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417 lines (293 loc) · 44.6 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
417 lines (293 loc) · 44.6 KB


Breaking Changes

  • Operators in field expressions/filter constraints (in both the ?sort and ?filter parameters) must now be prefixed with a colon. More details here: ethanresnick#172 (comment)


Breaking Changes

  • The format for specifying/configuring custom operators has changed slightly. Whereas operators previously defined themselves with an isBinary boolean field, they must now provide an arity field, which holds a finite number (0, 1, 2, etc.) or Infinity. If you were defining custom operators, or reading the user-defined operators in a custom parser, update your code accordingly. The update is very mechanical: wherever you were reading operator.isBinary before, you can replace it with operator.arity === 2.

  • Remove long-deprecated signature for ExpressStrategy.sendResult. If you're a TS user and your code still compiles, this doesn't effect you.


  • More accurate types, especially: replacing Query with a RunnableQuery union type in various signatures. This may cause small breakage for Typescript users.


Breaking Changes

  • Adapter#doQuery has been removed. If you were calling this manually in a query/result factory, replace those calls with the new opts.runQuery function, which has the same signature (and doesn't require you to know which adapter to run the query with).
  • The deprecated ResourceTypeRegistry#parentType method has been removed. Use ResourceTypeRegistry#parentTypeName instead.
  • Constructing a ResourceTypeRegistry with any type descriptions that don't include a dbAdapter now throws at construction time. Before, this would throw at runtime when the adapter was looked up to handle an incoming request.
  • APIError: the deprecated constructor signature/options have been removed, as has the deprecated use of an isJSONAPIDisplayReady property to indicate a non-APIError error as display-safe.

New Features

  • It's now possible to specify a max page size, and default page size, for each resource type, to limit how many resources of a given type users can request at once. To do this, add a pagination key to your resource type descriptions, with shape: { maxPageSize?: number; defaultPageSize?: number }.
  • It's now possible to override the set of supported operators on a request-by-request basis, rather than that set always being drawn from the adapter for the request's query.


Breaking Changes

  • The function signatures for beforeSave and beforeRender have been refactored considerably. Each function now receives four arguments (it, meta, extras, superFn), where it refers to the object (either a Resource or ResourceIdentifier) to be transformed; meta refers to a TransformMeta object; extras is an object full of members like the raw serverRequest, the ResourceTypeRegistry, etc; and superFn is a function you can call to invoke the parent type's transform. This is quite from the previous (it, frameworkReq, frameworkRes, superFn, extras, meta) signature. This change has been long-planned (though the depd module didn't provide a good way to provide a warning about it), and updating your code should be mechanical.

  • Likewise, the function signature for the superFn function is now (it, meta) rather than just (it). That is, you must explicitly pass along the transform meta when calling the super function.

New Features

  • Query and result factories receive a partially applied version of the (resource-type-agnostic) beforeSave and beforeRender functions, which can be convenient.
  • Export more types


  • MongooseAdapter: adds more information about the source of errors to the errors' meta key.


This release:

  • Adds support for geoWithin filters to the mongoose adapter. E.g., you can do GET /organizations?filter=(location,geoWithin,([0,0],toGeoCircle,4000)), where [0,0] is a [lng,lat] coordinate and 4000 is a radius in meters.
  • Provides more precise return types for adapter methods.
  • Exports additional types that may be useful to TS users.
  • Provides slightly more information about the request to query param parsers.

None of the changes should be breaking, except perhaps for Typescript users whose code doesn't match the more precise types.


With this release, all major API changes for v3 are done. Between now and the final release of v3, the plan is to:

  • remove deprecated APIs;
  • fix known bugs;
  • update underlying dependencies dependencies (e.g., Mongoose)
  • that's about it, though it's possible some other small API tweaks might happen.

Breaking Changes

The big change in this release is that Adapter methods now return results in a different format, and the Query.returning method receives the results in the new format. If you were reading/destructuring the arguments to Query.returning, you'll need to update your code accordingly. The new format is documented in src/db-adapters/AdapterInterface.ts.


