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File metadata and controls

206 lines (158 loc) · 7.24 KB

Creating a Manifest

The central document or response of the Presentation API is the manifest:

"The manifest response contains sufficient information for the client to initialize itself and begin to display something quickly to the user. The manifest resource represents a single object and any intellectual work or works embodied within that object. In particular it includes the descriptive, rights and linking information for the object. It then embeds the sequence(s) of canvases that should be rendered to the user." [Presentation API - Manifest]

URI and preamble

The manifest must have a URI that dereferences to the JSON-LD document. In this example we'll prepare our description so that we can host the data on a local server on port 8000. The URI for the manifest will be http://localhost:8000/jabberwocky/manifest.

The first example program

prezi-api> python

specifies the manifest type (sc:Manifest) and then uses the combination of @context and frame to produce the following output:

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "http://localhost:8000/jabberwocky/manifest",
  "@type": "sc:Manifest"

The line of code:

import context_cache.for_pyld

means that PyLD will use local cached copies of the context and manifest (in cache, index in cache/index.json) instead of requesting them from their internet locations. If you have a network connection you should be able to comment this line with no effect (except execution speed).

Descriptive information

It is important to note that the descriptive information included in the manifest is intended simply for display to the user, it is not a place for structured semantic bibliographic or other metadata (that can be linked to with seeAlso).

In the second program we add a label, a description, and a tagged Author field:

prezi-api> python

but here the output is wrong, we have a single sc:metadataLabels object where we want to have a metadata property with a list of label/value pairs:

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "http://localhost:8000/jabberwocky/manifest",
  "@type": "sc:Manifest",
  "description": "A bad edition of wonderful nonsense.",
  "label": "Jabberwocky",
  "sc:metadataLabels": {
    "@id": "_:b0",
    "label": "Author",
    "value": "Lewis Carroll"

The problem here is that the sc:metadataLabels RDF resource must be and RDF:List of label/value pairs. We can fix this in a third program:

prezi-api> python

which adds a second pair and produces the correct structure:

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "http://localhost:8000/jabberwocky/manifest",
  "@type": "sc:Manifest",
  "description": "A bad edition of wonderful nonsense.",
  "label": "Jabberwocky",
  "metadata": [
      "@id": "_:b1",
      "label": "Author",
      "value": "Lewis Carroll"
      "@id": "_:b0",
      "label": "Published",
      "value": "1871"

Sequence and canvases

At least one sequence must be included in a manifest and it represents the order of the parts of the work, each represented by a canvas. As a first stab we add a single sequence and then two canveses (with no content). The functions ListStart and ListAdd are defined to make list creation a little simpler.

prezi-api> python


  "@context": "",
  "@id": "http://localhost:8000/jabberwocky/manifest",
  "@type": "sc:Manifest",
  "description": "A bad edition of wonderful nonsense.",
  "label": "Jabberwocky",
  "metadata": [
      "@id": "_:b4",
      "label": "Author",
      "value": "Lewis Carroll"
      "@id": "_:b1",
      "label": "Published",
      "value": "1871"
  "sequences": [
      "@id": "_:b2",
      "@type": "sc:Sequence",
      "canvases": [
          "@id": "_:b3",
          "@type": "sc:Canvas"
          "@id": "_:b0",
          "@type": "sc:Canvas"
      "label": "Normal Page Order"


Additions in <> paint an image with a IIIF Image API service onto each of the two canvases for the front and back of the cover page. Since the manifest is getting rather long and we want to server it with CORS headers, it is now written to jabberwocky/manifest.json:

prezi-api> python 
prezi-api> head jabberwocky/manifest.json
  "@context": "",
  "@id": "http://localhost:8000/jabberwocky/manifest.json",
  "@type": "sc:Manifest",
  "description": "A bad edition of wonderful nonsense.",
  "label": "Jabberwocky",
  "metadata": [
      "@id": "_:b2",
      "label": "Author",

Viewing the first page

To set up a server for the static image tiles, run from the images directory:

images> python ../ 8001
Serving HTTP on port 8001 ...

This also sets up HTML pages with plan OpenSeadragon for each image so you can test with, for example, http://localhost:8001/fcr.html.

To set up the manifest server, run in another window from the prezi_api directory:

prezi-api> python ../ 8000
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

You can check that the manifest is accessible by accessing http://localhost:8000/jabberwocky/manifest.json.

With these two servers running, you should be able to load the manifest into either UV or Mirador:

  • UV
  • Mirador then "Replace Object" and enter http://localhost:8000/jabberwocky/manifest.json into Load box.

Adding the other pages

The (klunky) code in <> repeats that page additions to include all pages of this dummy book. Running this script will update the manifest.json which can then be reloaded.

Issues with this:

  • Code is repeated, need clean functions for adding canvases/images.
  • Framing does not work correctly for the repeated oa:motivatedBy/motivation and doap:implements/profile data. The first is not actually required by viewers so is omitted from all but the first canvas. The second is required and is added to the JSON after framing.
  • The fourth canvas is a double page spread and needs a viewing hint to control display properly.

Adding viewing hints to control display

FIXME -- handle two page spread

Notes on viewers vs specification

  • The static tiles generated include extra /full/90,/ tiles that UV expects for thumbnails. UV should really use only sizes specified in the sizes array for a level0 implementation.
  • Mirador will not work unless there is a thumbnail specified for each canvas, this should not be a requirement.

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