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881 lines (445 loc) · 24.8 KB

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881 lines (445 loc) · 24.8 KB


  • next version - XXXX-XX-XX

    • Add support for partial credit in Homeworks (Tim Bretl).

    • Add help text to Exam assessment instance page (Tim Bretl).

    • Add support for partial credit in exams (Tim Bretl).

    • Add <pl_file_preview> element (Nathan Walters).

    • Add docker image for external graders with clang (Nathan Walters).

    • Add new exam grading UX with no buttons on overview page (Matt West).

    • Add Travis CI running the docker image for consistency (Matt West).

    • Add better and faster docker re-builds (Jake Bailey).

    • Add ZJUI as a institution option (Matt West).

    • Add python linter (Nathan Walters).

    • Add ESLint for style checking and fix related issues (Nathan Walters).

    • Add test coverage reporting with (Nathan Walters).

    • Add documentation clarification on "role": "Student" access.

    • Add more core libraries (backbone, PrairieDraw, etc) (Matt West).

    • Add hiding of "Grade" button for manual grading (Matt West).

    • Add docs example of mixed on-campus and remote exam (Matt West).

    • Add Azure AD authentication (Matt West).

    • Add ZJU institution checking from ID (Matt West).

    • Add logout support for multiple authentication providers (Matt West).

    • Add PrairieGrader for external grading (Nathan Walters).

    • Add redirect handler to enable assessment deep links (Dave Mussulman).

    • Add pycryptodome for authenticated question data (Jake Bailey).

    • Add v2 and v3 tags to exampleCourse questions (Dave Mussulman).

    • Add externalGradingOptions.timeout parameter (Nathan Walters).

    • Add "Report an issue" button on questions (Matt West).

    • Add allowIssueReporting assessment option, default false (Matt West).

    • Add more statistics for external grader instances (Matt West).

    • Add "generating" animation to "Start assessment" button (Matt West).

    • Add maximum statistics for grading jobs (Matt West).

    • Add index on to speed up statistics (Matt West).

    • Add to_json() and from_json() to to help JSON serialize standard types (Tim Bretl).

    • Add build-time system updates to Docker image (Jake Bailey).

    • Add new UINs for dev users to avoid conflicts in production DB (Matt West).

    • Add partialCredit question option (Matt West).

    • Add jsPlumb library from PL v1 (Matt West).

    • Add ability to de-link course instances from PrairieSchedule (Matt West).

    • Add explicit POST size limit of 200 KiB (Matt West).

    • Add size limits for grading jobs (100 KiB) (Nathan Walters).

    • Add linting for trailing commas (Nathan Walters).

    • Add GitHub link to instructor question view (Dave Mussulman).

    • Add instructor view of external grading logs (Nathan Walters).

    • Add legacy file path fallback to clientFilesCourse (Matt West).

    • Add full grading job log display from S3 (Nathan Walters).

    • Add instructor editing of total points and question points for assessment instances (Matt West).

    • Add addBinary example question (Matt West).

    • Add make to the Docker container (Dave Mussulman).

    • Add more feedback when submission to pl_symbolic_input has invalid format (Tim Bretl).

    • Add live update of external grading results (Nathan Walters).

    • Add ability for user to switch between MATLAB and python format in pl_matrix_output (Tim Bretl).

    • Add copy-to-clipboard button in pl_matrix_output (Tim Bretl).

    • Add detailed question statistics (Paras Sud).

    • Add visible logging for incremental DB migrations (Matt West).

    • Add support for python format in pl_matrix_input (Tim Bretl).

    • Split installing documentation into separate method sections (Matt West).

    • Remove unused dead code (/lib/db.js, question-servers/shortAnswer.js, and tests/sync/*) (Nathan Walters).

    • Remove cookie-clearing on error page (Matt West).

    • Remove old unused Python caller code (Tim Bretl).

    • Remove AWS Batch external grader (Nathan Walters).

    • Remove the need for <pl_variable_score> in questions (Tim Bretl).

    • Remove detailed AzureAD logging (Matt West).

    • Change externalGradingOptions.files to .serverFilesCourse (Nathan Walters).