New Features

  • Users can now provide a custom sort parameter parser, much like the custom filter parameter parsers already supported. Additionally, these parsers are allowed to parse "sort fields", as JSON:API calls them, that represent computed values, instead of simple field references. The format for these new sort fields is { expression: FieldExpression, direction: "ASC" | "DESC" }, compared to the other (and still valid) { field: string, direction: "ASC" | "DESC" } format.
  • The MongooseAdapter now supports a geoDistance operator that can be used in ?sort. E.g., GET /organizations?sort=(location,geoDistance,[lng,lat]) will sort all organizations by their distance from the user-provided [lng,lat] coordinate. See tests for some caveats here.

Breaking Changes

  • Because the MongooseAdapter allows the geoDistance operator in the ?sort parameter, it's now possible that users of that adapter will see an { expression, direction } sort field in Query objects, or in the parsed value at request.queryParams.sort. If you were reading/transforming that value or query objects and assuming that sort fields would always have a field key, then support for these new { expression, direction } sort objects is a breaking change.
  • Similarly, Typescript users will find that the type for parsed sort values has been expanded to encompass the new { expression, direction } possibility. You may need to adjust your code accordingly. Some other types have also been tweaked.
    • Note: an adapter must explicitly declare, in Adapter::supportedAdapters, which operators, if any, it supports in ?sort. If an adapter doesn't declare any operators as supported there, then it doesn't have to worry about encountering { expression, direction } sort field objects in the queries it receives, as the sort parser will mark attempts to use an operator as invalid.
  • The API controller no longer has a static defaultFilterParamParser method. Instead, this function is just a named export from the same file.


Breaking Changes

singular => isSingular Rename

  • FindQuery.singular and DeleteQuery.singular have been renamed to FindQuery.isSingular and DeleteQuery.isSingular. Likewise, the argument passed in during query construction has been renamed isSingular instead of singular.


For API Clients

  • Filtering now uses a slightly different syntax. See ethanresnick#160 for details.

For Query Creation/Transforms

  • If you were manually creating a Query object with filters applied, or inspecting/transforming the filters on an existing Query (including using the built-in methods like andWhere), you should know that the format for filter constraint objects has now changed slightly. In particular, before the format was { field: string | undefined, operator: string, value: any }; now, it's simply { operator: string, args: any[] }. And, within args, references to fields are represented with an Identifier type, to differentiate them from strings, so you have to read the identifier.value to get the field name. This format is more flexible going forward (e.g, it allows more than one operand to be a field reference). The effect of these changes are that:

    1. When reading filter constraints, when the operator is not and or or, you should be able to pretty mechanically replace filterConstraint.field with filterConstraint.args[0].value, and filterConstraint.value with filterConstraint.args[1]. Likewise, when the operator is and or or, you should be able able to replace constraint.value with constraint.args. These replacements work because, for all the built-in binary operators, you can rely on args[0] being an Identifier, and args[1] being a plain value; this is because the arguments are validated immediately after the parsing process, and the built-in validation function enforces these invariants. (Custom adapters can override that if they wish.) Similarly, you can rely on the args for "and"/"or" expressions being an array of filter constraints.

    2. For creating filter constraint objects and adding them to/removing them from queries, you'll likely want to import the Identifier and FieldExpression constructor functions from the json-api package and replace { field: "a", value: x, operator: y } with FieldExpression(y, [Identifier("a"), x]).

For Typescript Users

  • The FieldConstraint and FieldPredicate types have been unified into a new FieldExpression type, per the note above about a new filter constraint format.


Breaking Changes

  • Error messages thrown/reported to the user for mongoose ValidationError's have been improved, but this means that you may now need to update how you test for specific errors. In particular:
    • if a required field is missing, the typeUri on the generated APIError is now "" instead of "". The title is also different (to note that the value is missing, not invalid). Other properties are the same.

    • if the error arises from you throwing an APIError (e.g., in a custom validator), that error is used. Similarly, if you throw an Error marked as displaySafe, it's converted to an APIError, and that result is used. Before, a more generic error was used.

    • if the error arises from an error thrown in a custom validator/setter, and that error is not an instance of MongooseError, a generic message is used for the detail, rather than leaking the error's raw message to user. The rawError property on the generated APIError in this case now points directly to the thrown error (not the error mongoose generated when catching it).


