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A tiny timeago component for Vue 3 using date-fns v2.28.


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A time ago component for Vue.js 3 based on vue-timeago for Vue 2 by egoist.

Table of Contents

vue-timeago3 is a tiny component for Vue.js 3, to show the time passed since a specific date. You simply pass a date and get somewhat like 10 seconds ago, 3 weeks ago, ... printed by the component


distance to now result
0 - 5 secs less than 5 seconds ago
5 - 10 secs less than 10 seconds ago
10 - 20 secs less than 20 seconds ago
20 - 40 secs half a minute ago
40 - 60 secs less than a minute ago

See date-fns/formatDistanceToNow for more details.

Visit the docs for more details!

Currently the plugin is available via NPM and Yarn. To install it use one of the two package managers.

// NPM
$ npm install vue-timeago3

// Yarn
$ yarn add vue-timeago3

To register the plugin simply import and register it using the new global vue3 api. As an alternative the plugin could be imported in specific components only.

// src/main.ts
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import timeago from 'vue-timeago3'

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(timeago) // register timeago

Plugin Options

During the registration of the component you can specify a set of options, which will mutate the plugin globally. If you don't want to define global settings, skip this section and use props instead. To use options, simply pass them during the registration as an object:

// src/main.ts
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import timeago from 'vue-timeago3'

const app = createApp(App)
// define options
const timeagoOptions = {
  converterOptions: {
      includeSeconds: false,

app.use(timeago,  timeagoOptions) // register timeago with options

As of version 1.0.0 the following options are available:

option type description
name string Register the component with a custom name. Default is: timeago
locale Locale (see date-fns/Locale) The locale specifies the language which is used to render the date. All available date-fns locales are supported by default.
converter (date, defaultConvertOptions | strictConverterOptions) => string A converter that formats regular dates in x Seconds ago, or in xxx style. Check out the default converter which uses date-fns formatDistanceToNow
defaultConverterOptions Object Pass some extra settings to the default converter mentioned above. It supports the main options of date-fns, namingly:

includeSeconds - boolean - distances less than a minute are more detailed
addSuffix - boolean - results specifies if now is earlier or later than the date passed
useStrict - false - if true you need to use the strictConverterOptions (see below)
strictConverterOptions Object Pass some extra settings to the default converter mentioned above. It supports the main options of date-fns strict converter, namingly:

useStrict - true - needs to be true, otherwise the defaultConverterOptions have to be used (see above)
addSuffix - boolean - results specifies if now is earlier or later than the date passed
unit - second, minute, hour, day, month, year if specified, will force a unit
roundingMethod - floor, ceil, round which way to round partial units (default=round)

Once the plugin is registered you can straight up use it in your app.

Basic usage:

  <timeago :datetime="date"/>

data() {
  return {
    date: '2021-09-01'


Instead of configurating the plugin during the registration, you can also configuate the component via props.

property type required default description
datetime string | Date | number ✔️ The datetime used to calculate the "time ago"
autoUpdate number | boolean false The period of time to update the component, in seconds.
This can be omitted by setting it to 0 or false.

The default value for true is 60(seconds). Instead of passing true you can also pass a custom time.
locale Locale (see date-fns/Locale) en The locale specifies the language which is used to render the date. All available date-fns locales are supported by default.
converter date, defaultConverterOptions | strictConverterOptions) => string See plugin options above
defaultConverterOptions Object See plugin options above
strictConverterOptions Object See plugin options above