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Weather Sources

Dani John edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 37 revisions

Multiple weather providers are supported, there are implementation differences between them as follows:

Provider API key Forecast Pollution UV GPS/Detect Location Other
Open-Meteo Not required 7 days Yes (Forecast) Yes No Default provider.
OpenWeatherMap Required 5 days Yes (Current) No Yes Some weather effects are unavailable.

Follow these steps to create free API key:

Newly created API key can take a day or two to activate, if it does not work immediately (Unauthorized error) try again later.

Weather Forecast

Weather data is presented as follows:

  • For the current day, current hour weather forecast is shown. Depending on the weather provider used the current weather is calculated as follows:

    • Open-meteo the current hour forecast closest to location time is used.
    • OpenWeatherMap current forecast api is used.
  • Enhanced future day forecasts to prioritize displaying the most severe weather conditions. Depending on the weather provider used the severe weather is calculated as follows:

    • Open-meteo provides daily severe weather from its response.
    • OpenWeatherMap severe weather is calculated from hourly forecast based on these criteria. If more than one severe weather is found, the most frequent one is selected.

    Once severe weather is found, a point in time for the severe weather is selected and shown.

  • For air quality current hour is selected for current day and worst case for future days.

  • Hourly air quality graph is enabled for OpenWeatherMap.

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