diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 8aa6c08..1400b2f 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ 404 Page not found | Yeshas M P -
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Welcome to my personal technology blog, https://yeshasmp.github.io! I’m Yeshas M P, an Application Developer at IBM India Pvt. Ltd. My primary focus is on Angular and various Microsoft technologies such as ASP.Net Core, SQL Server, and Azure Cloud. Through this blog, I share practical insights, tips, and tutorials on these technologies. Stay tuned for updates and dive into the world of software development with me!


This is my personal blog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my current employer, previous employers and/or any other companies. For accuracy and official reference refer to respective official sources.

+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/archives/index.html b/archives/index.html index 5eaad63..c9ba937 100644 --- a/archives/index.html +++ b/archives/index.html @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ Archives | Yeshas M P -

2022  2

April  1

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

April 15, 2022 · 8 min · Yeshas M P

January  1

Angular Bootstrapping : How does Angular work under the hood?

January 16, 2022 · 6 min · Yeshas M P
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a/categories/index.html b/categories/index.html index 5ce4879..b2311ac 100644 --- a/categories/index.html +++ b/categories/index.html @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ Categories | Yeshas M P -
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Yeshas M P

Javascript || Angular || .Net Core || SQL Server || Azure

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. +Yeshas M P +

profile image

Yeshas M P

Javascript || Angular || .Net Core || SQL Server || Azure

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. “a component’s job is to enable the user experience and nothing more.” where other logics such as fetching data from API endpoint or handling client and server side errors should be taken care by services. -Angular Services Angular services are simple class which is used to perform specific functions....

April 15, 2022 · 8 min · Yeshas M P

Angular Bootstrapping : How does Angular work under the hood?

In this article we are going to explore together how Angular apps work behind the scenes. At first, we will understand various workspace and application configuration files and finally we will piece together all the files how they are involved in bootstraping. -Angular Project Structure Before understanding how Angular works under the hood, it’s necessary to understand the workspace structure and application configuration involved in the process. Every Angular apps works in the context of workspace....

January 16, 2022 · 6 min · Yeshas M P
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/posts/angular-bootstrapping/index.html b/posts/angular-bootstrapping/index.html index 94452b3..7453124 100644 --- a/posts/angular-bootstrapping/index.html +++ b/posts/angular-bootstrapping/index.html @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ Angular Bootstrapping : How does Angular work under the hood? | Yeshas M P -

Angular Bootstrapping : How does Angular work under the hood?

Guide to Angular Bootstrapping

In this article we are going to explore together how Angular apps work behind the scenes. At first, we will understand various workspace and application configuration files and finally we will piece together all the files how they are involved in bootstraping.

Angular Project Structure

Before understanding how Angular works under the hood, it’s necessary to understand the workspace structure and application configuration involved in the process. Every Angular apps works in the context of workspace. By default ng new app_name command generates a skeleton application at root of workspace in below fashion -

workspace/(folder name is app_name given at cmd)

Angular Bootstrapping : How does Angular work under the hood?

Guide to Angular Bootstrapping

In this article we are going to explore together how Angular apps work behind the scenes. At first, we will understand various workspace and application configuration files and finally we will piece together all the files how they are involved in bootstraping.

Angular Project Structure

Before understanding how Angular works under the hood, it’s necessary to understand the workspace structure and application configuration involved in the process. Every Angular apps works in the context of workspace. By default ng new app_name command generates a skeleton application at root of workspace in below fashion -

workspace/(folder name is app_name given at cmd)
   ...             (workspace-wide config files)
     src/        --(source and support files for application)

The above structure is usually referred as ‘multi-repo’ development style where each application has it’s own workspace, ‘workspace’ folder consists of workspace specific configuration files where as ‘src’ folder consists of application specific files and folders.

Workspace configuration files

  1. angular.json - It specifies workspace-wide and project specific defaults for build and development. For instance, You can have ’n’ number of npm packages installed in your workspace, but you can specify which packages you want in your application in angular.json
  2. package.json - It consists metadata of project and is used for managing the project’s dependencies, scripts, npm package versions and many more.
  3. package-lock.json - It provides information of all npm packages installed in npm_modules folder such as package version, hash to verify the package integrity and list of its dependencies.
  4. tsconfig.json - Since Angular apps are written using typescript, this file specifies root files and compiler options required to compile our application.

Application configuration files

  1. index.html - This is our main HTML page which is rendered and is displayed to user in browser.
  2. main.ts - This is responsible for compiling all components and template files with JIT(Just In Time) compiler. We can also use AOT(Ahead Of Time) compiler by adding –aot flag to ng build or ng serve CLI commands(Recommended for production environment).