Note: betas 21 and 22 contained only small bugfixes; no breaking changes.

New Features

  • Support APIError.source, use it for query parameter errors

Breaking changes

  • Replace the ErrOrErrArr (type) export from the API controller file with an ErrorOrErrorArray export in the src/types/index.ts file. This only effects Typescript users.


New features

  • Url templates can be passed as functions to the ResourceTypeRegistry.
  • Global configuration related to error handling can now be passed to the registry, including a template function for generating about links. Accordingly, APIError.links has been deprecated.
  • APIError's have an optional typeUri field which can hold a URI identifying the type of the error. If present, this is serialized as the code field. On construction, typeUri should be provided instead of code field, which has been deprecated.
  • APIError's can be constructed with a rawError option that holds an error object with more details. This raw error won't be serialized, but can be used downstream to further refine the APIError's message/other data.

Breaking changes

  • Many error titles have been rewritten, and Mongo unique constraint violation errors now reach query.catch as APIError's, not Mongo errors as before. If you or your clients were detecting specific errors, these changes may break your detection strategies. Use the new apiError.toJSON().code to distinguish error types. The code for Mongo unique constraint violation errors is:

  • APIError.paths has been removed (this was non-standard).

  • ResourceTypeRegistry.urlTemplates now returns each template as a function, rather than in its unparsed string form. The string form is available (for templates created from strings) at the function's RFC6570String symbol, which is exported by the library's index file.

  • Some types related to URL templates have been renamed.

All of the changes below are very unlikely to effect you:

  • ResourceTypeRegistry cross-type defaults can no longer be provided as an Immutable.js Map. Use a plain js object instead.
  • The ResourceTypeRegistry.behaviors() method has been removed. It wasn't being used for anything by the library.
  • Links are no longer parsed from request documents. If you were reading links sent by the client, please open an issue describing your use case (I'm very curious!).


  • "Result factories" have been added as a new feature. See
  • The long-deprecated ExpressStrategy.transformedAPIRequest method has been removed. However, query transform functionality is still available through the customAPIRequest method, and there's a very mechanical way to update: simply replace all calls to strategy.tranformedAPIRequest(queryTransform) with strategy.customAPIRequest({ queryTransform: queryTransform }).


  • beforeSave/beforeRender now receive an additional argument providing some metadata about the resource/identifier being transformed. At the moment, this metadata is simply what section of the document ("included" or "primary") the the resource/identifier is from.
  • Some protected methods of the MaybeDataWithLinks class has been renamed. If you were subclassing this class (which you probably shouldn't, as it's really an internal detail), you may have to update your code.

3.0.0-beta.14 – 3.0.0-beta.17

  • Support sending requests with already-parsed bodies into ExpressStrategy
  • Other small new features and typings improvements
  • Bugfixes


Breaking Changes


  • The second argument to MongooseAdapter's constructor, if provided, must now be a function that returns a type name when given a mongoose model name. Previously, the argument was a function that pluralized its input.
  • MongooseAdapter.getModelName has been removed. Adapter.getModelName is no longer a required function on the adapter interface. If you were customizing the pluralization/singularization behavior of the adapter, you may want to provide a function for the new toModelName argument on the DocumentationController's constructor.
  • AdapterInterface.getModel now takes a type name instead of a model name as its argument. MongooseAdapter.getModel has been updated accordingly.


New Features

  • Improved subtype handling (see #149)

Breaking Changes


By far the biggest breaking change in this beta is how the library handles subtypes (i.e., resource types registered with another resource type as their parent type). For details on the problem that needed to be solved and the approach taken, see ethanresnick#149.

If you're not using subtypes, none of these changes should effect you, unless you're using query factories (in which case you may need to do some mechanical work to set the new typePath property; see below).

Here are the most important changes:

  • In the past, a Resource instance's type field held the name of its subtype; now, it holds the name of the parent-most type that the resource belongs to. The serialized JSON type key for the resource is now also the root most type, no the subytpe. The subtypes are instead stored in Resource.typePath. They're then serialized to (and, on create, parsed from) resourceJSON.meta.types.