    • Change Python question code timeout from 5 s to 20 s (Tim Bretl).

    • Change "Errors" tab to "Issues" (Matt West).

    • Change max DB connections from 10 to 100 (Matt West).

    • Shift most exampleCourse to the external pl-template repository.

    • Shift symbolic input parser to lib/ (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix external graders with invalid submissions (Nathan Walters).

    • Fix handling of too-large file uploads (Matt West).

    • Fix rendering glitch in instructor question table (Matt West).

    • Fix instructor closing of assessment instances (Matt West).

    • Fix spurious "question is complete" bug (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix bug in sigfig method of comparison when correct answer is zero (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix bug in pl_file_upload where students could upload arbitrary files (Nathan Walters).

    • Fix render bug on exams for questions without points (Matt West).

    • Fix assessment authorization when mode is NULL (Matt West).

    • Fix bug that prevented scalars from being rendered by pl_matrix_output (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix bug that prevented unicode minus from being parsed by pl_matrix_output and pl_number_input (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix external grading score display when score is missing (Nathan Walters).

    • Fix handling of image pull fails for external grading (Nathan Walters).

    • Fix options for v3 questions (Jake Bailey).

    • Fix course element reloading on sync (Nathan Walters).

    • Fix course element file loading (Matt West).

    • Fix file downloads as zip for v2 questions (Matt West).

    • Fix exam instance error handling with broken variants (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix pl_number_input to allow suffix for units with display=inline (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix symbolic input parser to eliminate use of sympy.sympify (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix bug that prevented numbers from being converted in sympy equivalents in symbolic input parser (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix bug that prevented use of multiple symbols in pl_symbolic_input (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix inoperable "Test" buttons for non-v3 questions by hiding them (Matt West).

    • Fix inaccurate issue counts on assessments (Matt West).

    • Fix exam auto-closing issue with legacy assessment instances (Matt West).

    • Fix double-click handling on question buttons (Matt West).

    • Fix one broken exam from blocking other exams auto-closing (Matt West).

    • Fix v2 questions clientCode path on Exam assessments (Matt West).

    • Fix decreased Exams scores with reduced credit (Matt West).

    • Fix premature answer display for pl_multiple_choice and pl_checkbox (Matt West).

    • Fix broken popovers in student exam questions (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix canceling of grading jobs on a new submission (Matt West).

    • Fix symbolic expression parsing bug by disallowing floating-point numbers (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix handling of broken questions on Homeworks (Matt West).

    • Fix handling of inf and nan submissions in pl_number_input (Tim Bretl).

    • Fix server crash in grading job handling (Nathan Walters).

    • Fix a few very old submissions with NaN scores (Matt West).

  • 2.10.1 - 2017-05-24

    • Fix display of saved submissions for Exam assessments.
  • 2.10.0 - 2017-05-20

    • Add real-time grading job status with websockets (Nathan Walters).

    • Add full DB schema migration system (Nathan Walters).

    • Add unit tests for DB migrations (Nathan Walters).

    • Add Python modules for autograders: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, sympy, and pandas (Jordi Paris Ferrer).

    • Add scipy and numpy to the PL docker image.

    • Add documentation on the new authentication flow.

    • Add more developer documentation on the database schema.

    • Add export of full database in CSV, optionally anonymized.

    • Use Python 3.5 for autograders in exampleCourse (Nathan Walters).

    • Fix docker build script usage help.

    • Fix base64 encoding of uploaded files.

  • 2.9.1 - 2017-05-17

    • Fix handling of failed grading jobs (Nathan Walters).
  • 2.9.0 - 2017-05-14

    • Add support for Google OAuth2 authentication.

    • Shift documentation to Read the Docs.

    • Fix handling of Unicode characters in question data.

  • 2.8.0 - 2017-05-04

    • Add DB storage of exam mode networks.

    • Add config table to DB with system display_timezone.

    • Fix async handling in regrading unit tests.

  • 2.7.0 - 2017-04-28

    • Add /pl/webhooks/ping endpoint for automated health checks.

    • Add singleVariant flag for non-randomized questions.

