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The branch command allows you to manage TFS branches. With this command, you can display, create, initialize, rename and delete Tfs branches/remotes.


Usage: git-tfs branch

	   * Display remote TFS branches:
	   git tfs branch -r
	   git tfs branch -r -all

	   * Create a TFS branch from current commit:
	   git tfs branch $/Repository/ProjectBranchToCreate <myWishedRemoteName> --comment="Creation of my branch"

	   * Rename a remote branch:
	   git tfs branch --move oldTfsRemoteName newTfsRemoteName

	   * Delete a remote branch:
	   git tfs branch --delete tfsRemoteName
	   git tfs branch --delete --all
	   git tfs branch --delete --delete-remotes-file=remotes.txt

	   * Initialise an existing remote TFS branch:
	   git tfs branch --init $/Repository/ProjectBranch
	   git tfs branch --init $/Repository/ProjectBranch myNewBranch
	   git tfs branch --init --all

  -h, -H, --help
  -V, --version
  -d, --debug                Show debug output about everything git-tfs does
  -i, --tfs-remote, --remote, --id=VALUE
							 The remote ID of the TFS to interact with
							   default: default
  -r, --remotes              Display the TFS branches of the current TFS root
							   branch existing on the TFS server
	  --all                  Display (used with option --remotes) the TFS
							   branches of all the root branches existing on
							   the TFS server
								or Initialize (used with option --init) all
							   existing TFS branches (For TFS 2010 and later)
							    or Delete (used with option --delete) all tfs 
								remotes (for example after lfs migration).
	  --comment=VALUE        Comment used for the creation of the TFS branch
  -m, --move                 Rename a TFS remote
	  --delete               Delete a TFS remote
	  --delete-remotes-file=VALUE File with a list of remotes to delete
	  --init                 Initialize an existing TFS branch
      --ignore-regex=VALUE   a regex of files to ignore
      --except-regex=VALUE   a regex of exceptions to ignore-regex
	  --no-fetch              Don't fetch changeset for inited branch(es)
  -u, --username=VALUE       TFS username
  -p, --password=VALUE       TFS password
  -a, --authors=VALUE        Path to an Authors file to map TFS users to Git
							   users## Examples

Display already initialized branches

git tfs branch

Display existing TFS branches

Display branches from the current repository

git tfs branch -r

Display branches of all the repositories

git tfs branch -r -all

Create a TFS branch

First, use git to checkout the revision (branch or hash) from where you want to create the TFS branch. Then use the command :

git tfs branch $/Repository/ProjectBranchToCreate --comment="Creation of my branch"

You will now have a TFS branch (called $/Repository/ProjectBranchToCreate ) whose first checkin will have the comment specified. A local git remote with the same name ('ProjectBranchToCreate') is created.

While not recommended, if you want to specify another name for the local branch, use the command :

git tfs branch $/Repository/ProjectBranchToCreate myWishedRemoteName --comment="Creation of my branch"

The local git remote with the name 'myWishedRemoteName ' is created.

Initialize an existing TFS branch

To use this command, you should have cloned only the trunk folder in TFS (and not the whole repository). See clone command. Suppose you have on TFS:

A <- B <- C <- D <- E  $/Repository/ProjectTrunk
            M <- N     $/Repository/ProjectBranch

You should have done (to clone only the trunk) :

git tfs clone http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/Repository/ProjectTrunk

Note : It is highly recommended once having cloned the root branch (the branch that has no parents, here $/Repository/ProjectTrunk) to initialize the other branches after. If you have cloned the branch $/Repository/ProjectBranch, you will not be able to init the root branch $/Repository/ProjectTrunk later (git can't create new commits that are parents to your existing local branch).

Then use branch like this :

Initialize a TFS branch using auto-naming of your git branch

git tfs branch --init $/Repository/ProjectBranch

Initialize a TFS branch with customised git branch name

git tfs branch --init $/Repository/ProjectBranch myNewBranch

Merge changesets and branches

Since version 0.20, if git-tfs encounters a merge changeset while initializing and fetching a TFS branch, it will automatically initialize and fetch the merged branch as well.

If you don't want to initialize the merged branches automatically (or you can't because your version of TFS does not support this feature), you can use the option --branches=none to disable it!

Note: To successfully process the merge changeset (and come from an older version than TFS2010), you must first convert all the folders corresponding to a TFS branch to a branch in TFS (even the old deleted branches). To do that, open the 'Source Control Explorer', right click on a folder and choose Branching and Merging -> Convert to Branch.

Initialize all the TFS branches

git tfs branch --init --all

This command will initialize all the branches that haven't yet been initialized.

Ignore files when fetching changesets

You can use the parameter --ignore-regex, to ignore some files when fetching the changesets of the branch.

git tfs init-branch $/Repository/ProjectBranch --ignore-regex=*.bin

You can use the parameter --except-regex, to add an exception to the parameter --ignore-regex.

git tfs init-branch $/Repository/ProjectBranch --ignore-regex=*.bin --except-regex=important.bin

Initialize a branch without fetching changesets

You can use the parameter --no-fetch, to initialize the branch by creating its remote but without fetching the changesets of the branch.


For the use of parameters --username and --password, see the clone command.

Map TFS users to git users

For the use of parameter --authors, see the clone command.

Rename a remote branch

Note : This will not rename the TFS branch, just the local git remote.

git tfs branch --move oldTfsRemoteName newTfsRemoteName

Delete a remote branch

Note : This will not delete the TFS branch, just the local git remote.

git tfs branch --delete tfsRemoteName

Or delete all remotes listed in a file (one remote per line).

git tfs branch --delete --delete-remotes-file=remotes.txt

See also