  • If you're constructing a Resource instance yourself (e.g., in a query factory), you must be very careful to set typePath correctly, as its used to run the appropriate beforeSave/beforeRender functions and potentially mongoose validation. See the Resource class for more details on its format, and the distinction between it and the typeList. To help setting the type path, query factory functions are now passed a function (at the setTypePaths key of their first argument) that, if passed an array of Resources will mutate them to set their type paths correctly. It can set the type path of existing resources by looking their type paths up in the adapter, or can validate + save a list of user-provided types at the type a resource is being created.

  • If you were using linkage transforms, and some of your linkage was serialized to JSON with a subtype in its type key (rare, but it could happen if your Mongoose model ref referred to a child model), that linkage was previously transformed with the beforeSave/beforeRender functions from the subtype's resource description. Now, it'll be transformed only with the beforeSave/beforeRender functions of the parent type's description, and only if that type has transformLinkage: true set. It'll also always be serialized with the parent type's name in its type key, so that it points to the appropriate resource.

Custom Adapters

If you've written a custom adapter....

  • You must now implement an instance method called getTypePaths. See MongooseAdapter for an example, and the AdapterInterface file for the signature. If you aren't supporting subtypes, you can generate the typePath for each input item by simply making a one-item array with the serialized, JSON:API type value.

  • If you want to support subtypes, you must update your methods that return Resources to return the parent type in type and the type path in typePath. Also, you must update your query methods (create/update/delete/addToRelationship/removeFromRelationship) to be aware of the typePath key. The library will guarantee that the resources passed in the query to adapter.create and adapter.update have a true type (i.e., their smallest type) of Query.type or one of its subtypes, but you otherwise must validate the data yourself. Note that Query.type still represents whatever type the query is scoped to (likely based on request.params.type), and could be a subtype.

  • Finally, you must provide an instance method called getModelName. (Before, this was required as a static method; that is no longer needed.)

  • If you were subclassing MongooseAdapter, see below for the changes to it.

Multiple Adapters

  • Using multiple adapters simultaneously (i.e., different ones for different resource types) is no longer possible, for the moment. The fix isn't too hard, though, so open an issue if having this feature is important.


  • You must now use a mongoose version greater than 4.8.0. Versions between 4.8.x and 5 are known to work. Versions 5+ haven't been tested yet, but may work.

  • Removed MongooseAdapter's static getChildTypes method and getTypesAllowedInCollection instance method. The ResourceTypeRegistry can figure out the parent and child types based on the type descriptions provided to it, so there's no point in making adapters implement these methods. See the new methods on ResourceTypeRegistry if you need/were using this functionality.

  • Removed various static MongooseAdapter methods (e.g. docToResource, getType, getReferencedType) from the class; they're now utility methods instead in a separate file. None of these methods were intended to be part of the class's public API (though that wasn't clearly defined), so hopefully this breakage isn't too bad. Open an issue if you were depending on these for some reason.


  • ResourceTypeRegistry::parentType. Use parentTypeName instead.


Breaking Changes

3.0.0-beta.5 through 3.0.0-beta.8

New Features

  • The library's types are exported from the main file in a way that should be more convenient for use with ESM and Typescript. Note: this shouldn't break current code to import the module, but module loading in our not-quite-ESM world is tricky, so lmk if something broke.
  • The MaybeDataWithLinks class now has an unwrapDataWith method for convenience.

Breaking Changes

  • The server will no longer return duplicate resources in the included section. This is more compliant with the JSON:API spec, and shouldn't harm clients, but it is technically a breaking change.
  • The AddToRelationshipQuery and RemoveFromRelationshipQuery classes now take a ResourceIdentifier[] as their linkage property, rather than a Data<ResourceIdentifier>. If you were manually reading/setting this property in a query transform or query factory, please update your code accordingly.
  • Adding an isJSONAPIDisplayReady property to error objects to signal that their details can be shown to the user is deprecated; throw a proper APIError instead or use the symbol property exported from the APIError class.


