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FullCalendar ReleaseNotes

Stefan Uebe edited this page May 5, 2023 · 16 revisions



  • updated to FullCalendar 6.1.6
  • Migrated from Polymer 3 to simple HTML Element based web component (no Lit nor Polymer)
  • Migrated source code from JavaScript to TypeScript (ongoing process, not yet finished)
  • Folder structures changed
  • Tag names prefixed with "vaadin-"
  • Content is now part of the light dom, thus styling will be easier
  • Client side eager loading removed, items will now always be fetched
  • Added prefetch mode to allow smoother transition between periods
  • Breaking changes regarding methods and fields (client side and server side). Also usage of private / protected modifiers in TS.
  • Added support for FC's "multi-month" views.
  • Added proper API for creating and registering custom views. Also added an internal handling of "anonymous" custom views created by initial options.
  • Deprecated code from previous versions has been removed
  • JsonItem has been removed, Entry is a "normal field" class again due to issues with proxying frameworks
  • setHeight has been minimalized to be more aligned with Vaadin standards. FC internal height settings / options are not supported anymore. Calendar content will take only as much space as needed.
  • added type RecurringTime to allow setting an entry recurrence of more than 24h

Minor changes:

  • getResources now may return null. Use getOrCreateResources.
  • CalendarLocale is now an enum. Use getLocale() to obtain the contained locale value.
  • week numbers within days is no longer available, weeknumbers are now always display inside days.
  • RenderingMode and alike namings have been named to DisplayMode / display to match the FC library naming. Also DisplayMode is now a top level class.
  • added resize observer to client side to automatically take care of resizes
  • added our own @NotNull annotation to allow support for Vaadin 23 and 24
  • Entry's method copy(Class<T>) has been renamed to copyAsType(Class<T>).

Other things that we may have overseen :)

Due to lack of time, we have no release note details at this time. We tried to provide additional info as part of the migration page.



  • added EntryProvider, a data provider like callback based class to allow lazy loading entries based on the actual displayed timespan



  • introduced a new type JsonItem for creating item classes with dynamic property handling and automated conversion from and to json
  • integrated json item api into Entry types for dynamic type conversion. Due to that entries will not send all data to the client, when updating existing ones
  • changed date time handling on server side and communication to be always utc
  • entries are not resent to server anymore when changing timezone on server
  • entry data changes are now sent at once the the client
  • client side entries ("event") have now a getCustomProperty method inside eventDidMount or eventContent callbacks
  • removed official support of custom timezones for entries
  • renamed several methods
  • recurrence has some changes regarding enable recurrence and timezones