For more detailed explanation of all config files go through official Angular Docs

Angular Bootstrapping

Some of you all might have wondered when I used the term ‘Bootstraping’ earlier. In Angular eco-system Bootstraping is technique of initializing root module and loading root component into index.html file. When we run ng serve or ng build multiple things happen in the background. Below steps provide a brief overview of bootstrapping process-

Angular Bootstrapping

  1. Compilation of application codes using tsc typescript compiler.
  2. Bundling and minification of javascript files by Webpack.
  3. Deployment and bootstrapping.
  4. Run JIT compiler for all components, directives and pipes.
  5. Render index.html in browser.

The only difference between JIT and AOT compiler is that in AOT compiler, compilation takes place during build time rather than at runtime in browser. Let’s go through above steps in bit more detail -

  1. angular.json consist of multiple configuration properties related build and development. The one’s which are interesting to us are ‘builder’, ‘index’ and ‘main’ properties under ‘build’ as shown below.
"build": {
@@ -69,13 +68,13 @@
 export class AppComponent {
   title = 'SampleApp';

There it is! app-root specified in selector matches with app-root in index.html. It then finds HTML template along with styles and renders the same in index.html where app-root is present.


Though above explanation is not complete, I hope it gave you brief idea on what’s happening under the hood when we run Angular app. Stay tuned for more such interesting articles!

There it is! app-root specified in selector matches with app-root in index.html. It then finds HTML template along with styles and renders the same in index.html where app-root is present.


Though above explanation is not complete, I hope it gave you brief idea on what’s happening under the hood when we run Angular app. Stay tuned for more such interesting articles!

- \ No newline at end of file + PaperMod + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/posts/angular-services/index.html b/posts/angular-services/index.html index e048d51..6e091b7 100644 --- a/posts/angular-services/index.html +++ b/posts/angular-services/index.html @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection | Yeshas M P -

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

Guide to Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs.

“a component’s job is to enable the user experience and nothing more.”

where other logics such as fetching data from API endpoint or handling client and server side errors should be taken care by services.

Angular Services

Angular services are simple class which is used to perform specific functions. Angular Services offer several advantages -

  1. It’s easier to write logic once in service and share the service among the components instead of writing the same logic in every component.
  2. It’s easier to test and debug.
  3. It’s easier maintain and perform code updates when required.

Angular Service Example

We can generate Angular Service in Angular CLI using ng g s AppService where ‘g’ and ’s’ is shorthand form for ‘generate service’.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

Guide to Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs.

“a component’s job is to enable the user experience and nothing more.”

where other logics such as fetching data from API endpoint or handling client and server side errors should be taken care by services.

Angular Services

Angular services are simple class which is used to perform specific functions. Angular Services offer several advantages -

  1. It’s easier to write logic once in service and share the service among the components instead of writing the same logic in every component.
  2. It’s easier to test and debug.
  3. It’s easier maintain and perform code updates when required.

Angular Service Example

We can generate Angular Service in Angular CLI using ng g s AppService where ‘g’ and ’s’ is shorthand form for ‘generate service’.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
   providedIn: 'root'
@@ -87,13 +86,13 @@

We will then display the random number in both app and home component by calling getRandomNumber method and passing the value to view. When we load the application we can see both components get the same random number as they both received same single instance of AppService from Root Module injector. This proves Angular services are singleton when they are registered only in Root Module provider.

Angular singleton service

Now let’s register AppService also in HomeComponent provider and run the app. App and Home component displays two different random numbers because they both received two different instances of AppService. Thus we can say Angular services are not singleton when they are provided at different levels.

Angular non-singleton service

But how did two instance of Angular services got created?

Angular Hierarchical Injection

  1. When AppComponent requested the AppService, Angular looked for it in AppComponent provider at first, when it couldn’t find it it went into Module injector tree and found the AppService in Root Module provider and returned it to AppComponent.

  2. Next when HomeComponent requested AppService it found it in the HomeComponent provider itself and returned new AppService instance to HomeComponent.

  3. Therefore we saw two instance of AppService being created and provided to respective components.

Few points to remember before we conclude -

  1. Element Injector tree always gets preference over Module Injector tree and it is not child of Module Injector tree.

  2. Angular DI resolves dependencies using bottom to top approach, it starts the search for provider first from the requesting component and then traverse upto the parent components to the Root Module provider.