New Features

  • Instead of the library constructing an initial query from the request, which you can then provide a function to transform, you can provide a function that dictates how to construct the initial query itself. (Of course, that function can use the library's built-in logic to create a query, and then transform that result, thereby recreating the same functionality as previously.) This is a subtle but important difference described in 569fa64. To use this feature, the ExpressStrategy provides a new customAPIRequest method, which takes a queryFactory option. See that file for details. Now that customAPIRequest exists, transformedAPIRequest is deprecated. See /test/app/src/index.ts for an example of how to use the new function, and see the new implementation of transformedAPIRequest in ExpressStategy for a sense of how to upgrade.

  • The APIController, and the ExpressStrategy, now have functions for sending a JSON:API any Result back to the user. This is convenient if you ahve a Result that you created manually or that otherwise came from somewhere other than executing a query in APIController.handle.

  • The public methods on the Express strategy are now bound methods, so you no-longer have to bind their this when passing them around.

  • The library now prints deprecation warnings using the depd module.

Breaking Changes

  • Query.returning and query.catch can now be async (returning a Promise<Result> rather than a Result directly). Accordingly, if you were composing with one of those functions, you'll now have to await the return value.

  • Request body and query parsing now happen slightly earlier than before. Accordingly, if the user's request had multiple errors (e.g. an invalid body and an invalid method), the error returned may be different than before, because the first check that fails is the one whose error is reported.

  • The library's internal Request object no longer has a primary key; instead it has a document key which holds the whole request body parsed as a Document instance (or undefined for requests with no body). This lays the ground work for supporting sideposting and other features where there's query-related data in the request document outside of the primary data.

  • In the fifth argument passed to user-defined beforeSave and beforeRender functions, which is an object, the request and response objects generated by your HTTP framework (e.g., express, hapi, node) should now be accessed at the serverReq and serverRes properties, rather than frameworkReq and frameworkRes. Those old names are deprecated and will be removed when v3 launches.

  • ExpressStrategy.sendError should now be provided with the next function as an argument; not providing this will be an error when v3 is finalized.

  • On APIController signature of handle method has changed, and the responseFromExternalError method has been renamed to responseFromError. These changes should only effect you if you have written a custom HTTP strategy.



  • MongooseAdapter now correctly respects the singular property of find and delete queries.

Breaking Changes

  • On FindQuery and DeleteQuery instances:
    • The getFilters method now returns a deep clone of the filters, rather than a shallow clone, so mutating the result is safe.
    • The getIdOrIds method no longer exists; just get the filters with the getFilters method and filter the result as needed.
    • Relatedly, the getFilters method now no longer takes an argument to exclude filters that apply to the id field; you can easily recreate this yourself.
    • The matchingIdOrIds method no longer forces the query to be singular: false when an array of ids to match is provided, or when undefined is provided. This very likely won't effect you, as queries default to singular: false anyway unless you construct them with a single id filter or with an explicit singular: true constructor argument.


Breaking Changes

  • ResourceIdentifier's are now constructed with two arguments (type, id), rather than a single object with a type and id key. This is to be consistent with the Resource constructor.
  • APIError.fromError now sets the detail property of the returned error by using the detail property of the passed in Error and only falling back to the details property if detail is not set. Before, it prefered details.
  • Document instances are no longer constructed with the request URI as an argument (which was used to set the top-level self link). Instead, the top-level self link should be set like all other top-level links: by storing a self template on the value in Document.primary.


New Features

  • Linkage can be transformed on a per-type basis with an opt-in. Addresses ethanresnick#28. See README.
  • Your beforeRender and beforeSave functions can return undefined on requests for/inputs of a single resource to remove the resource, just like they can on multi-resource requests. If you remove the only resource from a single resource request, the result is a 200 response with data: null. (If you need an error, you can map null to that with a query transform, but there's no way for the library to know the appropriate error). Addresses ethanresnick#105.

Breaking Changes (From 3.0.0-alpha.13)

This beta removes support for label mappers. It also substantially reworks many of the library's underlying types. However, the type changes have mostly left the surface API unchanged and they should only effect you if:

  • You are doing query transforms that examine/modify the data in the query. This data was represented by a Resource or Collection or Linkage type instance before, but is now represented by the new Data type.

