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413 lines (338 loc) · 46.6 KB

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413 lines (338 loc) · 46.6 KB




  • The Wiki has finally been updated with a first draft for super version 3!
  • Added a bit of additional verbose mode logging.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the correct number of days from showing in the soft days deadline user authentication dialog.
  • Resolved an issue that was unnecessarily deleting update and upgrade cache information. (Thanks to @gzilla13 for finding this one!)
  • super 3.0rc2 SHA-256: 8999783b7fd29e43360b167a61d7e566b0de9be89e7d5c6cca2d3bf7112a593c



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • New additional MDM failover type of --user-auth-mdm-failover=NOSERVICE fails over to the user authentication workflow any time the MDM service is unavailable or the API account fails to authenticate.
  • Updated macOS beta program detection method for macOS 13.4 and later.
  • New Jamf Pro extension attribute script collects the number of times the Focus Deadline had been deferred.
  • New Jamf Pro extension attribute script collects the number of times the Soft Deadline had been deferred.
  • New Jamf Pro extension attribute script collects the number of times the Hard Deadline had been deferred.
  • Resolved issues causing bad macOS update size calculation in non-USA regions. (Thanks to @davidjimenezm for fixing this one!)
  • super 3.0rc1 SHA-256: 88e8b15c02bff48dcab1842092289f66eea1b38a2d470ae6361ecc71ed0fe7b3



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • Resolved an issue preventing the macOS update via MDM workflow properly starting.
  • Resolved an issue causing erroneous test mode timeout warning dialogs. (Thanks to Connor Garside in #super on MacAdmins Slack for finding this one!)
  • Resolved an issue where the MDM service check was too agressive. (Thanks to Julien vander Straeten in #super on MacAdmins Slack for finding this one!)
  • Resolved an issue causing the script to exit due to a bad macOS update size calculation. (Thanks to David C. in #super on MacAdmins Slack for finding this one!)
  • super 3.0b12 SHA-256: 747d9311ff411904b4a0e0cd0d17ab1ad7e4169f5c364e8e41c39751e0940dd5



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • New support for macOS 13 Rapid Security Response (RSR) updates. By (Apple) design, RSR updates still require a system restart to completely install and must also be installed separately from other macOS updates/upgrades. For example, macOS 13.3.1 must be installed before the system can install the macOS RSR 13.3.1 (a) update. However, the total workflow time for completing a RSR update is much faster than a standard macOS update.
  • New --allow-rsr-updates option must be specified to install RSR updates, otherwise the default super behavior is to not install RSR updates.
  • New--display-accessory-user-auth=/local/path or URL option can accept a local path or a web URL (this option also requires setting the --display-accessory-type=TYPE option). This shows specific display accessory content for the user authentication dialog.
  • New bootstrap token validation for computers running macOS 13.3 or later. Earlier versions of macOS can only report if the bootstrap token was previously escrowed but unfortunately there is no local method to determine if the escrowed token is still valid.
  • Renamed --enforce-non-system-updates option replaces the --enforce-all-updates option. This is only a name change to improve clarity of the feature.
  • Renamed --defer-dialog-timeout=seconds option replaces the --defer-display-timeout=seconds option. This is only a name change to improve clarity of the feature.
  • Renamed --soft-dialog-timeout=seconds option replaces the --soft-display-timeout=seconds option. This is only a name change to improve clarity of the feature.
  • Renamed --restart-without-updates option replaces the --force-restart option. This is only a name change to improve clarity of the feature.
  • Updated MDM workflow is now more reliable when used with newer versions of Jamf Pro.
  • Updated script aligns with updated MDM workflow.
  • Updated --verbose-mode option now creates two additional debug-level logs for troubleshooting the MDM workflow located at /Library/Management/super/mdmCommandDebug.log and /Library/Management/super/mdmWorkflowDebug.log.
  • Updated user authentication MDM failover workflow can now prompt for credentials earlier, detect more potential MDM failures, and only attempts to escrow the bootstrap token when the MDM service is actually available.
  • Updated test mode validation temporarily adjusts timeouts to improve the test mode behavior. (Thanks to Dustin Nikles in #super on MacAdmins Slack for finding this one!)
  • Updated method for detecting if the Jamf binary is the parent process. (Thanks to @iDrewbs for finding this one!)
  • Updated method for finding available storage space when no user is logged in. (Thanks to @gzilla13 for finding this one!)
  • Resolved issues causing improper calculation of macOS update sizes in non-USA regions. (Thanks to @gzilla13 and @davidjimenezm for helping with this!)
  • Resolved issues causing improper validation of dialog timeout options. (Thanks to @gzilla13 for finding this one!)
  • Resolved issues preventing the Defer button from showing the correct deferment time. (Thanks to @iDrewbs for finding this one!)
  • Resolved issues preventing the completion of the install non-system updates workflow.
  • As always, countless logging refinements and correction of typos.
  • Updated example logs. (Still more to examples to come in the future!)
  • Updated example MDM configuration profiles for super 3.0b11.
  • super 3.0b11 SHA-256: 7e74c463511b2962c7b984db889256a98c606219fe70af89c2d9d32981f89fd0



