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Appendix C Glossary

The following table defines terms used in this document. See the glossary in the UEFI Specification for definitions of additional terms.

Table 49-Definitions of terms
Term Definition
'' Element of an enumeration. Type INTN.
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface.
ANSI American National Standards Institute.
API Application programming interface.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface.
BAR Base Address Register.
BBS BIOS Boot Specification.
BC Base Code.
BEV Bootstrap Entry Vector. A pointer that points to code inside an option ROM that directly loads an OS.
BIOS Basic input/output system.
BIS Boot Integrity Services.
BM Boot manager.
BOOLEAN Logical Boolean. 1-byte value containing a 0 for FALSE or a 1 for TRUE. Other values are undefined.
BOT Bulk-Only Transport.
BS EFI boot services table or EFI Boot Service(s).
CBI Control/Bulk/Interrupt Transport.
CBW Command Block Wrapper.
CHAR16 2-byte character. Unless otherwise specified, all strings are stored in the UTF-16 encoding format as defined by Unicode 2.1 and ISO/IEC 10646 standards.
CHAR8 1-byte character.
CID Compatible ID.
CONST Declares a variable to be of type const. This modifier is a hint to the compiler to enable optimization and stronger type checking at compile time.
CR Containing Record.
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check.
CSW Command Status Wrapper.
DAC Dual Address Cycle.
DHCP4 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 4.
DID Device ID.
DIG64 Developer's Interface Guide for 64-bit Intel Architecture-based Servers.
DMA Direct Memory Access.
EBC EFI Byte Code.
ECR Engineering Change Request.
EFI Extensible Firmware Interface.
EFI_EVENT Handle to an event structure. Type VOID *.
EFI_GUID 128-bit buffer containing a unique identifier value. Unless otherwise specified, aligned on a 64-bit boundary.
EFI_HANDLE A collection of related interfaces. Type VOID *.
EFI_IP_ADDRESS 16-byte buffer aligned on a 4-byte boundary. An IPv4 or IPv6 internet protocol address.
EFI_Ipv4_ADDRESS 4-byte buffer. An IPv4 internet protocol address.
EFI_Ipv6_ADDRESS 16-byte buffer. An IPv6 internet protocol address.
EFI_LBA Logical block address. Type UINT64.
EFI_MAC_ADDRESS 32-byte buffer containing a network Media Access Controller address.
EFI_STATUS Status code. Type INTN.
EFI_TPL Task priority level. Type UINTN.
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture.
FAT File allocation table.
FIFO First In First Out.
FPSWA Floating Point Software Assist.
FRU Field Replaceable Unit.
FTP File Transfer Protocol.
GPT Guided Partition Table.
GUID Globally Unique Identifier.
HC Host controller.
HID Hardware ID.
I/O Input/output.
IA32 32-bit Intel architecture.
IBV Independent BIOS vendor.
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics.
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
IHV Independent hardware vendor.
IN Datum is passed to the function.
INT Interrupt.
INT16 2-byte signed value.
INT32 4-byte signed value.
INT64 8-byte signed value.
INT8 1-byte signed value.
INTN Signed value of native width. (4 bytes on IA32, 8 bytes on X64 and IPF)
IPF Itanium processor family.
Ipv4 Internet Protocol Version 4.
Ipv6 Internet Protocol Version 6.
ISA Industry Standard Architecture.
ISO Industry Standards Organization.
iSCSI SCSI protocol over TCP/IP.
KB Keyboard.
LAN Local area network.
LUN Logical Unit Number.
MAC Media Access Controller.
MMIO Memory Mapped I/O.
NIC Network interface controller.
NII Network Interface Identifier.
NVRAM Nonvolatile RAM.
OEM Original equipment manufacturer.
OHCI Open Host Controller Interface.
OpROM Option ROM.
OPTIONAL Datum that is passed to the function is optional, and a NULL may be passed if the value is not supplied.
OS Operating system.
OUT Datum is returned from the function.
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect.
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.
PE Portable Executable.
PE/COFF PE32, PE32+, or Common Object File Format.
PNPID Plug and Play ID.
POST Power On Self Test.
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol.
PUN Physical Unit Number.
PEI Pre-boot Execution Environment.
PXE BC (or PxeBc) PXE Base Code Protocol.
QH Queue Head.
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.
RAM Random access memory.
ROM Read-only memory.
RT EFI Runtime Table and EFI Runtime Service(s).
SAL System Abstraction Layer.
SCSI Small Computer System Interface.
SIG Special Interest Group.
S.M.A.R.T. Self-Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology.
SMBIOS System Management BIOS.
SMBus System Management Bus.
SNP Simple Network Protocol.
SPT SCSI Pass Thru.
ST EFI System Table
STATIC The function has local scope. This modifier replaces the standard C static key word, so it can be overloaded for debugging.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
TD Transfer Descriptor.
TPL Task Priority Level.
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter.
UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface.
UID Unique ID.
UINT16 2-byte unsigned value.
UINT32 4-byte unsigned value.
UINT64 8-byte unsigned value.
UINT8 1-byte unsigned value.