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@wescpy Google blog code samples


This repo contains developer code samples from the Coding #Python and #Google with @wescpy blog as well as older but still relevant content such as posts from the old G Suite blog as well as @wescpy's former Google/Python blog. Where possible and time-permitting, equivalent Node.js samples will be available as well.

Content structure

Samples demonstrating only one product group are prefixed under the product group name (see table below) while cross-product samples will go into multi.

Directory API families
apps Google Workspace ("GWS"; formerly G Suite and Google Apps)
cloud Google Cloud (Platform; "GCP")
gemini Gemini API
maps Google Maps (Platform; "GMP")
youtube YouTube
multi (multi-product sample apps) [N/A at this time]
Code sample categories

Initial samples

The chart below identifies the current samples available:

App Sample Blog post
apps/export-doc-pdf Export Google Docs as PDF Google Docs as PDF
apps/ Display contents of public Sheet API keys 2
apps/ (other repo) Display first 100 files/folders in Google Drive (Python old auth) OAuth client ID 3
apps/ (other repo) Display first 100 files/folders in Google Drive (Python new auth) OAuth client ID 3
apps/drive_list.js (other repo) Display first 100 files/folders in Google Drive (Node.js CommonJS [require]) OAuth client ID 3
apps/drive_list.mjs (other repo) Display first 100 files/folders in Google Drive (Node.js ES Module [import]) OAuth client ID 3
cloud/language/ Sentiment analysis of text using Natural Language API w/lower-level platform Google APIs client library API keys 2
cloud/language/ Sentiment analysis of text using Natural Language API w/higher-level product GCP client library API keys 2
cloud/appengine/nodejs Node.js App Engine "Hello World!" Exploring GAE (TBD)
cloud/appengine/python3 Python 3 App Engine "Hello World!" Exploring GAE (TBD)
cloud/transnatlang/ Python ADC sample Text-based language processing
cloud/transnatlang/transnatlang-svcacct-gcp.js Node.js/CommonJS sample Text-based language processing
cloud/transnatlang/transnatlang-svcacct-gcp.mjs Node.js/ECMAscript module Text-based language processing
cloud/transnatlang/ Python API key sample Text-based language processing
gemini/ Google AI Gemini Pro 1.0 API Python sample Gemini API "Hello World!"
gemini/gemtxt-simple-gai.js Google AI Gemini Pro 1.0 API (CommonJS) Node.js sample Gemini API "Hello World!"
gemini/gemtxt-simple-gai.mjs Google AI Gemini Pro 1.0 API (modern JS/ECMAScript module) Node.js sample Gemini API "Hello World!"
gemini/ GCP Vertex AI Gemini Pro 1.0 API Python sample Gemini API "Hello World!"
gemini/ Google AI Gemini 1.0 Pro Latest Gemini 102: Beyond "Hello World!"
gemini/ Google AI Gemini 1.0 Pro Latest Gemini 102: Beyond "Hello World!"
gemini/ Google AI Gemini 1.0 Pro Latest Gemini 102: Beyond "Hello World!"
gemini/ Google AI Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision Latest Gemini 102: Beyond "Hello World!"
gemini/ Google AI Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision Latest Gemini 102: Beyond "Hello World!"
gemini/webgem/ Google AI Gemini 1.5 Flash web apps (Node.js & Python) Gemini 102a: Creating basic gen AI web apps
maps/ Geolocate address with Maps Geocoding API API keys 2 and Explore the world with Maps APIs
maps/maps_geocode.js Geolocate address with Maps Geocoding API (CommonJS) Node.js Explore the world with Maps APIs
maps/maps_geocode.mjs Geolocate address with Maps Geocoding API (modern JS/ECMAScript module) Node.js Explore the world with Maps APIs
maps/ Geolocate address & get time zone with Maps Geocoding & Time Zone APIs (Python) Explore the world with Maps APIs
maps/ Walking directions with Maps Directions API Explore the world with Maps APIs
youtube/ Query for (public) YouTube videos (Python) API keys 2 and YT APIs intro
youtube/yt_video_query.js Query for (public) YouTube videos (CommonJS/Node.js) API keys 2 and YT APIs intro
youtube/yt_video_query.mjs Query for (public) YouTube videos (CommonJS/Node.js) YT APIs intro
Code sample table of contents


"Support" will be provided in a "best-effort" manner. Open to fixes and updates to existing samples and affected blog posts. File a "bug" against an existing sample with details. If there is a "missing" sample you are proposing that doesn't exist (whether you write the code and submit the PR or are requesting someone do it), also file a bug and state why it would benefit the community. Currently, only (server-side) Python and JavaScript (Node.js, Apps Script) samples are being considered.