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • Updated --user-auth-mdm-failover=TYPE,TYPE,TYPE option now allows you to specify one or more failover types separated by commas (no spaces) for when the macOS update/upgrade via MDM workflow fails. The supported MDM failover types have also changed slightly...
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=ALWAYS fail over to the user authentication workflow any time the MDM workflow fails.
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=HARD fail over to the user authentication workflow when the MDM workflow fails and a hard deadline has passed.
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=SOFT fail over to the user authentication workflow when the MDM workflow fails and a soft deadline has passed.
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=INSTALLNOW fail over to the user authentication workflow when the MDM workflow fails and during an install now workflow.
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=BOOTSTRAP fail over to the user authentication workflow if the computer's bootstrap token has not been escrowed with the MDM service. This option also automatically repairs the bootstrap token escrow if the local user is an administrator with a secure token.
  • The --display-accessory-content=/local/path or URL option has been replaced by multiple new display accessory content options (as before these options also require setting the --display-accessory-type=TYPE option)...
    • New--display-accessory-default=/local/path or URL option can accept a local path or a web URL. This shows the display accessory content for all macOS updates and upgrades.
    • New--display-accessory-update=/local/path or URL option can accept a local path or a web URL. This shows the display accessory content for only macOS updates.
    • New--display-accessory-upgrade=/local/path or URL option can accept a local path or a web URL. This shows the display accessory content for only macOS upgrades.
  • Updated script replaces and creates filtered logs similar to what super generates for troubleshooting MDM workflow issues.
  • New script creates detailed ManagedClient and softwareupdated logs for troubleshooting MDM workflow issues.
  • New Example-Logs folder contains multiple examples of successful macOS update/upgrades with different plaforms and workflows. (More to examples to come in the future!)
  • The $softwareUpdateTimeoutSECONDS increased to 1200 seconds because softwareupdate fails to report macOS preparation progress reliably even when it's working.
  • The automatic removal of unnecessary macOS installers now ignores installers found in user home folders, except for installers found in ~/Applications, ~/Desktop, and ~/Downloads. In other words, if an unnecessary macOS installer is found in ~/Documents or ~/Library it will be ignored (the presumption being that it's an intentional archive), but if found in ~/Downloads it will be deleted. (Thanks to @dustin and @julienvs in #super on MacAdmins Slack for sacrificing their personal macOS installer archive!)
  • Resolved an issue during installation if the /user/local/bin folder was missing from the local system. (Thanks to Matthieu Sibilleau in #super on MacAdmins Slack for finding this one!)
  • Resolved several issues where the deferral timer was not being set properly. (Thanks to Dustin Nikles and Scott Thompson in #super on MacAdmins Slack for finding this one!)
  • Resolved an issue where the enforce all items workflow was no properly closing notifications. (Thanks to Scott Thompson in #super on MacAdmins Slack for finding this one!)
  • Resolved an issue where the macOS update/upgrade download sizes were improperly calculated when a comma was used in the download size. (Thanks to MiWeMP in #super on MacAdmins Slack for finding this one!)
  • As always, countless logging refinements and correction of typos.
  • Updated example MDM configuration profiles for super 3.0b10.
  • super 3.0b10 SHA-256: 737f9a054d86173bc08e07bfdf23045b869b6c54a9cf6d3851f2f638aed07105



