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263 lines (198 loc) · 11.9 KB

File metadata and controls

263 lines (198 loc) · 11.9 KB


[7.2.4] — 2024-04-22

  • [iOS] Code-sign TSBackgroundFetch.xcframework with new Apple Organization (9224-2932 Quebec Inc) certificate.

[7.2.3] — 2024-04-08

  • [iOS] Implement new iOS Privacy Manifest
  • [iOS] codesign TSBackgroundFetch.xcframework
  • [iOS] Only allow registration of BGProcessingTasks (Permitted background task scheduler identifiers) in Info.plist which are prefixed with com.transistorsoft. Any other task identifier will be ignored.

[7.2.1] — 2023-08-20

  • [Android] Detect and dispose of duplicate events. Android JobService has a bug for devices running <= Android M where multiple background-fetch events could fire within the same second.

[7.2.0] — 2023-07-31

  • [Android] Android 14 (SDK 34) support.
  • [Android] Android 14 (SDK 34) support: When using forceAlarmManager: true, you must now optionally add the permission android.permission.USE_EXACT_ALARM to your AndroidManifest to schedule exact alarms. Otherwise AlarmManager will use in-exact alarms. NOTE You must include the permission exactly as-shown with android:minSdkVersion="34".

📂 AndroidManifest

    <platform name="android">
        <config-file parent="/manifest" target="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml">
            <uses-permission android:minSdkVersion="34" android:name="android.permission.USE_EXACT_ALARM" />

[7.1.3] — 2023-07-07

  • [Android] Add Cordova onDestroy listener to manually set LifecycleManager.setHeadless(true).

[7.1.2] — 2022-10-11

  • [Android] Use LifecycleManager for modern headless-detection instead of legacy mechanism requiring permission GET_TASKS.

[7.1.1] — 2022-04-29

  • Mixup in version code mismatch between package.json and plugin.xml

[7.1.0] — 2022-04-06

  • [Android] Update for Android 12. Add new required permission android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM

[7.0.3] — 2021-06-30

  • [Changed][Android] Allow multiple calls to .configure to allow re-configuring the fetch task. Existing task will be cancelled and a new periodic fetch task re-scheduled according to new config.
  • [Changed][Android] Ignore initial fetch task fired immediately.
  • [Changed][Android] android:exported="false" on BootReceiver to resolve reported security analysis.

[7.0.2] — 2021-05-25

  • [Fixed][Android] Android failed to detect Capacitor v3 apps. capacitor.config.json vs capacitor.config.[js|ts]

[7.0.1] — 2021-02-18

  • [Fixed][Android] Fix java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String com.transistorsoft.tsbackgroundfetch.BGTask.getTaskId()' on a null object reference

[7.0.0] — 2021-02-17

  • [Added][iOS] Implement two new iOS options for BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask:

    • bool requiresNetworkConnectivity
    • bool requiresCharging (previously Android-only).
  • [Changed][iOS] Migrate TSBackgroundFetch.framework to new .xcframework for MacCatalyst support with new Apple silcon.

⚠️ Breaking Change: Requires cocoapods >= 1.10+.

iOS' new .xcframework requires cocoapods >= 1.10+:

$ pod --version
// if < 1.10.0
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
  • [Added] task-timeout callback, executed when the operating system has signalled your remaining background-time is about to expire. You must stop what you're doing and immediately call BackgroundFetch.finish(taskId)

⚠️ Breaking Change: arguments to BackgroundFetch.configure

The method-signature for BackgroundFetch.configure has dramatically changed and now returns Promise<BackgroundFetchStatus>.


When BackgroundFetch failed to start (eg: user disabled "Background Fetch" permission in your app settings), the 2nd argument failureCallback would fire with the current BackgroundFetchStatus.

BackgroundFetch.configure(eventCallback, failureCallback, config);


let status = await BackgroundFetch.configure(config, eventCallback, timeoutCallback);

The current BackgroundFetchStatus is now returned as a Promise when calling .configure(). The BackgroundFetchConfig has moved from 3rd position to 1st position. The 3rd argument is now timeoutCallback, executed when OS has signalled your allowed background time is about to expire:

  • @param BackgroundFetchConfig Configuration object.
  • @param Function Event callback function.
  • @param Function Event timeout callback function. This callback will be executed when the operating system has signalled your background-time is about to expire.
// Usual config object.
let config = {minimumFetchInterval: 15};

// Usual BackgroundFetch event handler.
let eventCallback = async (taskId) => {  // <-- task callback.
  console.log('[BackgroundFetch] task: ', taskId);
  // Do your background work...

// NEW:  Timeout callback is executed when your Task has exceeded its allowed running-time.
// You must stop what you're doing immediately BackgroundFetch.finish(taskId)
let timeoutCallback = async (taskId) => {
  console.warn('[BackgroundFetch] TIMEOUT task: ', taskId);

// BackgroundFetch now returns a Promise<BackgroundFetchStatus> and the order-of-arguments
// has significantly changed.
let status = await BackgroundFetch.configure(config, eventCallback, timeoutCallback);

console.log('[BackgroundFetch] configure status: ', status);

⚠️ [Android] Breaking Change For Android Headless-task

  • In order to differentiate task timeout events, the Android Headless Task now receives a BGTask task instance instead of String taskId. When the OS signals your allowed background-time is about to expire, task.getTimedOut() will return true. taskId is available via task.getTaskId().
package com.transistorsoft.cordova.backgroundfetch;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;

import com.transistorsoft.tsbackgroundfetch.BackgroundFetch;
import com.transistorsoft.tsbackgroundfetch.BGTask;  // <-- NEW:  import BGTask

public class BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask implements HeadlessTask {
    public void onFetch(Context context, BGTask task) {  // <-- NEW:  BGTask instead of String taskId.
        String taskId     = task.getTaskId();
        boolean isTimeout = task.getTimedOut();
        if (isTimeout) {
            // The operating system has signalled your background-time is about to expire.
            // You must stop what you're doing and immediately call .finish(taskId).
            Log.d(BackgroundFetch.TAG, "BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask onFetch TIMEOUT taskId: " + task.getTaskId());
        Log.d(BackgroundFetch.TAG, "BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask onFetch: taskId: " + task.getTaskId());
        // Do your background work here...