  • You are doing query transforms that change how the adapter results are put into the response, using query.returning/query.resultsIn. The arguments to your returning function will now be different (again, Resource, Collection, and Linkage instances will be replaced by Data instances) and the types of the primary/included keys of the document you're likely returning are now different.

  • You are manually instantiating/testing for/modifying Relationship or Linkage instances in beforeSave or beforeRender. The Linkage type has been removed and the Relationship type substantially refactored.

See details below, and feel free to open an issue if you can't make something work.


  • Removed support for label mappers. Use query transforms instead for better performance and maintainability. This resulted in the removal of Request.allowLabel and ResourceTypeRegistry.labelMappers().
  • Query objects are now constructed with either an id or an ids option, rather than a single idOrIds option.

New & Removed Types

  • A new, highly-generic type called Data has been introduced. It provides a uniform, monadic interface for transforming items inside it, obviating the need for the old Collection and Linkage types, which can now be represented as Data<Resource> and Data<ResourceIdentifier> respectively. See the comoment at the top of the Data.ts file for more details.

  • Accordingly, the Collection and Linkage types have been removed, and the Relationship type, which previously stored link templates along with a Linkage instance, now stores link templates along with a Data instance.

  • A new type called ResourceSet has been introduced, which parallels the basic structure of Relationship -- a Data plus some links -- except that the data here is a Data<Resource>. This makes it possible to associate a set of links with a set of Resources (rather than each individual Resource's links), opening the door for custom top-level links, which wasn't previously possible.

  • The result of all of the above is that various places in the code that previously could hold either a Resource or Collection at runtime now always hold a Data<Resource>. For example:

    • Document.included, UpdateQuery.patch, and CreateQuery.records now expect a Data<Resource>
    • Adapter.create, Adapter.update, and Adapter.delete now return a Data<Resource>; the first item in the tuple returned by Adapter.find is also a Data<Resource>.
  • Meanwhile, places that always held/returned a Collection (e.g. Document.included) now simply hold a Resource[]; they don't need to/shouldn't hold a Data<Resource> because having a singular one isn't possible. In this spirit, the second item in the tuple returned by Adapter.find is also now a Resource[].

Relationship Type

  • The Relationship type is now constructed using the static Relationship.of method rather than new Relationship(). See source for details.
  • Relationships must now be constructed with an owner, definining the resource (type, id) and relationship path that's the "source" of the linkage. This information is necessary to store to use as template data to render the Relationship's links. Previously, this data was missing, so the relationship's links couldn't be rendered (as top-level links) when the relationship was requested directly.
  • The link templates provided to the Relationship are now passed in with a slightly different format, and must be string-returning functions rather than RFC 6570 template stings. (The easiest way to satisfy this is to parse the the RFC 6570 template into a function.)

Document type

  • Document instances are now constructed with url templates provided as functions, rather than raw template strings. This shouldn't matter unless you were constructing Documents manually.
  • Document.primary, wich previously held a Resource | Collection | Relationship now holds a Relationship | ResourceSet. (It holds a ResourceSet rather than a Data<Resource> to support the possibility of top-level links, as mentioned above.)
  • As mentioned above, Document.included is now a Resource[].

Request type

  • The Request type is now a simple object literal rather than a class (the class ceremony wasn't buying us anything beyond extra boilerplate and a more involved construction process). If you were (for some reason) manaully constructing Request object, you'll need to update your logic.
  • Request.idOrIds is now simply (as multiple ids were only used with label mappers).
  • Request.needsBody no longer exists; this wasn't actually being used by anything internally. Request.hasBody has also been removed; if (and only if)the request doesn't have a body, Request.body be undefined.
  • Request.contentType will now be set if the HTTP request included a content-type header, even if there was no body. Also, when a content-type header is missing Request.contentType will now be undefined rather than null.
  • When an Accept header is missing, Request.accepts will now be undefined rather than null.


  • The second item in the first argument to the FindQuery.returning callback, which represents the included resources, is now undefined, rather than null, when no included resources are present.

