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Installing Koha on Rocky Linux 8.5


Koha only provides packages for Ubuntu and Debian. Out of curiosity, I set out to install it on another distribution, Rocky Linux 8.5. There are some guides available on the Koha Wiki but most of them are outdated. More importantly, none of them cover how to do a site-based installation, like in Debian. As of writing this the latest Koha version is 21.11.01. This guide can also be helpful for installing Koha on other distros.


I have created an Ansible playbook that installs Koha, all its dependencies and makes all the necessary changes so Koha can work on Rocky. It essentially automates the whole Installing Koha section.


I absolutely recommend installing Koha using the official packages on Debian or Ubuntu. Koha updates may break the configuration and you will have to spend time figuring out why things don't work.


Disabling SELinux

I do not use SELinux. If you are using this in production, I assume you know how to properly configure it. To disalbe SELinux set SELINUX=disbled in /etc/selinux/config.

Installing Koha

Koha requires a lot of Perl dependencies. Some of them are available in the official repostiories, some in EPEL, while others have to be installed from CPAN.

Download and extract the tarball

cd /tmp/
tar -C ~ -xzf koha-latest.tar.gz

Enable the EPEL and PowerTools repositories

sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
sudo dnf install epel-release

Add the Indexdata repository

The idzebra and yaz packages are provided by Indexdata. To add the indexdata repository, download the GPG key. (Instructions from here

sudo rpm --import

Create a repository file sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/indexdata.repo and place the following:

name=Index Data Main Repository

Install mpm-itk

Mpm-itk is required by Koha, but it is not available in the official repos or EPEL. It is avaiable on the unofficial Lux repository. Add it and install mpm-itk. If you don't want to add the repository, you can download just the rpm and install it.

sudo rpm -Uvh
sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-LUX
sudo dnf install httpd-itk

Install RabbitMQ

sudo dnf install centos-release-rabbitmq-38
sudo dnf install rabbitmq-server

Enable the stomp plugin

echo "[rabbitmq_stomp]." | sudo tee -a /etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins

Install packages from the repositories

Koha provides the script that detects missing Perl dependencies. In order to find which packages are available in the repositories I created the script, which is available in this repository.

Install non-perl dependencies.

sudo dnf install idzebra-2.0 \
           libidzebra-2.0 \
           libidzebra-2.0-devel \
           libidzebra-2.0-modules \
           memcached \
           gcc \
           make \
           yaz \
           libyaz5 \
           libyaz5-devel \
           libuuid-devel \
           fribidi \
           fribidi-devel \
           pwgen \
           xmlstarlet \

Install Perl and cpanm.

sudo dnf install perl perl-App-cpanminus

Install Perl packages from the repositories:

sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick-perl \
           perl-AnyEvent-HTTP \
           perl-Archive-Extract \
           perl-Array-Utils \
           perl-Business-ISBN \
           perl-Bytes-Random-Secure \
           perl-Cache-Memcached \
           perl-CGI \
           perl-CGI-Compile \
           perl-CGI-Emulate-PSGI \
           perl-Class-Accessor \
           perl-Class-Inspector \
           perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish \
           perl-Date-Calc \
           perl-Date-Manip \
           perl-DateTime-Event-ICal \
           perl-DateTime-Format-ICal \
           perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL \
           perl-DateTimeX-Easy \
           perl-DBD-Mock \
           perl-DBD-MySQL \
           perl-DBI \
           perl-DBIx-RunSQL \
           perl-Devel-Cover \
           perl-Email-Address \
           perl-Email-MessageID \
           perl-Email-Sender \
           perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig \
           perl-File-Slurp \
           perl-Font-TTF \
           perl-GD \
           perl-GD-Barcode \
           perl-HTML-Formatter \
           perl-HTML-Parser \
           perl-HTML-Scrubber \
           perl-HTTP-Cookies \
           perl-HTTP-Daemon \
           perl-HTTP-Message \
           perl-JSON \
           perl-LDAP \
           perl-libintl-perl \
           perl-libwww-perl \
           perl-Log-Log4perl \
           perl-LWP-Protocol-https \
           perl-MIME-Lite \
           perl-Module-Pluggable \
           perl-Mojolicious \
           perl-Moo \
           perl-Net-CIDR \
           perl-Net-Netmask \
           perl-Net-Server \
           perl-Net-SFTP-Foreign \
           perl-Number-Format \
           perl-Parallel-ForkManager \
           perl-Plack-Test \
           perl-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy \
           perl-Readonly \
           perl-Sereal-Decoder \
           perl-Sereal-Encoder \
           perl-String-Random \
           perl-Sys-CPU \
           perl-Template-Toolkit \
           perl-Test-Deep \
           perl-Test-Exception \
           perl-Test-MockModule \
           perl-Test-MockObject \
           perl-Test-MockTime \
           perl-Test-Mojo \
           perl-Test-Warn \
           perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize \
           perl-Text-CSV \
           perl-Text-CSV_XS \
           perl-Text-Iconv \
           perl-Text-Unidecode \
           perl-Time-Fake \
           perl-Try-Tiny \
           perl-UNIVERSAL-require \
           perl-UNIVERSAL-can \
           perl-XML-Dumper \
           perl-XML-LibXML \
           perl-XML-LibXSLT \
           perl-XML-RSS \
           perl-XML-SAX \
           perl-XML-SAX-Writer \
           perl-XML-Simple \

