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Sebastian Werner edited this page Oct 10, 2012 · 25 revisions


1. Scriptable

Jasy uses a full scripting language to define tasks. This allows the widest flexibility for the developer. Instead of being limited to a configuration like DSL you can interact with data and methods like in a real programming languages (in fact you are writing your tasks in Python 3). Developers are able to modify results of one method and pass the result into a second method. This kind of flexibility allows Jasy being used in a wide array of projects and situations.

2. Projects

Project Dependencies

Each Jasy project is able to define requirements to other projects. These requirements are solved recursively and duplicates (projects with the same name) are filtered out. Projects can also be overridden by projects being higher in the dependency chain.

Custom Project Layout

Jasy supports a set of layouts inside projects. For adding support for the various 3rd party libraries and frameworks Jasy is able to use a custom set of files and is able to files to internal file IDs (basically the exported name of a file e.g. jQuery exports $). There is a Jasy Compat project showcasing how to integrate jQuery, QUnit, Modernizr and Co using a Jasy configuration.

Project Setup Routines

Some projects are using custom build routines which applies some kind of magic to the code before concatting single files (aka adding intro/outro content, patching files with version numbers, etc.). For these cases Jasy is able to define setup routines which should be executed whenever a project is initially used or updated.

Remote Projects

Jasy can automatically clone Git projects by all supported URLs from private and public repositories. It uses so called shallow clones to improve download speed and reduced disk space usage. Jasy is smart enough to update branches automatically on every run (reducing the hassle with typical Git sub modules) while keeping tagged versions in their original state. Switching between versions is as easy as updating the configuration file and pushing the change to that file to the server. All other users of the projects will download the new version of the dependency automatically with the next time they execute Jasy.

Shared Code

Each project in Jasy is able to share actual Python code with other projects. This is conveniently pre-configurd. One only has to add a to the root folder of a project and add the @share decorator to methods which should be shared to the outside. The exported methods will be part of an object called like the project name in the of the including project.

3. Permutations

Supports permutations to fully remove code blocks, classes, assets, translations which are not required for the current build. This can happen via manual configuration e.g. disabling debug or via permutation which basically means to build every possible variant of the original code which is possible. The behavior of this is fully customizable inside the

BTW: Results of all these permutations are also cached individually. And Jasy figures out which file uses which code mutations to not permutate files which are not affected by specific settings.

4. JavaScript


Jasy has deep JavaScript language support through being based on a full-blown parser which itself is based on the mature Spidermonkey parser from Mozilla. Jasy even fully supports upcoming features like generators, array comprehension, etc. of JavaScript 1.8. During that process Jasy generates a easy to process AST. This AST can be used to transform the original code for e.g. API documentation, code formatting, code linting, optimization, etc. Comments are attached to the generated AST nodes during parsing the actual code.


Reliable, automatic dependency analysis for JavaScript is built in. Automatically sorts files by their requirements. Dependency analysis happens with permutations applied (e.g. debug builds might contain classes deployment builds might not contain).


The compressor feature in Jasy removes white space, comments and any formatting from original code using the AST generated by the parser.


The optimizer feature in Jasy processes the AST before passing it to the compressor. It does a lot of things known from other JavaScript compressors as well. Generally speaking it optimizes code in a very stable fashion and results in comparable output file sizes like UglifyJS or Closure Compiler. It out performs YUI Compressor, qooxdoo's generator and other older tools by a wide margin.

In detail this means:

  • Dead code elimination removes unreachable code in if/else blocks, conditional statements ?:, switch/case and AND/OR operators.
  • Supports comparison of hard-coded or permutation added values for boolean, number and string types.
  • Groups single var statements into blocks.
  • Removes needless blocks (with just one statement)
  • Automatically combines strings and numbers (e.g. "Version " + 1.3 => "Version 1.3")
  • Optimizes if(-else) statements with expressions as content
    • Translates if-statements without else using && or || operators
    • Translates if-statements with else using conditional operator ? : (especially worth with returns/assignments)
  • Removes needless else (if previous if-block ends with a return/throw statement)
  • Removes needless parens based on priority analysis on the AST
  • Renames file private variables (starting with double underscore by convention)

5. Assets

The asset feature in Jasy allows for referencing assets (images, fonts, style sheets, ...) via internal IDs instead of URLs or relative paths. This makes adding support for things like CDNs a breeze later on and easily supports different kind of deployment structures.

Image Sprites

Generating and using image sprites (with easy to use client side API to transparently deal with the original file names).

Image Animations

Jasy allows defining and using sprite animations via simple JSON/YAML files (for graphically rich animations).


Copies all assets to bundle them in a self contained application folder. This simplifies deployment by a major extend. All relevant files are locally available after deployment.

