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Celery example


Separate instances (manual docker launch)

  1. Run broker

    make docker-redis-run


    make docker-rabbit-run
  2. Run worker (consumer)

    # ======== with Redis =============
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Q default,broadcast_tasks" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Q default,advanced" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 2 -Ofair --without-heartbeat --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 2 --without-heartbeat --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 2 -O default --without-heartbeat -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 -O default --without-heartbeat -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 -O fair --without-heartbeat -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 -O fair --prefetch-multiplier 1 --without-heartbeat -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 -O fair -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=2 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 -O fair -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 -E -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    # ======== with RabbitMQ =============
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_BROKER_NAME="rabbitmq" CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 -Q default" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_BROKER_NAME="rabbitmq" CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 -O fair -Q default,broadcast_tasks" make docker-worker-run
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_BROKER_NAME="rabbitmq" CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Q default,broadcast_tasks" make docker-worker-run

    Second worker (and so on, just increment DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT)

    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=2 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat -Q critical,broadcast_tasks" make docker-worker-run


    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=3 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat -Q advanced,broadcast_tasks" make docker-worker-run


    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=4 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat -Q dedicated,broadcast_tasks" make docker-worker-run
    Worker with systemd
    # Start container
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 make docker-systemd-worker-run
    # Connect to container
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 make docker-systemd-worker-shell
    # Connect to container as root
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 DOCKER_CONTAINER_USER=root make docker-systemd-worker-shell
    # Inside container
    CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat -Q default,broadcast_tasks" /app/scripts/ make -C /app run-worker
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl start celery
    systemctl status celery
    systemctl stop celery
    # Stop container
    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 make docker-systemd-worker-stop
  3. Run celery beat (optional)

    make docker-celery-beat
  4. Run server (producer)

    # with redis broker (by default)
    make docker-app-run
    # with rabbitmq
    make docker-app-run-rabbit

Other commands

  • Redis client

    make docker-redis-cli
  • Redis monitor (see every command executed by redis)

    make docker-redis-monitor

    Useful commands:

    HGETALL unacked
    ZRANGE unacked_index 0 -1
    LRANGE default 0 -1
  • Worker bash shell

    make docker-worker-shell
  • Run bash shell in already running worker container

    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 make docker-worker-exec-shell
  • Worker without heartbeat (useful to monitor redis commands, heartbeat adds noise)

    CELERY_PARAMS="--without-heartbeat" make docker-worker-run
  • Run single process of worker (not the number of CPUs which is the default behaviour)

    CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1" make docker-worker-run
    # combined with no heartbeat
    CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat" make docker-worker-run
  • App bash shell

    make docker-app-shell

    Connect to existing container

    make docker-app-exec-shell

    Start django shell inside container

    make -C /app shell

    Start celery task from shell

    import tasks
    result = tasks.simple_task.delay()
    result.get()  # if result backend is not configured - "NotImplementedError: No result backend is configured." will be raised

    Create chained tasks

    import tasks
    si =
    # si =
  • Inspect celery (worker must be already running)

    CELERY_PARAMS="status" make docker-celery-command
    CELERY_PARAMS="inspect stats" make docker-celery-command
    CELERY_PARAMS="inspect active_queues" make docker-celery-command  # The most interesting
    CELERY_PARAMS="shell" make docker-celery-command
    CELERY_PARAMS="help" make docker-celery-command

    Inside container's shell (just faster):

    make docker-app-exec-shell
    # inside shell
    cd /app
    CELERY_PARAMS="status" make celery-command
    CELERY_PARAMS="inspect stats" make celery-command
    CELERY_PARAMS="inspect active_queues" make celery-command

    Using inspect from python:

    make docker-app-exec-shell
    make -C /app shell

    In python shell

    from celery_app import app
    i = app.control.inspect()  # Inspect all nodes.

    Check messages in redis queue:

    make docker-redis-cli
    # inside redis cli, "default" is the queue name
    llen default
    # or show the values
    LRANGE default 0 -1
  • Watch for celery events

    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=99 CELERY_PARAMS="events" make docker-celery-command
  • Stop celery worker process

    docker stop -t 0 celery-example-redis-worker1
  • Disconnect celery worker from network

    docker network disconnect bridge celery-example-redis-worker1
  • Manually start and stop celery multi inside docker

    # connect to worker's shell
    make docker-worker-shell
    # being inside docker
    # start celery
    ENV=venv_debian CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat -Q default,broadcast_tasks" make celery-multi-start
    # stop celery
    ENV=venv_debian CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat -Q default,broadcast_tasks" make celery-multi-stop
    # reload celery
    ENV=venv_debian CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat -Q default,broadcast_tasks" make celery-multi-reload
  • Show events

    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=99 CELERY_PARAMS="events" make docker-celery-command
  • Run worker with enabled events

    DOCKER_WORKER_COUNT=1 CELERY_PARAMS="-c 1 --without-heartbeat -E --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Q default,broadcast_tasks" make docker-worker-run
  • Run real time monitor

    make docker-real-time-monitor
  • Run camera monitor

    make docker-camera-monitor
  • Run shell (bash) for rabbitMQ node

    make docker-rabbit-shell
  • Run rabbitmq admin

    First, start rabbitmq itself

    make docker-rabbit-run

    In another terminal, connect to rabbitmq server and enable rabbitmq_management:

    make docker-rabbit-shell
    # inside docker
    rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

    Then on you host machine (use your own python):

    python rabbitmq/scripts/rabbitmqadmin help subcommands
    python rabbitmq/scripts/rabbitmqadmin list queues
    python rabbitmq/scripts/rabbitmqadmin list exchanges

Server (app, producer) examples