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SeaDsa: A Points-to Analysis for Verification of Low-level C/C++

SeaDsa is a context-, field-, and array-sensitive unification-based points-to analysis for LLVM bitcode inspired by DSA. SeaDsa is an order of magnitude more scalable and precise than Dsa and a previous implementation of SeaDsa thanks to improved handling of context sensitivity, addition of partial flow-sensitivity, and type-awareness.

Although SeaDsa can analyze arbitrary LLVM bitcode, it has been tailored for use in program verification of C/C++ programs. It can be used as a stand-alone tool or together with the SeaHorn verification framework and its analyses.

This master branch is obsolete and it will be replaced soon. Meanwhile, the development branch is dev10 which is actively maintained. The dev10 branch supports LLVM 10. Check out for other branches that support newer LLVM versions.


SeaDsa is written in C++ and uses the Boost library. The main requirements are:

  • C++ compiler supporting c++11
  • Boost >= 1.55
  • LLVM 5.0

To run tests, install the following packages:

  • sudo pip install lit OutputCheck
  • sudo easy_install networkx
  • sudo apt-get install libgraphviz-dev
  • sudo easy_install pygraphviz

Project Structure

  1. The main Points-To Graph data structures, Graph, Cell, and Node, are defined in include/Graph.hh and src/
  2. The Local analysis is in include/Local.hh and src/
  3. The Bottom-Up analysis is in include/BottomUp.hh and src/
  4. The Top-Down analysis is in include/TopDown.hh and src/
  5. The interprocedural node cloner is in include/Cloner.hh and src/
  6. Type handling code is in include/FieldType.hh, include/TypeUtils.hh, src/, and src/
  7. The allocator function discovery is in include/AllocWrapInfo.hh and src/

Compilation and Usage

Program Verification benchmarks

Instructions on running program verification benchmarks, together with recipes for building real-world projects and our results, can be found in tea-dsa-extras.

Integration in other C++ projects (for users)

SeaDsa contains two directories: include and src. Since SeaDsa analyzes LLVM bitcode, LLVM header files and libraries must be accessible when building with SeaDsa.

If your project uses cmake then you just need to add in your project's CMakeLists.txt:


Standalone (for developers)

If you already installed llvm-5.0 on your machine:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=run -DLLVM_DIR=__here_llvm-5.0__/share/llvm/cmake  ..
cmake --build . --target install


mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . --target install

To run tests:

cmake --build . --target test-sea-dsa

Visualizing Memory Graphs and Complete Call Graphs

Consider a C program called tests/c/simple.c:

#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct S {
  int** x;
  int** y;  
} S;

int g;

int main(int argc, char** argv){

  S s1, s2;

  int* p1 = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
  int* q1 = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));  
  s1.x = &p1;
  s1.y = &q1;    
  *(s1.x) = &g;
  return 0;
  1. Generate bitcode:

     clang -O0 -c -emit-llvm -S tests/c/simple.c -o simple.ll

The option -O0 is used to disable clang optimizations. In general, it is a good idea to enable clang optimizations. However, for trivial examples like simple.c, clang simplifies too much so nothing useful would be observed. The options -c -emit-llvm -S generate bitcode in human-readable format.

  1. Run sea-dsa on the bitcode and print memory graphs to dot format:

     seadsa -sea-dsa=butd-cs -sea-dsa-type-aware -sea-dsa-dot  simple.ll

The options -sea-dsa=butd-cs -sea-dsa-type-aware enable the analysis implemented in our FMCAD'19 paper (see References). This command will generate a file for each function FUN in the bitcode program. In our case, the only function is main and thus, there is one file named The file is generated in the current directory. If you want to store the .dot files in a different directory DIR then add the option -sea-dsa-dot-outdir=DIR

  1. Visualize by transforming it to a pdf file:

     dot -Tpdf -o main.mem.pdf
     open main.mem.pdf  // replace with you favorite pdf viewer 

Example of a memory graph

In our memory model, a pointer is represented by a cell which is a pair of a memory object and offset. Memory objects are represented as nodes in the memory graph. Edges are between cells.