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • New --install-now workflow option provides full support for "self-servicing" workflows that are started by an active user. With this option enabled the macOS update/upgrade workflow starts immediately. Additionally, if the --install-now option is enabled via command-line, and the workflow is successful, this option is not be saved for future runs of super. Finally, any failures during the install now workflow do not create an automatic deferral to try again later.
  • New progress notifications for the install now workflow include...
    • An install now workflow "geting started" notification that appears as soon as the workflow starts.
    • An install now workflow "downloading" notification that appears if the macOS update/upgrade has not yet downloaded.
    • An install now workflow "up to date" notification that appears if macOS is fully updated/upgraded.
    • An install now workflow "failure" notification that appears if the macOS update/upgrade workflow fails.
    • When applicable, the standard macOS update/upgrade progress notifications are also used with the install now workflow.
  • New --only-download workflow option allows you to pre-cache (but not install) macOS update/upgrades silently in the background. This significantly shortens the restart time when an installation workflow is started. If you use this option along with the --recheck-defer option then super always keeps the latest available macOS updates and allowed macOS upgrades ready for installation.
  • New Jamf Pro extension attribute script collects the name and version of the currently cached macOS update/upgrade. Thus allowing for the creation of Jamf Pro Smart Groups to facilitate automatic scoping for Self Service Polices.
  • New (Apple Silicon only) macOS update/upgrade via user authentication workflow can prompt the local user for their credentials via an IBM Notifier dialog. This dialog features all the super display customization options. This workflow replaces the "Nudge-like" experience (that opens the native macOS update/upgrade interfaces) when no Apple Silicon update credentials passed into super.
  • New --user-auth-mdm-failover=TYPE option allows you to specify when the macOS update/upgrade via user authentication workflow should be used as a failover for when the macOS update/upgrade via MDM workflow fails. The supported MDM failover types are...
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=ALWAYS fail over to the user authentication workflow any time the MDM workflow fails.
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=HARD fail over to the user authentication workflow only when the MDM workflow fails and a hard deadline has passed.
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=SOFT fail over to the user authentication workflow only when the MDM workflow fails and a soft deadline has passed.
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=DEADLINE fail over to the user authentication workflow only when the MDM workflow fails and any hard or soft deadline has passed.
    • --user-auth-mdm-failover=INSTALLNOW fail over to the user authentication workflow only when the MDM workflow fails and during an install now workflow.
  • New --user-auth-timeout=seconds option allows you to set a timeout for the macOS update/upgrade via user authentication dialog (default is no timeout). If the user doesn't authenticate the macOS update/upgrade within this timeout then the workflow exits.
  • New --defer-display-timeout=seconds option allows you to set a timeout for the restart or defer dialog (default is no timeout). If the user doesn't make a selection to restart or defer within this timeout then the workflow automatically defers.
  • New --soft-display-timeout=seconds option allows you to set a timeout for the soft deadline restart dialog (default is no timeout). If the user doesn't choose to restart within this timeout then the workflow automatically starts the macOS update/upgrade restart.
  • New notification for the --enforce-all-updates option informing the user that (non-macOS) Apple software updates are installing.
  • New storage validation automatically calculates the required available free space for macOS update/upgrade workflows. This includes a new notification that automatically opens the Storage pane of the System or (for older versions of macOS) the Storage
  • New automatic deletion of any unnecessary (not allowed or not matching the targeted version) macOS Installers. This is necessary to accurately calculate the required available free space for macOS updates/upgrades.
  • New automatic deletion of the targeted macOS installer if it fails Gatekeeper validation.
  • New MacBook power validation automatically detects the required AC power or battery level for macOS update/upgrade workflows. This includes a new notification that prompts the user to plug in to AC power if the battery level is below 50%.
  • New automatic error deferral if no user is logged in and there is not enough available free space for the macOS update/upgrade workflow.
  • New automatic error deferral if no user is logged in and connecting to AC power is required for the macOS update/upgrade workflow.
  • New --free-space-timeout=seconds option allows you to set a timeout for the required available free space notification (default is one hour). If the minimum available free space requirement is not met within this timeout then the workflow automatically defers.
  • New --battery-timeout=seconds option allows you to set a timeout for the AC power required notification (default is one hour). If AC power is not connected within this timeout then the workflow automatically defers.
  • New --error-defer=seconds option allows you to set a deferral time specifically for errors (as opposed to using the default defer time).
  • New --free-space-update=gigabytes and --free-space-upgrade=gigabytes options allow you to override the default available free space requirements. These options should be reserved for testing purposes only as the default available free space requirements are set to reasonable minimums.
  • New --battery-level=percentage option allows you to override the default battery level requirement. This option should be reserved for testing purposes only as the default battery level requirement is set to a reasonable minimum.
  • New script creates filtered logs for troubleshooting super MDM workflow issues.
  • New starts a macOS update/upgrade MDM workflow via the Jamf Pro API for troubleshooting super MDM workflow issues.
  • Per Apple guidance, macOS 13.3 and later no longer double-check for available software updates when no updates are found.
  • Improved download mechanism now only pre-downloads macOS updates/upgrades. This resolves issues where pre-downloading updates for actively running software (specifically Safari) would require the application to quit even though the update was only downloading.
  • Improved --test-mode now simulates install now workflows, storage validation, power validation, and user authentication workflows.
  • Improved restart validation mechanism (after macOS update/upgrade restart) is now more reliable.
  • Improved soft and hard deadline information now shows in all appropriate macOS update/upgrade dialogs and notifications.
  • Resolved an issue preventing the proper Deferral button text from showing. (Thanks to @homert83 and multiple folks in #super on MacAdmins Slack for spotting this one!)
  • Resolved an issue that caused incompatible macOS Installers to download on older Mac computers. (Thanks to Kasper Andresen in #super on MacAdmins Slack for spotting this one!)
  • Resolved several issues causing incorrect macOS Installer download status.
  • Removed the --display-timeout=seconds option in favor of new specific timeout options.
  • Updates to the setDisplayLanguage() function to allow for new install now workflow, available free space notification, power required notification, and user authentication dialog.
  • As always, countless logging refinements and correction of typos.
  • Updated example MDM configuration profiles for super 3.0b9.
  • super 3.0b9 SHA-256: 07c75419c723a5c7effd520ed52095b83cd7e806e924cb49dcc11260c41a018e