6. Localization

Locale Data

The locale support in Jasy is build on the industry standard CLDR data used by Microsoft, Oracle, IBM and Co as well. It contains information about date and number formats, calendars, sorting priorities, etc.

Jasy rebuilds the XML files of each locale into an Jasy-enabled project which is dynamically added during processing the permutations ("locale" is one built-in permutatiomn option).

The classes generated by Jasy are super modular and make use of the dependency handling in Jasy. The application developer is able to just use the e.g. long date format info without the other available information and no additional overhead. All data is exported under the locale namespace.

Locale data is always using a fallback chain. It exports data starting with the defined locale e.g. de_AT and fills in the gaps with a fallback to a language only version e.g. de and the root defintion as the general fallback. This means that all data should basically export somewhat comparable data. Still it might make sense to add some JavaScript classes on top of these raw data classes to make working with the data itself more convenient.

Gettext Translations

Translations via Gettext are pretty much standard in the open source world and are available in many programming languages (PHP, Python, …) and Frameworks. Jasy builds on top of polib to offer an integrated support for translations build on data available in so called po files. Jasy supports the full range of features supported by the PO file format e.g. multi plural forms / rules, context translations, etc.

Translations follow the same logic as locales falling back from full locale de_AT to language de to original text (used in implementation).

Jasy is able to patch the original code with translated strings. This is a pretty powerful feature with a lot of benefits:

  1. Reducing overhead calling methods like tr, trn, etc and this way improving performance.
  2. Reducing data transfer to client (no original text anymore, to map to lookup original text for translation)
  3. Replacing template constructs with %1 etc. into string concats for better performance e.g. "Hello %1" is translated into "Hello " + variable.

Translation features require a client side API offered by the Core Library with these methods:

  •, args)
  • core.locale.Translate.trc(context, message, args)
  • core.locale.Translate.trn(singularMessage, pluralMessage, args)

Use these methods for translating your application together with the infrastructure Jasy offers.

7. Documentation

Jasy is able to generate API data from JavaScript projects. The data could be rendered by the API Browser or any other custom application which is able to read and render JSON files.

Code Dialects

Jasy generates API data from different JavaScript declarations (Core Library, plain JavaScript, …). When using Core Jasy supports the following features:

  • Supports classes, mixins, interfaces, events and properties.
    • Most of these features are not easily available in other libraries than Core but the support for these kind of things is pretty generic and could be extended to support other libraries as well.
  • Supports links to native types like String, Array, etc.
  • Merges polyfills to target classes e.g. String.prototype even if source file is named differently.

Package Documentation

Jasy supports package documentation to allow projects to define introduction documentation for every package/namespace. Just put or into a folder with other JavaScript files and it will be used as package documentation. This package documentation is typically shown when selecting a package (typically visualized as a folder) instead of class/module.


Jasy translates Markdown content into HTML and applies syntax highlighting to code sections. It uses GitHub's extended high performance Sundown Markdown parser and the widely used Pygments for syntax highlighting. Pygments supports alot of other languages than JavaScript, too. So no problem to have PHP example code in your API docs as well.


Support for tags to easily marking classes, modules, methods etc. is built in as well. That's useful for marking properties like deprecated, overridden, new, etc.

8. Web Server

The internal web server allows for easily setting up a local web server to deliver the local Jasy based application to the web browser or remote machines. The propose of this server is to make local development easier.

Multiple Routes

Jasy is able to define different routes to different targets. It's easy to mix local file delivery with remote mirroring under the same server. Each root works on a top level entry point e.g. /github, /s3, /cdn, ...

Proxying / Mirroring

Jasy supports proxying and mirroring remote server requests and using a full offline feature it can also work from cache only without requiring the original mirrored server. This feature is super useful for slow remote servers, for testing machines under different domains (fix CORS issues), etc. The

Mime Types

Jasy's web server comes with a good set of additional mime types to support typical HTML5 features like HTML5 AppCache, web fonts and modern video formats.

9. Scaffolding

For setting up new projects Jasy comes with a pretty powerful scaffolding feature. Scaffolding works like a skeleton or boilerplate project but offers on-top configuration to make that new project directly usable after creation.


Jasy supports modifiying the original code of the skeleton to match the requirements of the new project. It automatically replaces placeholders in all files by the actual values defined via questions or command line parameters.

Custom Setup Routines / Questions

The skeleton is able to define questions for confiuguration. These can be answered interactively during project creation or pre-defined via command line parameters. Questions can also be interactive and fine tune the original skeleton in quite powerful ways. For that Jasy supports a custom for writing down custom code which is executed on the files copied over from the skeleton.

Remote Cloning

New projects can be created by remote hosted projects via Git URLs. Jasy will automatically clone the repository into a new temporary folder and copies over and configures an existing skeleton from this "origin" project.

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