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FullCalendar ReleaseNotes

Stefan Uebe edited this page Feb 5, 2022 · 16 revisions

This page shows a brief overview of changes for the major and minor versions. For details see the respective migration guides and samples.



  • introduced a new type JsonItem for creating item classes with dynamic property handling and automated conversion from and to json
  • integrated json item api into Entry types for dynamic type conversion. Due to that entries will not send all data to the client, when updating existing ones
  • changed date time handling on server side and communication to be always utc
  • entries are not resent to server anymore when changing timezone on server
  • entry data changes are now sent at once the the client
  • client side entries ("event") have now a getCustomProperty method inside eventDidMount or eventContent callbacks
  • removed official support of custom timezones for entries
  • renamed several methods
  • recurrence has some changes regarding enable recurrence and timezones