3.0.0-alpha.1 to 3.0.0-alpha.13

Breaking Changes


  • Q.Promise has been replaced with the standard ES6 Promise throughout the API.
  • The way to filter results using the ?filter parameter has changed. The new scheme, which is documented in the README, is more concise and better integrated with the query transform system.

Mongoose Behavior/MongooseAdapter

  • The adapter now requires at least Mongoose v4.2.0, and is only tested with Mongoose 4.7.0 and up. (Previously, it used required 4.0.x).
  • The adapter's methods now take a single query object, rather than a list of arguments. Unless you were calling adapter methods directly, this change shouldn't be observable.
  • The update method (used on all PATCH requests) now issues a findOneAndUpdate for each changed document, rather than trying to find the document first and then save it back. This pattern should be faster. However, it means that your mongoose save validators will no longer be run; instead, the findOneAndUpdate validators will be run, with this set to be the query. By their nature, the findOneAndUpdate validator functions don't know about the existing state of the doc (only the update query), so they can't enforce validation constraints that rely on reading/comparing multiple fields. (E.g., you can't validate that startDate < endDate, because the update query might only set endDate.) If you need such validations, my strong recommendation is to do them at the database level, using Mongo's new-ish document validation features. That's safer anyway, because, in the old approach, it's possible that the data could change between the read and the write, making the application-level validations give a false positive. Alternatively, I may add a "strict" update mode in the future, which could be opted-in to on a per model basis, that would increment some version field on every update. Then, it would load the document, validate it with the changes, and save the changes back but with a where clause verifying that the version hasn't changed between the read and the write.
  • Because of a bug in Mongoose, an update can no longer change the type of a resource (which is probably a good thing anyway -- see json-api/481 and the followup in json-api/862).
  • On update, I removed the check that all documents with the targeted ids exist before trying to update any documents. This check didn't add much safety but required an extra query. Now, it's possible for some updates to succeed while others fail. (Note: the lack of true transactional updates is present throughout the library, as mongo doesn't support transactions.)
  • The addToRelationship and removeFromRelationship methods now run their validators with this set to the update Query, rather than to null/undefined. If you were detecting whether this was null/undefined, this could be a breaking change. Now, instead of checking if this is null, check if it isn't an instance of Mongoose.Query.

Koa + Express Strategies

  • You should now provide a Host option when initializing the strategy, for security. See example in README. If you're running your API using express 4 on a host that includes a port number you must now provide this option.

(Mostly-internal) Types

  • The HTTP/Response class has been removed, and replaced with object literals with a simpler format (see HTTPResponse in src/types/index.ts) for the new structure. This should only be observable if you were subclassing the Documentation controller and defining a transformTypeInfo function that depended on the old Response structure. The argument to your function will now match the new structure.
  • The Document class now has a different constructor signature and different class methods. This shouldn't be an issue unless you were manually constructing Document instances. See file for details.


  • The type descriptions -- which have always been private -- are now stored in a different instance property. If you want to get a type description, use registry.type(typeName). To get the list of all registered types, use registry.typeNames().

New Features


  • It's now possible to transform the query that the library builds from the request before that query is run, to support all sorts of advanced use cases. See an example here. It is also possible to transform how a query's result (whether it succeeds or fails) is mapped to the response by defining custom returning and catch methods on a query object (that may want to wrap the methods already there).
  • The beforeSave and beforeRender transform functions are now called with an additional argument that holds an object with a request member, whose value is the internal request object used by the JSON:API library, and a registry member, whose value is the ResourceTypeRegistry.

2.15 -> 2.16 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)


  • This library now requires at least Node v6.
  • Q.Promise's have been replaced with standard ES6 Promises in various places throughout the API.


  • Response.headers.vary and Response.headers.location are not defined, rather than having a null value, if those headers aren't needed for the response.

Koa Adapter

  • User-defined transform functions--namely, beforeRender and beforeSave on resource type descriptions, and transformTypeInfo on (subclasses of) the Documentation controller--are now called with slightly different arguments when the Koa adapter is in use. Previously, these functions were called with the whole Koa context object as their second-to-last argument, and undefined as their last argument. Now, the second to last argument is just Koa's request object (ctx.request) and the last argument is Koa's response (ctx.response). This matches how the express adapter works.

