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realvictorprm edited this page Apr 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the GLFW3.NET wiki!

1. Get started

To get started follow the steps on readme. If you already followed them you're ready to go.

2. Use the binding

Before using anything of glfw you must have to call glfw.Init (). Even tough it's already static initialized as soon as you make any call to the library it could still result in seg faults if the first call goes for example to Glfw.createWindow (...)!

To acquire a window simply create one with the class Window or GLFWwindow: The following example shows some classic usage of glfw. F# Code:

//Create a window with the oop binding
let window = new Window(500, 500, "Glfw test window")
//You need to be notified if the size changed? 
//Simply add a handler to the Size changed event
do window.SizeChanged.Add (fun window width height -> printfn "Size changed! New width %A, new height %A" width height)
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