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260 lines (204 loc) · 6.54 KB

File metadata and controls

260 lines (204 loc) · 6.54 KB

2 Second Chapter

This is a really short paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

2.1 List Items

*Not a list item. A list item requires a least once space.

  • Hello
  • Hello
  • Hello
  • Hello
  • Hello
  • Hello
    • hello
  • Hello

2.2 Tables

The table below is a simple table with no specified alignment.

Table 10 - Small Table
a b c
1 2 3

The table below is a simple table with example of left, center, and right alignment.

Table 11 - Small Table With Alignment
a b c
1 2 3

2.3 Code Examples

Single line code example

This is code style in a single line

Code block

Code example
Example 27 - Hello world

Code block of C code with color syntax highlighting

DecimalToBcd8 (
  IN      UINT8                     Value
  ASSERT (Value < 100);
  return (UINT8) (((Value / 10) << 4) | (Value % 10));
Example 28 - C code example

Code block of INF file. INF files use INI file color syntax highlighting.

  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005
  BASE_NAME                      = BaseLib
  MODULE_UNI_FILE                = BaseLib.uni
  FILE_GUID                      = 27d67720-ea68-48ae-93da-a3a074c90e30
  MODULE_TYPE                    = BASE
  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.1
  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = BaseLib 
Example 29 - INI file example

2.4 Figures

The following figure is the Tianocore logo for documents

Figure 7 - Tianocore Logo

The figures below are generated using the PlantUML plugin that uses PlantUML syntax that is defined here.

{% plantuml %} @startdot digraph G { a -> b b -> c c -> a } @enddot {% endplantuml %}

Figure 8 - Simple DOT Diagram

{% plantuml %} @startuml Class EFI_DISK_IO_PROTOCOL { +Revision +ReadDisk(This, MediaId, Offset, BufferSize, Buffer) +WriteDisk(This, MediaId, Offset, BufferSize, Buffer) } Class EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL { +Revision +Media +Reset(This, ExtendedVerification) +ReadBlocks(This, MediaId, Lba, BufferSize, Buffer) +WriteBlock(This, MediaId, Lba, BufferSize, Buffer) +FlushBlock(This) }

Class EFI_BLOCK_IO_MEDIA { +MediaId +RemovableMedia +MediaPresent +LogicalPartition +ReadOnly +WriteCaching +BlockSize +IoAlign +LastBlock +LowestAlignedLba +LogicalBlocksPerPhysicalBlock +OptimalTransferLengthGranularity }


EFI_DISK_IO_PROTOCOL --> EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL @enduml {% endplantuml %}

Figure 9 - UML Class Diagram

{% plantuml %} @startdot digraph G { graph [style=rounded] subgraph cluster_0 { label = "UEFI Objects"; subgraph column_3 { style=invis; label = ""; "Memory" -> "Environment\nvariables" -> "Watchdog\ntimer"[style=invis]; } subgraph column_2 { style=invis; label = ""; "Images" -> "Handles\nand\nprotocols" -> "Monotonic\ncounter"[style=invis]; } subgraph column_1 { style=invis; label = ""; "UEFI system\ntable" -> "Events" -> "Time / date" [style=invis]; } } } @enddot {% endplantuml %}

Figure 10 - DOT Diagram

{% plantuml %} @startditaa +---------------------------------------------+ |cGRE | | EFI System File System Protocol | | | +----------------------+----------------------+ | V +----------------------+----------------------+ |cBLU | | EFI Disk I/O Protocol | | | +----------------------+----------------------+ | V /----------------------+----------------------
|cYEL | | EFI Block I/O Protocol | | | ---------------------------------------------/ @endditaa {% endplantuml %}

Figure 11 - DITAA Diagram

2.5 Tips, Notes, Cautions, Warnings

Note: This is a note.

This is a paragraph between notes

Note: This is a multiple line note. This is on first line.

This is on second line.

This is on third line.

This is a paragraph after a note

Warning: This is a warning.

Note: This is a note immediately after a warning

This is a paragraph after combined warning and note.