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Basic usage

Ariel Vina-Rodriguez edited this page Apr 28, 2019 · 18 revisions
  • How to run an existing protocol?
  • How does it works?
  • How to modify an existing protocol?
  • Now to write a new protocol?

How to run an existing protocol?

\todo: add a main() to each protocol

Just create an instance (python object) of the desired protocol, possibly setting some of the protocols parameters, and call the .Run() method of that object. This will create a set of files with the generated evoware scripts, human redeable protocol, and comments, possibly including warnings. It may abort with more or less detailed messages about the errors. Alternatively run to select the protocol, the "variant" and change some other minor parameters like number of samples or requeried reagents volume.

How does it works?

How to modify an existing protocol?

Now to write a new protocol?