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Hey there, I have been in one area or another of the Computer Engineering field for a good long time, I have enjoyed and benefited from Open Source for a very long time, and so I am taking some of what I have learned over the years and pouring that back into The System…

About Me

Graduate of Harvey Mudd College with a degree in Engineering, a few decades of practical engineering at tiny startups and at companies as large as Philips Electronics and Intel Corporation, and everywhere in between.

About 66% of my professional career was spent in Silicon Valley during the dot-com era (though I did only work at ONE such company, more hardware than software, in keeping with the legacy of Silicon perhaps), the more recent 33% spent in Las Vegas enabling Local Innovation by Local Innovators (see below). Interesting times!


  • Managing Director, Innovate for Vegas Foundation, a nonprofit public charity. Sponsorship is also enabled for the whole organization here on GitHub ! We have monthly hackathon meetups and multiple open source projects aimed at Making our Smart City Smarter. Founded June 2022.
  • Owner/Principal, ReallyCool Technologies, LLC, for various tech endeavors anywhere on the planet, based in Las Vegas
  • Other time spent on project such as Caffe Genius, aimed at the Greater Vegas Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, from which have emerged our Caliche Foundation and the Startup Resource Center.

Sponsorship Goals

Efforts as Innovate for Vegas Foundation are 100% volunteer, with zero compensation for any part of the org (maybe some snacks at hackathons…) it´s all civic volunteerism all the time! I would like to encourage a value-for-value model for the Greater Vegas population as we roll out projects, so that people who volunteer to Make our Smart City Smarter (and all that that implies) whether with software development or any creative work, that each might be able to receive some positive support, sometimes in the form of a sponsor´s appreciation for their (ongoing) efforts.

And so I shall lead by example! Also, I would like to do more open source dev in general, too much of my legacy exists in the form of tech debt, EOL´ed projects, and closed-source efforts. No more!

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