[6.1.1] — 2020-07-23

[Fixed] Modify plugin.xml to copy android libs to platforms/android/libs rather than referencing from /plugins/src/android/libs -- this was not possible with PhoneGap Build.

[6.1.0] — 2020-06-12

  • [Fixed][Android] * no longer allows "direct local aar dependencies". Re-package tslocationmanager.aar as a maven repo and add maven url in build.gradle.

[6.0.8] — 2020-05-27

  • [Fixed] Android could fail to restart events when configured with forceAlarmManager: true.
  • [Fixed] Android check wakeLock.isHeld() before executing wakeLock.release().

[6.0.7] — 2020-05-13

  • [Fixed][Android] Update gradle file for Capacitor-detection relative to $projectDir instead of $userDir.

[6.0.6] — 2020-04-09

  • [Fixed] [Android] Fixed bug related to 6.0.5 referencing non existent BackgroundGeolocationHeadlessTask. Define class-name as a hard-coded String instead.

[6.0.5] — 2020-04-09

  • [Changed] Don't install default

[6.0.4] — 2020-03-24

  • [Fixed][iOS] Fix bug calling BackgroundFetch.start after BackgroundFetch.stop.

[6.0.3] — 2020-02-27

  • [Fixed] [Android] Remove unused imports in causing problems with AndroidX. Fixes #121.

[6.0.2] — 2020-02-21

  • [Fixed] [Android] stopOnTerminate not cancelling scheduled job / Alarm when fired task fired after terminate.

[6.0.1] — 2020-02-20

  • [Android] Fix Android NPE on hasTaskId when launched first time after upgrading to v6

[6.0.0] — 2020-02-19

  • [Added] [Android-only] New option forceAlarmManager for bypassing JobScheduler mechanism in favour of AlarmManager for more precise scheduling task execution.
  • [Changed] Migrate iOS deprecated "background-fetch" API to new BGTaskScheduler. See new required steps in iOS Setup.
  • [Added] Added new BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask method (along with corresponding #stopTask) for scheduling custom "onehot" and periodic tasks in addition to the default fetch-task.
  minimumFetchInterval: 15,
  stopOnTerminate: false
}, (taskId) => {  // <-- [NEW] taskId provided to Callback
  console.log("[BackgroundFetch] taskId: ", taskId);
  switch(taskId) {
    case 'foo':
      // Handle scheduleTask 'foo'
      // Handle default fetch event.
  BackgroundFetch.finish(taskId);  // <-- [NEW] Provided taskId to #finish method.

// This event will end up in Callback provided to #configure above.
  taskId: 'foo',  //<-- required
  delay: 60000,
  periodic: false

Breaking Changes

  • With the introduction of ability to execute custom tasks via #scheduleTask, all tasks are executed in the Callback provided to #configure. As a result, this Callback is now provided an argument String taskId. This taskId must now be provided to the #finish method, so that the SDK knows which task is being #finished.
  minimumFetchInterval: 15,
  stopOnTerminate: false
), (taskId) => {  // <-- [NEW] taskId provided to Callback
  console.log("[BackgroundFetch] taskId: ", taskId);
  BackgroundFetch.finish(taskId);  // <-- [NEW] Provided taskId to #finish method.

And with the Headless Task, as well:

public class BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask implements HeadlessTask {
    public void onFetch(Context context, String taskId) {  // <-- 1.  Added String taskId as 2nd argument
        Log.d(BackgroundFetch.TAG, "BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask onFetch: " + taskId);
        BackgroundFetch.getInstance(context).finish(taskId);  // <-- 2.  Provide taskId to #finish.

[5.6.1] — 2019-10-07

  • [Fixed] Resolve Android issues exposed by booting app in StrictMode, typically from loading SharedPreferences on Main Thread.

[5.6.0] — 2019-08-22

  • [Added] Capacitor support

[5.5.0] — 2019-06-04

  • [Added] Typescript API
  • [Added] Android JobInfo criteria requiredNetworkType, requiresCharging, requiresBatteryNotLow, requiresDeviceIdle, requiresStorageNotLow.
  • [Added] finish now accepts BackgroundFetch.FETCH_RESULT_* (eg: BackgroundFetch.FETCH_RESULT_NO_DATA).

[5.4.1] — 2018-05-25

  • [Changed] Decrease required cordova version from 8.0.0 -> 7.1.0.

[5.4.0] — 2018-05-16

  • [Added] cordova-android @ 7.0.0 support.

[5.3.0] — 2018-02-28

  • [Changed] The Android library tsbackgroundfetch.aar has been composed as a Maven repository. Purely structural change; no implementation has changed with this version.

[5.2.1] — 2018-01-23

  • [Added] Android implementation using JobScheduler / AlarmManager