    • Add documentation and improve layout for external autograder files (Nathan Walters).

    • Add link to detailed instances CSV file on instructor assessment page.

    • Add more assessment CSV download options.

    • Allow development use of non-master git branches for courses.

    • Fix max_points update during regrading.

    • Fix env var security in autograder containers (Jordi Paris Ferrer).

    • Fix external autograder output display (Nathan Walters).

    • Fix home directory detection for external autograder jobs.

    • Fix rendering of table row lines in student question lists.

  • 2.6.0 - 2017-04-16

    • Add full external autograder support with AWS and local docker support (Nathan Walters, Jordi Paris Ferrer).
  • 2.5.3 - 2017-04-14

    • Fix docker build with migrations/ directory.
  • 2.5.2 - 2017-04-14

    • Fix regrading support.
  • 2.5.1 - 2017-04-12

    • Fix Exam reservation enforcement when multiple reservations exist.
  • 2.5.0 - 2017-04-11

    • Speed up rendering of instructor pages with assessment statistics.

    • Speed up calculation of assessment durations.

    • Speed up pages with job sequences.

    • Add per-day mean scores to the by-day score plot.

    • Add points and max_points output to assessment_instances CSV.

    • Add migrations/ directory for ordered DB schema changes.

    • Fix assessment duration estimation for homeworks (1-hour gap maximum).

    • Fix CSV link on gradebook page.

    • Fix sorting of assessment on gradebook page.

    • Fix CSV download on instructor assessments overview page.

    • Fix date format in activity log CSV.

    • Fix links to questions on activity log pages.

    • Remove "permanent URL" on instructor assessments overview page.

  • 2.4.1 - 2017-04-08

    • Set question feedback to the empty object when missing.
  • 2.3.2 - 2017-04-08

    • Set question feedback to the empty object when missing.
  • 2.4.0 - 2017-04-07

    • Add connection to PrairieSchedule to enforce Exam reservations.

    • Fix ordering of assessment set headers in assessment lists.

    • Fix duration calculations to be from assessment start to last submission.

    • Show all submissions in downloaded CSV files even in dev mode.

    • Fix Manual grading type (Jake Bailey).

    • Change forceMaxPoints to only take affect during an explicit regrade.

  • 2.3.1 - 2017-03-23

    • Don't display deleted courses on the enroll (add/remove courses) page.
  • 2.3.0 - 2017-03-08

    • Change feedback to be visible for open questions on exams.

    • Make feedback visible within submission.html (Ray Essick).

    • Fix auto-finishing of exams after a 6-hour timeout.

    • Add regrading support with forceMaxPoints option.

    • Add preliminary external autograder support by the HackIllinois team (Genna Helsel, Teju Nareddy, Jordi Paris Ferrer, Nathan Walters).

    • Add question points and percentage scores to *_final_submissions.csv.

    • Add per-day score histograms to instructor assessment page (Paras Sud).

  • 2.2.2 - 2017-02-23

    • Add more indexes and improve unique constraint ordering for indexes.
  • 2.2.1 - 2017-02-18

    • Only show feedback for open exams in CS 233.
  • 2.2.0 - 2017-02-18

    • Show feedback for graded questions on exams, even if exam is still open (Jake Bailey).
  • 2.1.3 - 2017-02-17

    • Prevent multiple submissions to a single homework question variant.

    • Fix option passing to question server.js functions.

    • Fix course deletion on Admin page.

  • 2.1.2 - 2017-02-15

    • Catch bad Shibboleth authentication data with "(null)" UID.

    • Fix logging of instance_question_id in response.

  • 2.1.1 - 2017-02-13

    • Update ChangeLog.
  • 2.1.0 - 2017-02-13

    • Fix division-by-zero error in homeworks when max_points is zero (Jake Bailey).

    • Fix typos in documentation (Andre Schleife).

    • Fix MTF questions.

    • Fix assessment links on Instructor Gradebook page.

    • Fix XSS vulnerability by storing questionJson in base64.

