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Stanislav Asunkin edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 29 revisions

This page contains custom rules, that can be added to your neovim config using add_rules method.

Add spaces between parentheses

Before Insert After
(|) space ( | )
( | ) ) ( )|
local npairs = require'nvim-autopairs'
local Rule   = require'nvim-autopairs.rule'

npairs.add_rules {
  Rule(' ', ' ')
    :with_pair(function (opts)
      local pair = opts.line:sub(opts.col, opts.col + 1)
      return vim.tbl_contains({ '()', '[]', '{}' }, pair)
  Rule('( ', ' )')
      :with_pair(function() return false end)
          return opts.prev_char:match('.%)') ~= nil
  Rule('{ ', ' }')
      :with_pair(function() return false end)
          return opts.prev_char:match('.%}') ~= nil
  Rule('[ ', ' ]')
      :with_pair(function() return false end)
          return opts.prev_char:match('.%]') ~= nil

Alternative version

local npairs = require'nvim-autopairs'
local Rule = require'nvim-autopairs.rule'
local cond = require'nvim-autopairs.conds'

npairs.add_rules {
  Rule(' ', ' ')
      local pair = opts.line:sub(opts.col, opts.col + 1)
      return vim.tbl_contains({ '()', '{}', '[]' }, pair)
      local col = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2]
      local context = opts.line:sub(col - 1, col + 2)
      return vim.tbl_contains({ '(  )', '{  }', '[  ]' }, context)
  Rule('', ' )')
    :with_move(function(opts) return opts.char == ')' end)
  Rule('', ' }')
    :with_move(function(opts) return opts.char == '}' end)
  Rule('', ' ]')
    :with_move(function(opts) return opts.char == ']' end)

Expand pair only on enter key


npairs.add_rules {
    Rule('{', '}')
        :end_wise(function() return true end),

    Rule('(', ')')
        :end_wise(function() return true end),

    Rule('[', ']')
        :end_wise(function() return true end),
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