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • New --display-accessory-type=TYPE and --display-accessory-content=/local/path or URL options allow you to specify a custom display accessory view for IBM Notifier interactive dialogs (jamfHelper dialogs do not support this option). Both options must be specified at the same time, and the supported display accessory types are...
    • --display-accessory-type=TEXTBOX display plain text or Markdown styled text in a white box inside interactive dialogs.
    • --display-accessory-type=HTMLBOX display HTML styled text in a white box inside interactive dialogs.
    • --display-accessory-type=HTML display HTML styled text with a "blank" background as if part of the interactive dialogs.
    • --display-accessory-type=IMAGE display an image inside the interactive dialogs.
    • --display-accessory-type=VIDEO display a paused video inside the interactive dialogs.
    • --display-accessory-type=VIDEOAUTO display a video that will auto-play inside the interactive dialogs.
    • The --display-accessory-content=/local/path or URL option can accept a local path or a web URL. If the specified local path or URL can not be found then the custom display accessory will not be shown.
    • The Super-Friends folder now contains several display accessory examples.
  • New --help-button=plain text or URL option allows you to specify a help button for IBM Notifier interactive dialogs (jamfHelper dialogs do not support this option).
  • New --warning-button=plain text or URL option allows you to specify a warning button for IBM Notifier interactive dialogs (jamfHelper dialogs do not support this option).
    • If you specify a plain text string for either help or warning buttons, a pop-up will appear when the user selects the button.
    • If you specify a URL for either help or warning buttons, the URL will open in another application. Supported URL types are; http://, https://, mailto:, and jamfselfservice://. If a specified web URL cannot be found then the button will not be shown.
  • New --display-silently option will open all IBM Notifier dialogs and notifications without playing the system warning sound (jamfHelper dialogs and notifications do not support this option).
  • New Defer button will show the deferral time for IBM Notifier interactive dialogs and notifications (jamfHelper dialogs and notifications do not support this option). However, if the --menu-defer= option is also specified, then the default button will not show the deferral time as it's already displayed in the deferral pop-up menu.
  • When using the --test-mode option with the self-update workflow the failure dialog is now also displayed (for testing validation).
  • Improved Apple Silicon self-update/upgrade workflow notification dialogs describe required actions more accurately.
  • Resolved an issue where the Apple Silicon self-update/upgrade workflow was not opening the correct application for macOS 12.3 or newer.
  • Resolved an issue where the macOS via MDM workflow timeout was not properly trigger the failure notification. (Thanks to @marcelpogorzelski for spotting this one!)
  • Bootstrap token validation now happens earlier in the credential management workflow and generates less logging on subsequent runs.
  • Updates to the setDisplayLanguage() function to allow for new IBM Notifier display options and improved self-update/upgrade workflow text.
  • As always, countless logging refinements and correction of typos.
  • Updated example MDM configuration profiles for super 3.0b8.
  • super 3.0b8 SHA-256: a38c66833811b2de2839a3c2f2c47523879cf9ce6eb5be40fc54a3793658d45a



