FASTA file contains a nucleotide alignment:

  • H4-PA.fa, H4-PB1.fa, and H4-PB2.fa contain H4 internal genes isolated from wild birds only.
  • H6-PA.fa, H6-PB1.fa, and H6-PB2.fa contain H6 internal genes isolated from wild birds only.
  • H5-poultry-PA.fa, H5-poultry-PB1.fa, and H5-poultry-PB2.fa contain H5 internal genes isolated from poultry (i.e. turkey and chicken) only.
  • H6-poultry-PA.fa, H6-poultry-PB1.fa, and H6-poultry-PB2.fa contain H6 internal genes isolated from poultry (i.e. turkey and chicken) only.