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Vumi, but with Python 3 and Trio async

Currently under development.

  • To address router
  • HTTP RPC USSD transport
  • SMPP SMS transport


This project uses poetry for packaging and dependancy management, so install that first.

Ensure you're also running at least python 3.11, python --version.

Then you can install the dependencies

~ poetry install

You will also need an AMQP broker (eg. RabbitMQ) installed and running to be able to run a local worker, or to run the local tests.

To run a local worker, there is the vumi2 command. First make sure you're in the virtual environment where the project is installed

~ poetry shell

Then you can run a local worker using the vumi2 command, eg.

~ vumi2 worker vumi2.routers.ToAddressRouter

To run the autoformatting and linting, run

~ black . && mypy --install-types . && ruff check .

For the test runner, we use pytest:

~ pytest

Generating documentation

This project uses sphinx to generate the documentation. To build, run

~ cd docs
~ make html

The built documentation will be in docs/_build/html

Editor configuration

If you'd like your editor to handle linting and/or formatting for you, here's how to set it up.

Visual Studio Code

  1. Install the Python and Ruff extensions
  2. In settings, check the "Python > Linting: Mypy Enabled" box
  3. In settings, set the "Python > Formatting: Provider" to "black"
  4. If you want to have formatting automatically apply, in settings, check the "Editor: Format On Save" checkbox

Alternatively, add the following to your settings.json:

    "python.linting.mypyEnabled": true,
    "python.formatting.provider": "black",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,

Editors with LSP support

If you're using an editor that supports LSP, you can install the optional lsp dependency group:

~ poetry install --with lsp

Configuring LSP depends on your editor. In most cases, the default configuration for the relevant plugin or extension should be suitable.