  • 2.0.3 - 2017-02-04

    • Cache instance_questions.status to speed up page loads.
  • 2.0.2 - 2017-02-04

    • Speed up SQL query in instance_questions authorization.
  • 2.0.1 - 2017-01-28

    • Fix incorrect max_points for homeworks with question alternatives.
  • 2.0.0 - 2017-01-13

    • Make v2 the primary version and shift the old v1 to a subdirectory.

    • Add support for syncing a course from a remote git repository.

    • Add dev mode with local disk syncing and other dev features.

    • Convert score_perc to double (instead of integer).

    • Add UUIDs to all input JSON files to support renaming.

    • Convert all DB tables to bigserial primary keys.

    • Add docker build for course development.

    • Add question difficulty vs discrimination plots (Paras Sud).

    • Add 'Administrator' users will full site access.

    • Standardize names of JSON files and client/server file directories.

    • Clean up JSON file formats for everything except questions.

    • Add documentation for all v2 file formats.

    • Add conversion script from v1 to v2 assessment format (Dallas Trinkle).

  • 1.22.0 - 2016-12-09

    • Add IP ranges for final exams in DCL.

    • Fix docker instructions (Allen Kleiner).

    • Skip update of test instances for non-existent tests.

    • Fix crashing bug due to function call typo (Kevin Wang).

    • Don't attempt to generate statistics for non-existent questions.

    • Improve robustness of submittedAnswer restore for Fabric.js questions.

    • Add fixedExponential formatter.

    • Add raw score (full precision) to CSV downloads.

    • Fix logging error (Eric Huber).

    • Generate hi-res versions of LaTeX images for Fabric.js support.

    • (V2) Enable assessments with multiple instances per student.

    • (V2) Fix submission rendering for admin question views (Ray Essick).

    • (V2) Add past submissions view on exam question pages (Ray Essick).

    • (V2) Add underlying support for external (RabbitMQ) and manual grading.

    • (V2) Fix grading operations outside the main transaction.

    • (V2) Add question alternatives within assessments.

    • (V2) Implement generic CSRF protection for all pages.

    • (V2) Split site into Admin and User pages.

    • (V2) Add unified homepage with course list and self-enrollment.

    • (V2) Fix SQL import newline handling on Windows.

    • (V2) Add docker build.

    • (V2) Add admin view of individual assessment instances.

  • 1.21.0 - 2016-09-14

    • Use hi-res time for random seeds, improving test randomization.

    • Improve margins around Save answer buttons (Eric Huber).

    • Improve sorting of tests with identical numbers to sub-sort on titles.

    • Fix handling of question shuffling within tests (Binglin Chen).

    • Fix user role reading from courseInfo.json.

    • Fix error-handling code in POST /submissions.

    • Remove Siebel 0224 from Exam mode (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • (V2) Automatically regenerate assessment statistics every 10 minutes.

    • (V2) Fix CSV statistics downloads.

    • (V2) Switch to local copy of MathJax.

    • (V2) Implement access date display.

    • (V2) Implement Exam and Homework assessment types.

  • 1.20.0 - 2016-08-24

    • Fix jsPlumb naming case (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Remove /export.csv endpoint (Kevin Wang).

    • Explicitly specify dependency versions in package.json (Kevin Wang).

    • Validate effective UID before creating tInstances (Kevin Wang).

    • Fix display of trueAnswers for all questions (Kevin Wang).

    • Document the Reload button (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Fix role changing restrictions (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Improve naming of exam grade/finish buttons and modal texts (Kevin Wang).

    • Show zone titles within tests (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Remove current exam score from sidebar (Kevin Wang).

    • Split out helper modules from server code (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Warn user when exam has unanswered questions (Kevin Wang).

    • Improve user feedback when all exam questions are answered (Kevin Wang).

    • Fix viewport width handling (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Upgrade to ExpressJS 4.x.

    • Disallow multiple submissions for a single homework question instance (Kevin Wang).

    • Fix all server-side error handling to use standard NodeJS convention (Kevin Wang).

    • Fix race condition on client initialization (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Improve server-side RequireJS usage (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Add submissions directly from the command line (Kevin Wang).

    • Improve docs for Windows installations (Dave Mussulman).

