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Client Configuration

Dustin Davis edited this page Mar 30, 2020 · 9 revisions

The configuration file is in yaml format and defaults to %ProgramData%/gorilla/config.yaml, but alternatively may be passed like this: gorilla.exe -config <path to config>.

url: https://YourWebServer/gorilla/
manifest: example
  - alpha
  - beta
app_data_path: C:/gorilla/cache
auth_user: GorillaRepoUser
auth_pass: pizzaisyummy
tls_auth: true
tls_client_cert: c:/certs/client.pem
tls_client_key: c:/certs/client.key
tls_server_cert: c:/certs/server.pem

Required Keys

  • url is the path on your server that contains the directories for global manifests, catalogs, and packages. (A local file repo can be used by specifying a file:// protocol: url: file://C:/example/gorilla/local/)
  • manifest is the primary manifest that is assigned to this machine.

Optional Keys

  • catalogs is an array of catalogs that are assigned to this machine. If you do not provide a catalog in the config, you must have one in a manifest.
  • app_data_path is Gorilla's working directory, and may store copies of manifests, catalogs, or packages. If app_data_path is not provided, it will default to %ProgramData%/gorilla/.
  • url_packages is an optional base url to be used instead of url when downloading packages.

Basic Auth

  • auth_user is an optional username for http basic auth.
  • auth_pass is an option password for http basic auth.

TLS Auth

  • tls_auth must be true if you are using TLS mutual authentication.
  • tls_client_cert is the absolute path to your client certificate in PEM format.
  • tls_client_key is the absolute path to your client private key in PEM format.
  • tls_server_cert is the absolute path to your server's CA cert in PEM format.