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • New --enforce-all-updates option installs all recommended (non-macOS) updates silently in the background even if there is no macOS update or upgrade required. Without using this option, the default behavior for super is to install recommended updates only after a macOS update/upgrade restart.
  • The macOS upgrade via MDM workflow now automatically logs out an active user moments before the system attempts to restart the computer. Thus, now all update and upgrade workflows (Intel, local authenticated, and MDM authenticated) should successfully force a restart.
  • Improved notifications for the macOS upgrade via MDM workflow now show restart estimates more often and also warn the user before they are forcibly logged out before restarting.
  • If needed, is automatically updated to version 27.3. For compatibility with older systems, super continues to use versions of prior to version 28.
  • Resolved issues that caused download workflows to fail when only a single recommended (non-macOS) update was available.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented super from downlading the latest macOS upgrade installer. Now the latest version is calculated via the macOS installer build number.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented super from completing the gatekeeper validation for the macOS upgrade installer. This was making macOS upgrades take longer than they should.
  • Improved --test-mode behavior.
  • As always, countless logging refinements.
  • Updated Jamf Pro extension attribute script now collects older versions of super as well. (Thanks to @wakco for this one!)
  • Updated example MDM configuration profiles for super 3.0b7.
  • super 3.0b7 SHA-256: 23c6402379154f249d8ff6e1182bf500960fb118bdf16b4ccb01d6df26a91e85



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • New support for macOS updates/upgrades when a system is enrolled in a beta seed program, as such super now properly detects and installs available macOS betas.
  • All logs now show the version of super that is running.
  • New Jamf Pro extension attribute script collects the currently installed super version.
  • macOS upgrade installers are now always downloaded and validated via specific build number (as opposed to version number).
  • Resolved an issue that prevented software updates from downloading on macOS 12.0 - 12.2.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented update/upgrade version numbers from displaying for MDM workflow dialogs on macOS 12.3 or nerwer.
  • Improved failure detection, some logging refinements, and fixed a few typos for good measure.
  • Updated super removal script now removes erase-install items and any update credentials previously saved by super.
  • super 3.0b6 SHA-256: b7bae8e206e6af5b3368a032853926830914a1ee9f6b66cc5e46b60b26d19cd3



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • Dialog and Notification title bars now show the macOS update/upgrade version. For example, "macOS 13.1 Upgrade Requires Restart".
  • Re-organized (yet again) the macOS upgrade list workflow to better accommodate macOS 12.3 or newer systems, as such...
  • All macOS 12.3 or newer Intel computers and Apple Silicon computers using a local authentication workflow now always upgrade macOS via the much faster softwareupdate workflow. However...
  • All Apple Silicon computers using Jamf Pro API authentication now always upgrade macOS via the traditional installer workflow. (This is due to a limitation in the macOS MDM upgrade workflow, not in Jamf Pro or super.)
  • All Intel computers now ignore the MDM update/upgrade workflow as it provides no benefit over standard local system (root) authentication.
  • Resolved software update list cache validation issues on macOS 13.x.
  • Resolved software update download issue on macOS 13.x. (Huge thanks to @PicoMitchell for helping with this one!)
  • A variety of logging and timeout improvements including live macOS installer download progress status when watching super via command line.
  • super 3.0b5 SHA-256: 84023c8ccff2f22e5000fd35588935e5923b236cfc982b4686bc750f7908c2fc



