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A full CI/CD pipeline to aide in the creation, publishing and delivery of the resumé of John Carter from a JSON resume source file.


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A full CI/CD pipeline to aide in the creation, publishing and delivery of the resumé of John A. Carter from a JSON resume source file.


This project is a Gradle Multi Project. There are two sub-projects that make up the components of this project:

Source File Description
resume/resume.json JSON Resume Source
resume/theme JSON Resume Themes
resume/spell_check_ignore.txt List of words to ignore during spell check
website/website.yaml CloudFormation template which creates all resources required to build a CloudFront fronted website hosted in S3
build.gradle Main build configuration for project


Feature Details
Syntax/Schema Validation Resumé source is validated against normal JSON syntax rules, as well as the JSON Resume Schema
Spell Check Resumé source is checked for any spelling errors. Any unrecognized words can be added to an ignore list if necessary.
URL Check Resumé source is parsed to find all instances of a valid URL. Each URL is checked to confirm that the URL is still valid and currently responding
Resumé Content Analysis Keyword count from resume and gap analysis
Multi-Format Build Resumé source can be compiled into a number of different output formats: HTML, PDF, Markdown, YAML
Custom Resumé Themes Each configured output format can be configured to use a custom JSON Resume Theme
Resumé Deployment Resumé will be deployed to several locations for ultimate consumpton:

  • Web - Resumé is published to a static website hosted in AWS S3
  • Google Drive - Resumé is published to a Google Drive document
  • iCloud - Resumé is published to a iCloud Drive document
  • Print - Resumé is printed using a local printer
CloudFormation Syntax Validation CloudFormation template syntax is checked against CloudFormation specifications. All resources defined are check to make sure the match what CloudFormation is expecting.
CloudFormation Best Practices Check CloudFormation template is analyzed for any deviation from CloudFormation best practices
CloudFormation Stack Deployment CloudFormation stack deployed from CloudFormation template
Test Results All tests that are performed throughout the build and deploy process are captured and recorded in a JUnit-style XML report.

Test Results Report
Jenkins Pipeline All builds orchestrated by Jenkins pipeline

Simple Pipeline

With gating approval step Pipeline Waiting for Input
Realtime Slack Updates All builds executed in Jenkins will update Slack along the way as the build progresses.

slack screenshot


From build.gradle:

ext {

    // whether or not current build is part of 'promote' stage in Jenkins pipeline
    isPromote = System.env.containsKey('PROMOTE')

    // existing s3 bucket to host cloudforrmation templates
    cloudformationBucket = 'warlordofmars-cloudformation'

    // name of existing route53 zone that will be used by resume website
    domainName = ''

    // existing wild card cert associated with `domainName` configured above
    wildcardCertARN = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:247631471946:certificate/471106fc-e3dd-4e0b-a20f-010a6e326283"

    // list of strings to check for in postdeploy check of deployed html resume
    ensureStrings = ['John A. Carter', '', '(617) 334-5110']

    // set stack name different if not promote
    stackName = isPromote ? 'ResumeWebsite' : 'ResumeWebsiteTest'

    // define template for resume website cloudformation stack
    cloudformationSource = 'website.yaml'

    // JSON resume source
    resumeSource = 'resume.json'

    // mapping of themes to use for each format
    themes = [
        html: 'theme/node_modules/jsonresume-theme-class/',
        pdf: 'theme/node_modules/jsonresume-theme-short/',

    // file containing list of words to ignore in spell check
    spellCheckIgnoreList = 'spell_check_ignore.txt'

    // desired resume formats to be built
    resumeFormats = ['html', 'pdf', 'yml', 'md']

    // print out more copies during promote
    numberOfCopies = isPromote ? 10 : 1

    // different resume website domains used for promote vs not-promote
    websiteUrl = isPromote ? '' : ''

    // prefex to prepend to assets deploy to resume website
    websitePrefix = isPromote ? '' : "/${version}"


slack {
    // slack channel to deliver updates to
    channel 'jenkins'

    // retrieve slack API token from gradle properties
    token getProperty('slack.token')

    // only send slack updates when building on master branch
    enabled == 'master'



Versioning on this project is applied automatically on all changes using the axion-release-plugin. Git tags are created for all released versions, and all available released versions can be viewed in the Releases section of this project.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details



A full CI/CD pipeline to aide in the creation, publishing and delivery of the resumé of John Carter from a JSON resume source file.








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