Each node field represents a cell (i.e., an offset in the node). For instance, the node fields <0,i32**> and <8,i32**> pointed by %6 and %15, respectively are two different cells from the same memory object. The field <8,i32**> represents the cell at offset 8 in the corresponding memory object and its type is i32**. Since edges are between cells, they are labeled with a number that represents the offset in the destination node. Blue edges connect formal parameters of the function with a cell. Purple edges connect LLVM pointer variables with cells. Nodes can have markers such as S (stack allocated memory), H (heap allocate memory), M (modified memory), R (read memory), E (externally allocated memory), etc. If a node is red then it means that the analysis lost field sensitivity for that node. The label {void} is used to denote that the node has been allocated but it has not been used by the program.

sea-dsa can also resolve indirect calls. An indirect call is a call where the callee is not known statically. sea-dsa identifies all possible callees of an indirect call and generates a LLVM call graph as output.

Consider this example in tests/c/complete_callgraph_5.c:

struct class_t;
typedef int (*FN_PTR)(struct class_t *, int);
typedef struct class_t {
  FN_PTR m_foo;
  FN_PTR m_bar;
} class_t;

int foo(class_t *self, int x)
  if (x > 10) {
    return self->m_bar(self, x + 1);
  } else
    return x;

int bar (class_t *self, int y) {
  if (y < 100) {
    return y + self->m_foo(self, 10);
  } else
    return y - 5;

int main(void) {
  class_t obj;
  obj.m_foo = &foo;
  obj.m_bar = &bar;
  int res;
  res = obj.m_foo(&obj, 42);
  return 0;

Type the commands:

clang -c -emit-llvm -S tests/c/complete_callgraph_5.c  -o ex.ll
sea-dsa --sea-dsa-callgraph-dot ex.ll

It generates a .dot file called in the current directory. Again, the .dot file can be converted to a .pdf file and opened with the commands:

dot -Tpdf -o callgraph.pdf
open callgraph.pdf  

Example of a call graph

sea-dsa can also print some statistics about the call graph resolution process (note that you need to call clang with -g to print file,line, and column information):

sea-dsa --sea-dsa-callgraph-stats ex.ll

=== Sea-Dsa CallGraph Statistics === 
** Total number of indirect calls 0
** Total number of resolved indirect calls 3

%16 = call i32 %12(%struct.class_t* %13, i32 %15) at tests/c/complete_callgraph_5.c:14:12
  i32 bar(%struct.class_t*,i32)
%15 = call i32 %13(%struct.class_t* %14, i32 10) at tests/c/complete_callgraph_5.c:23:16
  i32 foo(%struct.class_t*,i32)
%11 = call i32 %10(%struct.class_t* %2, i32 42) at tests/c/complete_callgraph_5.c:36:9
  i32 foo(%struct.class_t*,i32)

Dealing with C/C++ library and external calls

The pointer semantics of external calls can be defined by writing a wrapper that calls any of these functions defined in sea_dsa/sea_dsa.h:

  • extern void sea_dsa_alias(const void *p, ...);
  • extern void sea_dsa_collapse(const void *p);
  • extern void sea_dsa_mk_seq(const void *p, unsigned sz);

sea_dsa_alias unifies all argument's cells, sea_dsa_collapse tells sea-dsa to collapse (i.e., loss of field-sensitivity) the cell pointed by p, and sea_dsa_mk_seq tells sea-dsa to mark as sequence the node pointed by p with size sz.

For instance, consider an external call foo defined as follows:

extern void* foo(const void*p1, void *p2, void *p3);

Suppose that the returned pointer should be unified to p2 but not to p1. In addition, we would like to collapse the cell corresponding to p3. Then, we can replace the above prototype of foo with the following definition:

#include "sea_dsa/sea_dsa.h"
void* foo(const void*p1, void *p2, void*p3) {
	void* r = sea_dsa_new();
	return r;


  1. "A Context-Sensitive Memory Model for Verification of C/C++ Programs" by A. Gurfinkel and J. A. Navas. In SAS'17. (Paper) | (Slides)

  2. "Unification-based Pointer Analysis without Oversharing" by J. Kuderski, J. A. Navas and A. Gurfinkel. In FMCAD'19. (Paper)