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Advent Of Code 2019

Notes for each day

So that I can find specific types of approach if I ever need them again.

Helpful Links And Notes

Other People's Solutions

Some of which, maybe, I might have had a wee peek at when I got stuck (but not before at least 24 hours of thinking).

URL Language(s) Many, many... Python Python Python Rust Rust Go Go

Day 1 - The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation

C#, Python, Go

Day 2 - Program Alarm

First day of the IntCode machine.
C#, Python

Day 3 - Crossed Wires

Manhattan distance and shortest combined distance.

Day 4 - Secure Container

Constraints on numeric passwords.
C#, Go

Day 5 - Sunny with a Chance of Asteroids

IntCode with I/O and modes.
C#, Go

Day 6 - Universal Orbit Map

Basic graph and tree traversal. Shortest path between two nodes.
C#, Go

Day 7 - Amplification Circuit

Multiple IntCode machines. Solved with threading but threads weren't necessary. Concurrency, pipelines and permutations.

Day 8 - Space Image Format

Image layers.

Day 9 - Sensor Boost

The IntCode reaches its final state. Add relative base, ability to resize the memory and large integers.
C#, Go

Day 10 - Monitoring Station

Atan2, rotational geometry, angles and grids.

Day 11 - Space Police

IntCode program to direct a robot to paint an image that results in a serial number/registration number.
C#, Go

Day 12 - The N-Body Problem

LCM and factors. Notice that x, y, z dimensions are independent.

Day 13 - Care Package

Use the IntCode machine to build a 'breakout' game and guide the paddle to 'win'/beat the game.
C#, Go

Day 14 - Space Stoichiometry

Binary search for part 2 but just did it by trial and error. Could have used recursive algorithms but went linear instead.

Day 15 - Oxygen System

Map exploring (DFS) & shortest paths (BFS) with the IntCode machine to guide a robot.
C#, Go.

Day 16 - Flawed Frequency Transmission

Signal processing. Spot pattern in the output to shortcut the final calculations.

Day 17 - Set and Forget

Use the IntCode machine to direct a robot over scaffolding detecting intersections. Use string compression to provide a 'compressed' version of input commands. Used brute-force/visual inspection rather than programming in the compression algorithm.

Day 18 - Many-Worlds Interpretation

BFS for paths between keys (because it is a maze).

Day 19 - Tractor Beam

IntCode program to send a robot exploring a tractor beam.

Day 20 - Donut Maze

BFS on a maze with multiple levels.
C#, Go

Day 21 - Springdroid Adventure

Program the IntCode machine to use logical AND OR NOT to guide a jumping robot around holes in the hull.

Day 22 - Slam Shuffle

The big, nasty, modular arithmetic one. Combining linear functions. Multiplicative inverse modulo m and all that.

Day 23 - Category Six

Use the IntCode program to send 'network packets' back and forth between 50 IntCode instances.
Used threading here but that probably made it harder (and, most likely, slower for the C# version) in the long run. The Go version, with channels and go routines is fast (and quite neat, I think!) but the C# version is very slow due to some messed up threading.
C#, Go

Day 24 - Planet of Discord

Basic Game of life in part 1 but then extended to recursive levels within levels for part 2. No recursion in the solution though.
C#, Go

Day 25 - Cryostasis

IntCode to explore ship (manually - like an old fashioned game), find items, find the right combination of items. By making the IntCode threaded I made the solution to this problem much harder and slower than it could have been.