  • UPGRADE NOTICE: Any version of super prior to 3.0b4 may unintentionally upgrade computers with macOS 12.6.2 to macOS 13.1+. You should avoid using any version of super prior to version 3.0b4 on macOS 12 or newer.
  • New --allow-upgrade option can automatically enforce all contemporary macOS upgrade workflows from macOS 10.14 (older macOS versions may work but are not tested) to macOS 13.x. This includes support for Intel, Apple Silicon via local authentication, Apple Silicon via Jamf Pro API authentication, and Apple Silicon user request (similar to Nudge).
  • New --target-upgrade=version option allows you to specify a major macOS version (11, 12, or 13) as the maximum allowed macOS upgrade.
  • The previously introduced --push-major-upgrade option has been removed as it's no longer necessary because super automatically selects the most appropriate upgrade workflow.
  • New support for the "softwareupdate-based" upgrade workflow from macOS 12.3 or newer to macOS 13.x. This upgrade workflow is much faster than traditional macOS installation-based upgrades.
  • New automatic installation of to facilitate downloading the full system installer that is required for upgrading older macOS versions.
  • To reliably support all macOS upgrade workflows, the minimum supported version of Jamf Pro is now 10.38 or newer.
  • Completely re-written download workflow always downloads the appropriate macOS update or upgrade locally (no more failed MDM downloads!) before prompting the user to restart.
  • Significantly improved download validation and caching mechanisms further enhance download reliability and performance.
  • All recommended (non-macOS) software updates now install immediately after the system is restarted. This is to avoid interrupting the user (when updating things like Safari) and to avoid unnecessary installations if performing a macOS upgrade.
  • Boolean options (on/off) can now be specified using a more uniform "on" or "off" in the option's name. For example, test mode can now be enabled with the original --test-mode or the new --test-mode-on and toggled off with the original --no-test-mode or the new --test-mode-off.
  • For macOS 13 or newer, there is now a Managed Login Item Configuration Profile example for use when deploying super to managed systems.
  • The logs maintained by super have (once again) been renamed to facilitate the new update/upgrade workflows. As always, the log descriptions and locations can be found in the internal setDefaults() function.
  • Significantly improved logging now identifies more failure modes and also includes live macOS update/upgrade download progress status when watching super via command line.
  • Countless log text changes, comment text clarification, and internal object renaming to facilitate new update/upgrade workflows.
  • It's no longer necessary to specify the --skip-updates-on option with the --policy-triggers option to run Jamf Pro Policies when there are no macOS updates/upgrades available.
  • super 3.0b4 SHA-256: 4e62e721266ccb4e93fad48c9e928f3a29eb2ab62e10a83950a7728a59863fb6



  • New timeouts for each distinct update phase. These timeouts can be customized in the setDefaults() function of the script; checkTimeoutSECONDS=120, recommendedTimeoutSECONDS=300, mdmTimeoutSECONDS=120, downloadTimeoutSECONDS=120, prepareTimeoutSECONDS=600, applyTimeoutSECONDS=60, and asuTimeoutSECONDS=300.
  • Optimizations to the major system upgrade detection that improve reliability and performance.
  • Fixed issues that prevented the post-restart validation workflow from running and completing after installing a minor system update via softwareupdate.
  • A wide variety of general and --verbose-mode logging improvements.
  • super 3.0b3 SHA-256: e845729d8227d5c71e25971464e99ad477aaca7f1b6970fec6aeb05c4beb6948



  • Renamed the option to prefer jamfHelper dialogs and notifications to --prefer-jamf-helper. Likewise, the managed preference key has also been renamed to PreferJamfHelper.
  • Resolved issue with invalid logging function reference (Thanks to @iDrewbs!)
  • The <key>PushMajorUpgrade</key> is now in the All Options config profile examples.
  • super 3.0b2 SHA-256: a840e6dfeca4ece84b79969e41f2c077fc671f5c71893a23d65030a5c1c77f9c



  • New support for macOS Ventura 13.
  • New --push-major-upgrade option (macOS 11.5 or newer and managed by Jamf Pro) attempts to perform a major macOS upgrade via MDM command.
  • New "Software Update Failed" notification when for when things go wrong after the user has already been notified to expect a restart... keep reading for further explanation...
  • New SuperStauts key in the /Library/Management/super/com.macjutsu.super.plist maintains the current status of super. This allows for easy querying of the genreral super status without viewing the entire super.log. Here is a Jamf Pro Extension Attribute script to collect this when inventory is updated.
  • New SuperPending key in the /Library/Management/super/com.macjutsu.super.plist maintains the pending restart date of super. This allows for easy querying of the genreral super pending restart date without viewing the entire super.log. Here is a Jamf Pro Extension Attribute script to collect this when inventory is updated.
  • New super removal script stops any active super instance, super helpers, and removes all super items (excluding helpers).
  • New local log /Library/Management/super/check.log maintains the last softwareupdate check results.
  • New local log /Library/Management/super/asu.log keeps a history of softwareupdate download and installation attempts.
  • Significant internal rearchitecting to support major macOS upgrades (more upgrade workflows coming soon including full installer options).
  • Significant internal rearchitecting to accommodate update/upgrade workflows that hang. Specifically, if any update/upgrade times out after 600 seconds of inactivity, super automatically tries again later. (Thanks to @scriptingosx and #scripting on MacAdmins Slack!)
  • Significant internal rearchitecting to harden super against run-time errors. Specifically, super only exits due to errors during the initial installation and startup. After installation and startup is complete, if any error occurs, super automatically restarts later, even if the system is unexpectedly restarted.
  • Rebuilt initial installation and startup workflow reports all exit errors to the super parent process (Terminal, Jamf Pro, etc.).
  • Rebuilt initial installation and startup workflow only installs dependencies when required. For example, the --prefer-jamf option prevents the automatic installation of IBM Notifier.
  • Rebuilt update/upgrade checking workflow is instantaneous if a check has already occurred in the last 6 hours (the default for the built-in automatic softwareupdate check). (Thanks to @grahampugh for this suggestion!)
  • Rebuilt update/upgrade checking workflow times out after 120 seconds of inactivity, in which case super automatically tries again later.
  • Misbehaving softwareudated processes are automatically punished with a "kickstart" restart.
  • Improvements to --verbose-mode now shows more detail including (when appropriate) the active script function name.
  • Improvements to --reset-super now resets cached update results and all deferral counters.
  • Improvements to --test-mode now properly resets deferral counters.
  • Reliability improvements to the Jamf Pro API token request workflow.
  • Various improvements to general logging including new details regarding system architecture, version, and expected update/upgrade workflows.
  • Various improvements to script commenting including new mark directives that appear in supported code editors. (Thanks to @scriptingosx for inspiration.)
  • Starting with super 3.0b1 checksums are provided with each release...
  • super 3.0b1 SHA-256: e1b16ed4dd307fa4a19cf987bddd2010dee0ec2cdd33acd25d2b4320507f2136



