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STARS Work Package 1 Summary

Summary of the six computational reproducibility assessments conducted as part of STARS Work Package 1.

GitHub last commit MIT license Valid CITATION.cff

Table of contents

👋 About the repository

In work package 1, we assessed the computational reproducibility of six discrete-event simulation papers with models in Python and R. The reproductions and findings are summarised at:

Python R

Relevant GitHub repositories:

Repository Description
stars-reproduction-protocol Latex files for reproduction protocol
stars-reproduce-allen-2020 Test run of reproducibility protocol on Allen et al. 2020
stars-reproduction-template Template for assessment of computational reproducibility
stars-reproduce-shoaib-2022 Reproduction study 1: Shoaib and Ramamohan 2022 (Python)
stars-reproduce-huang-2019 Reproduction study 2: Huang et al. 2019 (R)
stars-reproduce-lim-2020 Reproduction study 3: Lim et al. 2020 (Python)
stars-reproduce-kim-2021 Reproduction study 4: Kim et al. 2021 (R)
stars-reproduce-anagnostou-2022 Reproduction study 5: Anagnostou et al. 2022 (Python)
stars-reproduce-johnson-2021 Reproduction study 6: Johnson et al. 2021 (R)

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  1. Clone GitHub repository
git clone
  1. Create the virtual environment
virtualenv stars_wp1_summary
source stars_wp1_summary/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create the book
quarto render
  1. Open the book in your browser (open the _book/index.html file).

📝 Citation

If you wish to cite this repository, please refer to the citation file CITATION.cff, and the auto-generated alternatives citation_apalike.apa and citation_bibtex.bib. Authors:

Member ORCID GitHub
Amy Heather ORCID: Heather
Thomas Monks ORCID: Monks
Alison Harper ORCID: Harper

💰 Funding

This project is supported by the Medical Research Council [grant number MR/Z503915/1].