  3. Service which are provided at Root Module or Eagerly Loaded Module are app scoped and accesible to all the components or directives. Services which are provided in Lazy Loaded Module are module scoped and available only to the components or directives under that module.

  4. Proivder holds the list of dependencies with it’s matching token, while Injector holds provider itself.

  5. If two Eagerly Loaded modules providers has service for same injector token then the module which is imported at last in Root Module gets preference.

Above code example have been shared over Github and Stackblitz.

That’s it folks! I hope this article helped you understand better how Angular Dependency works and how Angular Services are singleton by nature.

Stay tuned for more such interesting articles!

We will then display the random number in both app and home component by calling getRandomNumber method and passing the value to view. When we load the application we can see both components get the same random number as they both received same single instance of AppService from Root Module injector. This proves Angular services are singleton when they are registered only in Root Module provider.

Angular singleton service

Now let’s register AppService also in HomeComponent provider and run the app. App and Home component displays two different random numbers because they both received two different instances of AppService. Thus we can say Angular services are not singleton when they are provided at different levels.

Angular non-singleton service

But how did two instance of Angular services got created?

Angular Hierarchical Injection

  1. When AppComponent requested the AppService, Angular looked for it in AppComponent provider at first, when it couldn’t find it it went into Module injector tree and found the AppService in Root Module provider and returned it to AppComponent.

  2. Next when HomeComponent requested AppService it found it in the HomeComponent provider itself and returned new AppService instance to HomeComponent.

  3. Therefore we saw two instance of AppService being created and provided to respective components.

Few points to remember before we conclude -

  1. Element Injector tree always gets preference over Module Injector tree and it is not child of Module Injector tree.

  2. Angular DI resolves dependencies using bottom to top approach, it starts the search for provider first from the requesting component and then traverse upto the parent components to the Root Module provider.

  3. Service which are provided at Root Module or Eagerly Loaded Module are app scoped and accesible to all the components or directives. Services which are provided in Lazy Loaded Module are module scoped and available only to the components or directives under that module.

  4. Proivder holds the list of dependencies with it’s matching token, while Injector holds provider itself.

  5. If two Eagerly Loaded modules providers has service for same injector token then the module which is imported at last in Root Module gets preference.

Above code example have been shared over Github and Stackblitz.

That’s it folks! I hope this article helped you understand better how Angular Dependency works and how Angular Services are singleton by nature.

Stay tuned for more such interesting articles!

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Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. +

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. “a component’s job is to enable the user experience and nothing more.” where other logics such as fetching data from API endpoint or handling client and server side errors should be taken care by services. -Angular Services Angular services are simple class which is used to perform specific functions....

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Angular Bootstrapping : How does Angular work under the hood?

In this article we are going to explore together how Angular apps work behind the scenes. At first, we will understand various workspace and application configuration files and finally we will piece together all the files how they are involved in bootstraping. -Angular Project Structure Before understanding how Angular works under the hood, it’s necessary to understand the workspace structure and application configuration involved in the process. Every Angular apps works in the context of workspace....

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Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. +

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. “a component’s job is to enable the user experience and nothing more.” where other logics such as fetching data from API endpoint or handling client and server side errors should be taken care by services. -Angular Services Angular services are simple class which is used to perform specific functions....

April 15, 2022 · 8 min · Yeshas M P
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tags/dependency-injection/index.html b/tags/dependency-injection/index.html index 7f3b0c8..84f17f2 100644 --- a/tags/dependency-injection/index.html +++ b/tags/dependency-injection/index.html @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ Dependency Injection | Yeshas M P -

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. +

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. “a component’s job is to enable the user experience and nothing more.” where other logics such as fetching data from API endpoint or handling client and server side errors should be taken care by services. -Angular Services Angular services are simple class which is used to perform specific functions....

April 15, 2022 · 8 min · Yeshas M P
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tags/index.html b/tags/index.html index 30be0e0..426eae9 100644 --- a/tags/index.html +++ b/tags/index.html @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ Tags | Yeshas M P -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tags/singleton/index.html b/tags/singleton/index.html index 6d61c49..b4766a8 100644 --- a/tags/singleton/index.html +++ b/tags/singleton/index.html @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ Singleton | Yeshas M P -

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. +

Demystifying Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In any Angular application it is essential to keep component as lean as possible, it’s only concern should be on how to present the model data to view as described by Angular official docs. “a component’s job is to enable the user experience and nothing more.” where other logics such as fetching data from API endpoint or handling client and server side errors should be taken care by services. -Angular Services Angular services are simple class which is used to perform specific functions....

April 15, 2022 · 8 min · Yeshas M P
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