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RED themed version of the Index Eductation well knowed homework app called PRONOTE


  1. In the release tab download the apk
  2. Send it to your android phone
  3. Install it


You may have to uninstall the origin apk and install the new one because the apk is signed with my own key.

You have to do that one time only

Using themes

To use themes

  1. Go to settings
  2. in the Theme name section enters
  • default | For the default red theme
  • pornote | For a pornhub like experience
  • classic | Default Pronote theme (wrong colors tho)



  • JDK11 (for jarsigner)
  • adb (to install/update the app)


Creating a key

  1. create a dist folder: mkdir dist
  2. cd into dist: cd dist
  3. run the command below ONE TIME ONLY
~$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my.keystore -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias app

Congrats! Your key as been created!

Building the apk

  1. cd back into the project's root dir: cd ..
  2. use apktool to build: apktool b

Your app as now been built and is located at dist/REDNOTE.apk


If your android device is rooted you don't need to sign the apk, if it isn't you need to follow the further steps.


  1. cd back into the dist dir: cd dist
  2. sign the apk:
~$ jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my.keystore REDNOTE.apk app

You successfully build & signed the app! You can now install it or share it!

Installing throught adb

  1. Plug in you phone with USB debugging on
  2. Install the app with adb: adb install -r REDNOTE.apk

If it gives any errors, uninstall the app and install it back manually

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