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Graylog2 Docker container

Docker Hub

This project creates a Docker container with full Graylog2 stack installed.


You need a recent docker version installed, take a look here for instructions.

$ docker pull swcc/docker-graylog2
$ docker run -t -p 9000:9000 -p 12201:12201 swcc/docker-graylog2

This will create a container with all Graylog2 services running.


After starting the container, your Graylog2 instance is ready to use. You can reach the web interface by pointing your browser to the IP address of your Docker host: http://<host IP>:9000

The default login is Username: admin Password: admin.

How to get log data in

You can create different kind of inputs under System->Inputs. You already exposed the default GELF port 12201 so it is a good idea to start a GELF TCP input there. Here is a list of available GELF integrations. To start another input you have to expose the right port e.g. to start a raw TCP input on port 5555 add to your docker command the -p 5555:5555 option. Then you can send raw text to Graylog2 like echo 'first log message' | nc localhost 5555

Additional options

You can configure the most important aspects of your Graylog2 instance through environment variables. In order to set a variable add a -e VARIABLE_NAME option to your docker run command. For example to set another admin password start your container like this:

$ docker run -t -p 9000:9000 -p 12201:12201 -e GRAYLOG2_PASSWORD=SeCuRePwD swcc/docker-graylog2
Variable Name Configuration Option
GRAYLOG2_PASSWORD Set admin password
GRAYLOG2_TIMEZONE Set timezone you are in
GRAYLOG2_SMTP_SERVER Hostname/IP address of your SMTP server for sending alert mails

Persist data

You can mount the data and log directories to store your data outside of the container:

$ docker run -t -p 9000:9000 -p 12201:12201 -v /graylog2/data:/var/opt/graylog2/data -v /graylog2/logs:/var/log/graylog2 swcc/docker-graylog2

Multi container setup

The Omnibus package used for creating the container is able to split Graylog2 into several components. This works in a Docker environment as long as your containers run on the same hardware respectively the containers need to have direct network access between each other. The first started container is the so called master, other containers can grab configuration options from here.

To setup two containers, one for the web interface and one for the server component do the following:

Start the master with Graylog2 server parts

$ docker run -t -p 12900:12900 -p 12201:12201 -p 4001:4001 -e GRAYLOG2_SERVER=true swcc/docker-graylog2

The configuration port 4001 is now accessible through the host IP address.

Start the web interface in a second container and give the host address as master to fetch configuration options

$ docker run -t -p 9000:9000 -e GRAYLOG2_MASTER=<host IP address> -e GRAYLOG2_WEB=true swcc/docker-graylog2


To build the image from scratch run

$ docker build -t graylog2 .


Ready to run graylog docker image







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