    • Expose PLConfig to backend to access server URL (Kevin Wang).

    • Fix crash on GET /clientFiles/ (Kevin Wang).

    • Fix handling of large git pulls of class data (Jeffrey Tolar).

    • Fix mtfclient to properly handle checkbox listening (Terence Nip).

    • Fix percentage score exports.

    • Switch exam-mode IP blocks to new CBTF location in Grainger.

    • Add new drawing commands for LShape, TShape, DistLoad (Mariana Silva).

    • Store latex text images per-course rather than globally.

    • Add homework random shuffle mode with global question numbers (Binglin Chen).

    • (V2) Add experimental backend using PostgresQL and server-side rendering.

  • 1.19.0 - 2016-02-23

    • Add Ace editor for in-question code editing (Terence Nip).

    • Add MultipleTrueFalse question type (Terence Nip).

    • Upgrade MathJax to 2.6.0 to fix "vertical bar" rendering problem.

    • Add adm-zip support for questions to create zip files (Craig Zilles).

    • Enable embedded images in MultipleChoice and Checkbox question types.

    • Fix bugs related to reporting of PrairieLearn git version.

    • Add Errors tab for instructors to see server-side errors, and report more errors.

    • Add Reload button in development mode.

    • Add support for variable credit on tests (bonus credit and partial credit).

    • Remove the Adaptive test type (superseded by Game).

    • Add validation for dates on server load.

    • Fix display of question answer feedback during RetryExams.

    • Change all test scores to be stored as percentages without decimal places (rounded down).

    • Add {{params.a | vector}} template for bracketed vectors.

    • Support IP range checking for Siebel basement labs.

  • 1.18.0 - 2016-01-20

    • Fix security hole to restrict question access to accessible tests.

    • Add jsplumb support (Terence Nip).

  • 1.17.0 - 2015-11-04

    • Fix missing questionFile() caused by upgraded underscore templating.

    • Fix sorting of tests with mixed integer/string numbers.

    • Fix broken PrairieDraw figures after submission grading.

    • Fix role changes on User page with Firefox.

    • Fix username setting when UID is set.

    • Fix User page dropdowns to default to current state.

    • Add a User page button to change back to the authenticated UID.

    • Fix missing user list in dropdown after UID change.

    • Add "Troubleshooting" documentation page with frequently asked questions.

    • Add documentation about tests and questions versus test instances and question instances.

    • Add Checkbox question type.

    • Add exampleCourse/questions/randomZip example.

    • Remove unused backend/questions and backend/tests templates in favor of exampleCourse.

    • Include MathJax inside PrairieLearn.

    • Fix TeX label generation scripts to support Python 3.X and courseDir config variable.

  • 1.16.1 - 2015-10-12

    • Fix alignment of date plots on Safari.
  • 1.16.0 - 2015-10-12

    • Link questions on test "Admin" pages to question instances.

    • Add statistics by day for exam-type tests.

  • 1.15.2 - 2015-10-09

    • Fix doc references from "Assessment Detail" to assessment "Admin" page.
  • 1.15.1 - 2015-10-08

    • Clean up particleMotion example HTML templates.
  • 1.15.0 - 2015-10-08

    • Enable feedback in questions during exams and add particleMotion example.
  • 1.14.1 - 2015-10-08

    • Fix documentation typo in test access control section.
  • 1.14.0 - 2015-10-08

    • Add "uids" as an access rule restriction in test "allowAccess".
  • 1.13.2 - 2015-10-08

    • Use a locally-hosted copy of MathJax.
  • 1.13.1 - 2015-10-04

    • Fix test statistics for Exam and PracExam tests.
  • 1.13.0 - 2015-10-04

    • Plot score histogram in test admin view (Binglin Chen @chen386).

    • Add question statistics to test admin view.

    • Display PrairieLearn version number on the Sync page.

  • 1.12.1 - 2015-09-24

    • Fix test statistics for RetryExam using zones.
  • 1.12.0 - 2015-09-24

    • Standardize question numbering to be like #3.8 rather than #3-8 (Terence Nip @tnip).

    • Fix schema validation and example for RetryExams with multiple qids in a question.