  • The S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. Wiki is finally helpful!
  • Detailed help removed from within the super script, because...
  • If there is a current GUI user the --help option now automatically opens the S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. Wiki. If there is no current GUI user this option shows basic usage.
  • Spellcheck! So. Many. Typos.



  • Validated against the late August 2022 Apple Security Updates.
  • The Jamf Pro API token is now invalidated when super exits (previously it was only deleted from local memory).
  • You can now set custom dialog timeout text for both the "Ask for Update" and "Soft Deadline" dialogs in the setDisplayLanguage() function.
  • IBM Notifier Version 2.8.0 Build 87 is automatically downloaded and installed in the $superFOLDER.
  • Resolved an issue where deleting account credentials did not set the appropriate update workflow.



  • Re-arranged the main workflow so that if there is no current user then the system update is attempted immediately, thus skipping the pre-download functions. This prevents an issue where in some cases softwareupdate was re-downloading the system update.
  • Significant rewrite of the softwarupdate workflows to fully support macOS 11 and newer on both Intel and Apple Silicon computers. The previous "macOS Monterey Notification Fix" is no longer necessary. (Huge thanks to @StephenGrall for help on this!)
  • The MDM update workflow via Jamf Pro is now supported on both Intel and Apple Silicon computers running macOS 11.5 and newer.
  • Credentials for the MDM update workflow via Jamf Pro are now validated and saved on all versions of macOS, thus allowing for use of the MDM update workflow once the system has reached macOS 11.5 or newer.
  • Updated the checkCurrentUser() function with more resilient code that now also collects the current UID.
  • Resolved an issue when validating the maximum seconds for the --recheck-defer option.



  • There are so many new features in super 2.x that any existing scripts, Configuration Profiles, or other workflows designed for super 1.x are not compatible with super 2.x. Please review sudo super --help in addition to this change log!
  • All option flags with a variable value now require the use of equals ( = ). For example, --default-defer=3600. However, quoting is no longer required for option variables (unless they use a reserved character like "space").
  • When running super via Jamf Pro Policy, you can now use script Parameter Values for configuration. However, you can only use one option per Parameter Value, so you are limited to a total of 8 options with this method. Obviously, you should consider using a Configuration Profile for setting more options.
  • New --recheck-defer=seconds option allows super to re-run on a regular basis even when no Apple software updates are found. Thus, super "remains active" to enforce ongoing Apple software update checking.
  • Significantly updated deferral mechanism now allows for all deadline types (focus, soft, and hard) for all deferral types, including...
  • New --focus-days=number, --soft-days=number, and --hard-days=number options allow you specify a maximum number of days to defer after an Apple software update is found.
  • New --zero-day=YYYY-MM-DD:hh:mm option allows you to specify a manual day zero instead of relying on the default automatic zero day, which is based on when new Apple system updates are available.
  • Maximum deferral count and maximum deferral days deadlines can now be restarted with the --restart-count and --restart-days options.
  • Multiple options of a similar type can now be deleted with a single option, this includes; --delete-deferrals, --delete-counts, --delete-days, --delete-dates, and --delete-accounts.
  • Improved icon scaling when using the --icon-size-ibm option courtesy of...
  • IBM Notifier Version 2.7.1 Build 81 is automatically downloaded and installed in the $superFOLDER.
  • As a default behavior, the --policy-triggers option now waits for restart-required system updates to become available before running any Jamf Policy Triggers. Alternately, you can combine this option with the --skip-updates option to run the Jamf Policy triggers without waiting for a restart-required system update.
  • The --clear-super option is renamed to --reset-super and also includes improved logging.
  • Improved behavior for the --open-logs option.
  • All notification and dialog text strings are now consolidated into a single, easier to customize, setDisplayLanguage() function.
  • MDM workflow parsing updates should improve detection of MDM download and install progress.
  • A lot of documentation improvements and internal refactoring to align with new features and renamed options.