Install packages from CPAN

Install packages from CPAN: (Note: some packages might fail to install, usually because a dependency is missing. It will usually be in the install logs.)

cpanm --sudo Algorithm::CheckDigits \
         Alien::Tidyp \
         AnyEvent \
         Authen::CAS::Client \
         Biblio::EndnoteStyle \
         Business::ISSN \
         Cache::Memcached::Fast::Safe \
         CGI::Session \
         CGI::Session::Driver::memcached \
         Class::Factory::Util \
         Clone \
         Data::ICal \
         DateTime \
         DateTime::TimeZone \
         DBD::SQLite2 \
         DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader \
         Email::Date \
         Email::Stuffer \
         Exception::Class \
         Gravatar::URL \
         HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench \
         HTTP::OAI \
         JSON::Validator \
         JSON::Validator::Ref \
         JSON::Validator::OpenAPI::Mojolicious \
         Library::CallNumber::LC \
         Lingua::Ispell \
         Lingua::Stem \
         Lingua::Stem::Snowball \
         List::MoreUtils \
         Locale::Currency::Format \
         Locale::PO \
         Locale::XGettext::TT2 \
         MARC::Charset \
         MARC::File::XML \
         MARC::Record \
         MARC::Record::MiJ \
         Module::Bundled::Files \
         Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI \
         Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer \
         Net::Stomp \
         Net::Z3950::SimpleServer \
         Net::Z3950::ZOOM \
         OpenOffice::OODoc \
         PDF::API2 \
         PDF::FromHTML \
         PDF::Reuse \
         PDF::Reuse::Barcode \
         PDF::Table \
         Plack::Middleware::LogWarn \
         Schedule::At \
         Search::Elasticsearch \
         Selenium::Remote::Driver \
         SMS::Send \
         Starman \
         Template::Plugin::HtmlToText \
         Template::Plugin::JSON::Escape \
         Template::Plugin::Stash \
         Test::DBIx::Class \
         Test::Strict \
         Test::YAML::Valid \
         Text::Bidi \
         Text::CSV::Encoded \
         Text::CSV::Unicode \
         Text::PDF \
         UUID \
         WebService::ILS \
         WWW::CSRF \

Note: JSON::Validator::OpenAPI::Mojolicious might throw some errors, but they can be ignored. To force intall it run:

cpanm --sudo --force JSON::Validator::OpenAPI::Mojolicious

Link Zebra files

Koha expects some executables and modules to be in a different location. Create some symlinks so it can find them:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/zebraidx-2.0 /usr/bin/zebraidx
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/zebrasrv-2.0 /usr/bin/zebrasrv
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/idzebra-2.0 /usr/lib/

Create Koha user

This is done before installing the main Koha files, because make install sets permissions on Koha directories.

sudo groupadd -r koha
sudo useradd -r -s /usr/bin/nologin -g koha -G apache koha

Install Koha

PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl Makefile.PL; make; sudo make install

Copy additional Koha scripts and files

The Debian Koha package contains some additional template files and scripts. These scripts are made for Debian and

sudo cp debian/templates/* /etc/koha/
sudo cp debian/scripts/* /usr/share/koha/bin/

Additionally, create symlinks to /usr/sbin, so you can use the scripts directly from the command line:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/koha/bin/koha-* /usr/sbin/
sudo rm /usr/sbin/{,,}

Enable MPM-ITK

Edit /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf. Comment out mpm_event and enable mpm_prefork.

LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/
#LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/

Edit /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm-itk.conf and enable the module.

LoadModule mpm_itk_module modules/

Patch the included Koha scripts

The scripts included with Koha are made with Debian with mind. I have created some patches, that allows them to function in Rocky. The necessary patches are in the patches directory in this repository. For example to patch koha-create run:

sudo patch /usr/share/koha/bin/koha-create < koha-create.patch

For a list of scripts that have been confirmed to work check out the Script Status section

Configure Apache

By default Apache on Rocky does not allow access to /usr/share/koha. Add the following to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.

<Directory /usr/share/koha>
    Require all granted

Install systemd services.

Koha normally starts its services using shell scripts. However, these scripts use the daemon command that is only available for Debian. Instead of scripts, I have created some systemd service files that start Koha services. Copy the .service files from this repository into /etc/systemd/system.

Enable services

Enable memcached and RabbitMQ.

sudo systemctl enable --now memcached rabbitmq-server

Configure library

After you have created the database, using koha-create as described in the original guide, continue from here.

Enable library services

Enable the Koha services, replacing library with the library name you used in koha-create

sudo systemctl enable --now koha-create-dirs@library  koha-plack@library koha-indexer@library koha-worker@library koha-zebra@library

Enable Plack

To enable Plack edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/library.conf uncomment

  Include /etc/koha/apache-shared-opac-plack.conf
  Include /etc/koha/apache-shared-intranet-plack.conf

You will get some permission errors. To fix them run:

sudo chown -R library-koha:library-koha /var/log/koha/library/

Script status

Working scripts











koha-upgrade-schema (probably?)

Working with patch







Not working scripts

Replaced by systemd services:

  • koha-indexer

  • koha-plack

  • koha-worker

  • koha-z3950-responder

  • koha-zebra

Next steps

The installation is complete. You should be able to access the web interface and configure your instance. You can continue with the rest of the guide.