  • 1.11.1 - 2015-09-23

    • Fix build bug with missing moment-timezone.

    • Remove deprecation warning for questionGroups in RetryExam.

  • 1.11.0 - 2015-09-23

    • Redesign of the "Assessment" page to be more compact and consistent.

    • Add zones to RetryExam to control question-order randomization.

    • Add variantsPerQuestion and unlimitedVariants options for RetryExam.

    • Improve test naming consistency and fix navbar link bugs with tests.

    • Allow test numbers to be strings.

  • 1.10.2 - 2015-09-19

    • Fix bug introduced by 1.10.1 that broke all tests (overly general change events).
  • 1.10.1 - 2015-09-18

    • Fix bug that caused the "User" page to not display changes in user, role, or mode.
  • 1.10.0 - 2015-09-15

    • Add "reset test" capability for instructors.

    • Only allow questions to be solved for accessible tests.

    • Add export test data capability for instructors.

    • Add summary test statistics for instructors.

  • 1.9.1 - 2015-09-11

    • Fix docs/example to add blank target for test text links.

    • Fix clientFiles to also handle subdirectories.

  • 1.9.0 - 2015-09-11

    • Add clientFiles and docs for adding text/files to tests.
  • 1.8.1 - 2015-09-10

    • Fix security hold where anyone could access /export.csv.
  • 1.8.0 - 2015-09-09

    • Add optional header text for RetryExam (for formula sheets, etc).
  • 1.7.6 - 2015-09-09

    • Load frontend website even if there were errors fetching data.
  • 1.7.5 - 2015-09-07

    • Reload all question server.js files after "Sync" with a git course repository.
  • 1.7.4 - 2015-09-06

    • Correctly give highest score for assessments with duplicate scores.
  • 1.7.3 - 2015-09-06

    • Fix bug that created multiple tInstances.
  • 1.7.2 - 2015-09-02

    • Fix exampleCourse/questions/addVectors to use QServer so gradeAnswer() is truly optional.
  • 1.7.1 - 2015-09-02

    • Fix schema links in documentation.

    • Add documentation for question options.

    • Add docs and text on the User page to describe the server mode in more detail.

  • 1.7.0 - 2015-09-01

    • Don't generate new question variants until the old variant is answered.
  • 1.6.0 - 2015-09-01

    • Make exampleCourse/tests/homework1 visible by default.

    • Display course name in page title.

    • Use "assessment" rather than "homework" or "test" in user-visible strings.

  • 1.5.2 - 2015-08-31

    • Fix example backend/config.json in the docs.
  • 1.5.1 - 2015-08-30

    • Clarify docs about user role setting.
  • 1.5.0 - 2015-08-26

    • Enable exam mode detection via hard-coded IP range for the CBTF.
  • 1.4.1 - 2015-08-26

    • export.csv now uses test set rather than type for test names.
  • 1.4.0 - 2015-08-25

    • Add documentation and help text for Sync page.

    • Fix display of commit information when using older versions of git.

    • Add figure to example question addVectors in exampleCourse.

  • 1.3.2 - 2015-08-24

    • Fix allowAccess checks to not always fail.
  • 1.3.1 - 2015-08-24

    • Fix pulls error when gitCourseBranch is not set.
  • 1.3.0 - 2015-08-24

    • Change default allowAccess to block all non-instructor access.
  • 1.2.1 - 2015-08-24

    • Fix race condition in user creation and correctly record user names.
  • 1.2.0 - 2015-08-23

    • Add "Sync" feature to pull from a git repository.

    • Fix missing template field in config.json schema.

    • Improve error logging with more specific error information.

  • 1.1.0 - 2015-08-22

    • Add access logging to the database.
  • 1.0.2 - 2015-08-19

    • Documentation fixes following the bootcamp.

    • Fix undefined logger error if config.json contains errors (reported by Craig and Mariana).

  • 1.0.1 - 2015-08-18

    • Fix npm module list during bootcamp (remove nodetime, add moment).
  • 1.0.0 - 2015-08-18

    • First public release for pre-Fall-2015 bootcamp.