  • No code changes in super script.
  • Significant macOS Monterey requirement changes to work around softwareupdate workflows that are hanging during system update downloads. Please see the "macOS Monterey Notification Fix Requirement" section. (#11, thanks to @KMudedla).



  • Resolved missing code that prevented the PreferJamf managed preference key from being respected.
  • The --prefer-jamf option now results in an exit error if run from a computer with no Jamf binary.



  • When used with Jamf Pro 10.38 or newer, all MDM software update commands now use the Jamf Pro API (as opposed to the Classic API).
  • When used with Jamf Pro 10.38 or newer, system updates via MDM now forces a restart by killing any apps that don't quit when requested.
  • More reliable logging when downloading and preparing updates via MDM.
  • The --verbose-mode option now shows the percentage complete when downloading and preparing updates via MDM.
  • The --policy-triggers option now detects when Jamf Pro Policies complete with success or failure. If all Jamf Pro Policies completed, then the --policy-triggers option is automatically cleared.
  • Various code syntax changes per ShellCheck recommendations.



  • The super workflow now automatically installs all available non-restart required "recommended" Apple software updates on both Intel and Apple Silicon computers prior to downloading any restart required system updates. Thus, all non-restart required updates are installed before the user is prompted to restart.
  • Jamf Pro inventory is now updated immediately after non-restart required "recommended" Apple software updates are automatically installed.
  • The current user is now checked immediately before any prompts in case super has been running for a while (due to earlier installations or downloads).
  • Re-built softwareupdate checking functions to improve reliability, logging, and allow for future improvements.
  • The --policy-triggers option no longer requires the --force-restart option to take advantage of dialogs, notifications, deferrals, and deadline workflows. This allows Jamf Pro Policies to control when the computer restarts.
  • The --policy-triggers option now requires a local Jamf binary.
  • The --force-restart option no longer requires a local Jamf binary. Now using shutdown -o -r +1 instead.
  • The --open-logs option now works with older versions of macOS. However, detailed MDM and softwareupdate logs are still only available for macOS 11 or newer.
  • Startup workflow now kills any previous IBM Notifier instance.
  • Jamf Pro Policies now called via -event instead of legacy -trigger (#5, thanks to @kenchan0130).
  • Resolved text encoding issue causing "?" to appear in notifications and dialogs (#6, thanks to @kenchan0130).



  • Jamf Pro no longer required for softwareupdate workflows.
  • Initial commits to GitHub including Apache 2.0 LICENSE and
  • Introductory comments moved to
  • Example managed preference file com.macjutsu.super.plist



  • IBM Notifier is automatically downloaded and installed in the $superFOLDER.
  • IBM Notifier is default for all user interactions, but if IBM can't be downloaded or is invalid then super falls back to jamfHelper.
  • Ability to specify custom icon size when using IBM Notifier via --icon-size-ibm pixels option and managed preference: <key>IconSizeIbm</key> <string>number</string>
  • Ability to specify custom icon size when using jamfHelper via --icon-size-jamf pixels option and managed preference: <key>IconSizeJamf</key> <string>number</string>
  • Ability to prefer jamfHelper over IBM Notifier via --prefer-jamf | --no-prefer-jamf options and managed preference: <key>PreferJamf</key> <true/> | <false/>
  • Deferral times all normalized to between 120 seconds and 86400 seconds (1 day).
  • Bug fixes and improvements for display redraw, display timeout, and test mode options.
  • Logging and verbose mode improvements.



  • Initial private release.