2.14 -> 2.15 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)


  • All resource descriptions must now be passed at the time of construction, as an object whose keys are the type names. Passing an array to the constructor is no longer supported.
  • All setter methods have been removed. Please set all your data before initializing the Registry.
  • Resource type descriptions now inherit from the descriptions of their parentType. So if type B extends A, B will use A's beforeSave, beforeRender, info, etc. by default. The only exception is that labelMappers are not inherited. Among other things, this means that the JSON generated for sub-types now better reflects any info stored on the parent type's fields. (Addresses #93 and #18.)
  • The ResourceTypeRegistry.types() method has been renamed to ResourceTypeRegistry.typeNames()
  • For more details on the above, see the relevant commit.

2.13 -> 2.14 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • If you were relying on the RelationshipObject class: the class has been renamed to simply "Relationship", and its fields selfURI and relatedURI have been renamed to selfURITemplate and relatedURITemplate respectively.
  • URI Templates specified on a single Relationship instance now take precedence over resource-level templates during serialization

2.10 -> 2.13 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • Please don't use versions 2.11 and 2.12; the new features outlined below were tweaked repeatedly over those versions, and 2.13 is their (more) stable iteration. Moreover, it's just as easy to upgrade from 2.10 to 2.13 as it would be to upgrade to 2.11 or 2.12.

  • HTTP Strategies: If you are using your own HTTP strategy (including extending the built-in Express one), you must make sure that your strategy calls the Documentation controller's handle() method with two additional arguments: the request and response objects from the framework your strategy is for (i.e. from express, koa, etc). The built-in express strategy has already been patched to support this change.

  • Documentation controller: If you are using your own subclass of the Documentation controller, you must update it to be compatible with some small changes made there. In particular, a fourth constructor argument was added, and handle() now additionally calls the new transformTypeInfo() method. See the updated file for details.

2.9 -> 2.10 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • Very subtle changes to how the request body is parsed and stored on the request object. You almost certainly don’t need to care about these changes.

v2.8 -> 2.9 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • APIController.responseFromExternalError() has a changed API
  • Errors caused in the Express handler while building the Request object are now sent in a JSON API-compliant format. Before, only the status was sent or, in some cases, the app hung/crashed. See ethanresnick#61

v2.7 -> 2.8 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

v2.6 -> 2.7 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • Some error objects in 4xx and 5xx responses may be different, as we now expose fewer error details by default (for security reasons). See the relevant commit for more information.

v2.5 -> 2.6 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • In relationship objects, self and related links now properly show up under the links key. Closes #36.

v2.4 -> 2.5 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • The location property on the Response class is now at response.headers.location instead of response.location.

v2.3 -> 2.4 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • Sort fields (in the sort query parameter) no longer need to be prefixed by a "+" to trigger ascending order, per JSON API 1.0.

v2.2.11 -> v2.3 Breaking Changes (Not Semver until 3.0)

  • Mongoose 4 is now required.

  • The MongooseAdapter is now at a different export path: require("json-api").dbAdapters.MongooseAdapter. Update your references to the adapter accordingly.

  • Resource type descriptions now use a dbAdapter property instead of adapter.

  • The Front Controller has been replaced with an ExpressStrategy, which is exported at require("json-api").httpStrategies.Express). The API is the same as for the old Front Controller, with the addition of some new options.

  • The new payload's resource object format complies with JSON API 1.0, meaning it uses the relationships container, rather putting relationships under links, and uses a data member instead of linkage within relationships.

  • In auto-generated documentation’s JSON, many names were dasherized or tweaked:

    • field.kind.isArray =>;

    • field.kind.targetModel => target-model;

    • field.kind.targetType =>

    • field.friendlyName => field.friendly-name

    • field.validation.readOnly =>;

    • field.validation.allowedHtml => field.validation.allowed-html

    • => field.kind.base-type;

      • "Link fields" get field.kind.base-type = "Relationship" rather than "Link"
      • field.validation.oneOf => field.validation.enum;