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306 lines (280 loc) · 8.68 KB

vueMultiSelect field

Probably the most complete selecting solution for Vue.js, without jQuery.

Please note, this field depends on the following library:

Special properties of field

Property Default Accepted values Description
values none Array or Function List of items. It can be an array with items, or a function, what is resulted an array. The item can be a String or an object. You can use id and key (under selectOptions) to select any properties of that object as value or name.
max none Number Number of allowed selected options.
selectOptions {} Object Settings to select component. See details below.


For more details, see the official Vue-multiselect documentation.

Property Default Accepted values Description
id none Integer or String Used to identify the component in events.
multiple false Boolean Equivalent to the multiple attribute on a input.
trackBy none String Used to compare objects. Only use if options are objects.
label none String Label from option Object, that will be visible in the dropdown.
searchable true Boolean Add / removes search input.
clearOnSelect true Boolean Clear the search input after selection. Use only when multiple is true.
hideSelected false Boolean Hide already selected options
allowEmpty true Boolean Allows to remove all selected values. Otherwise one must be left selected.
resetAfter false Boolean Reset internal this.value,, this.selected after this.value changes.
closeOnSelect true Boolean Enable/disable closing after selecting an option
customLabel none Function => String Function used to create a custom label
taggable false Boolean Disable / Enable tagging
tagPlaceholder 'Press enter to create a tag' String String to show when highlighting a potential tag
optionsLimit 1000 Number Limits the options displayed in the dropdown to the first X options.
groupValues none String Name of the property containing the group values
groupLabel none String Name of the property containing the group label
blockKeys [] Array Array of keyboard key aliases to block when selecting
internalSearch true Boolean Decide whether to filter the results based on search query. Useful for async filtering, where we search through more complex data.
selectLabel 'Press enter to select' String String to show when pointing to an option
selectedLabel 'Selected' String String to show next to selected option
deselectLabel 'Press enter to remove' String String to show when pointing to an already selected option
showLabels true Boolean Decide whether to show labels on highlighted options
limit 99999 Number Limit the display of selected options. The rest will be hidden within the limitText string.
limitText count => `and ${count} more` Function => String Function that process the message shown when selected elements pass the defined limit.
loading false Boolean Show/hide the loading spinner.
maxHeight 300 Integer Sets max-height style value of the dropdown
showPointer true Boolean Enable/disable highlighting of the pointed value.
onSearch none Function(searchQuery, id, options) Emitted after the search query changes
onNewTag none Function(newTag, id, options, value) Emitted after user attempt to add a tag


Simple select primitive:

  type: "vueMultiSelect",
  label: "Country",
  placeholder: "Select a country",
  model: "",
  required: true,
  validator: validators.required,
  selectOptions: {
    multiSelect: false,
    closeOnSelect: false,
    searchable: false,
    showLabels: false

Simple select object:

  type: "vueMultiSelect",    
  model: "library",
  label: "Libraries",
  placeholder: "Select your favorite library",
  required: true, 
  validator: validators.required,
  selectOptions: {
    multiple: false,
    key: "name",
    label: "name",
    searchable: false,
    closeOnSelect: false,
  values: [
      "name": "Vue.js",
      "language": "JavaScript"
      "name": "Rails",
      "language": "Ruby"
      "name": "Sinatra",
      "language": "Ruby"

Select with search:

  type: "vueMultiSelect",    
  model: "library",
  label: "Libraries",
  placeholder: "Select your favorite library",
  required: true,  
  validator: validators.required,
  selectOptions: {
    multiple: false,
    key: "name",
    label: "name",
    searchable: true,
    customLabel: function({ name, language }) {
      return `${name} — [${language}]`
  values: [
      "name": "Vue.js",
      "language": "JavaScript"
      "name": "Rails",
      "language": "Ruby"
      "name": "Sinatra",
      "language": "Ruby"

Multiselect with search:

  type: "vueMultiSelect",    
  model: "library",
  label: "Libraries",
  placeholder: "Select your favorite library",
  required: true, 
  validator: validators.required,
  selectOptions: {
    multiple: true,
    key: "name",
    label: "name",
    searchable: true,
    clearOnSelect: false,
    closeOnSelect: false,
    limit:2 // limits the visible results to 2
  values: [
      "name": "Vue.js",
      "language": "JavaScript"
      "name": "Rails",
      "language": "Ruby"
      "name": "Sinatra",
      "language": "Ruby"

Asynchronous select:

  type: "vueMultiSelect",    
  model: "countries",
  label: "Countries ",
  placeholder: "Type to search",
  required: true,  
  validator: validators.required,
  selectOptions: {
    multiple: true,
    key: "code",
    label: "name",
    searchable: true,
    localSearch: false,
    clearOnSelect: false,
    closeOnSelect: false,    
    onSearch: function(searchQuery, id, options) {
      if (searchQuery.length === 0) {
        this.countries = []
      } else {
        this.isLoading = true
        setTimeout(() => {
          this.countries = countries.filter(function(element, index, array) {
          this.isLoading = false
        }, 1000)
  onChanged: function(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {
    model.selectedCountries = newVal    
  values: [
      "name": "Vue.js",
      "language": "JavaScript"
      "name": "Rails",
      "language": "Ruby"
      "name": "Sinatra",
      "language": "Ruby"


  type: "vueMultiSelect",    
  model: "library",
  label: "Libraries",
  placeholder: "Type to search or add tag",
  required: true,  
  validator: validators.required,
  selectOptions: {
    multiple: true,
    key: "code",
    label: "name",
    searchable: true,
    taggable: true,
    tagPlaceholder: "Add this as new tag",
    onNewTag: function(newTag, id, options, value){
      const tag = {
        name: newTag,
        // Just for example needs as we use Array of Objects that should have other properties filled.
        // For primitive values you can simply push the tag into options and selected arrays.
        code: newTag.substring(0, 2) + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000000))
  onChanged: function(model, newVal, oldVal, field) {    
    console.log('@tag: ', newVal);
  values: [
      "name": "Javascript",
      "code": "js"
      "name": "Monterail",
      "code": "pl"
      "name": "Open Source",
      "code": "os"
      "name": "Vue.js",
      "code": "vu"


You have to include the vue-multiselect CSS somewhere. It can be added as a static asset to your application, or inside a component. See here for details.

For example, to include in a component:

  <!-- template here -->
  // Script here

<!-- include the vue-multiselect CSS -->
<style src="vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"></style>

  /* your styles here */