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File metadata and controls

24 lines (23 loc) · 1.6 KB

In order to produce AMIs that support desired features, it is important that the AMI used to bootstrap from supports those same features:

  • For candidate RHEL 7 bootstrap AMIs: ensure that the AMI has a valid billingProducts value set (typically bp-6fa54006). This gives resultant AMIs access to the Red Hat RPM repositories. At this point in time, a way to use the AWS APIs/utilities to pull attribute information directly from an unlaunched AMI has yet to be identified. The only currently-known way is per the notes in this BlogSpot post.
  • For all EL 7 bootstrap AMIs:
    • Ensure that the AMI has SriovNetSupport support enabled. This gives resultant AMIs the ability to produce instances that support 10Gbps networking mode.
      $ aws --profile <PROFILE_NAME> --region <REGION> ec2 describe-image-attribute --image-id <AMI_ID> \
        --attribute sriovNetSupport
          "SriovNetSupport": {
              "Value": "simple"
          "ImageId": "<AMI_ID>"
    • Ensure that the AMI has Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) support enabled. This allows the resultant AMIs (EL 7.4.1708 or newer) to take advantage of instance-types with 20Gbps+ networking mode.
      $ aws --profile <PROFILE_NAME>  --region <REGION> ec2 describe-images --image-id <AMI_ID> \
        --query 'Images[].EnaSupport'

Note: for AMIs not owned by your account, you likely will not have sufficient permissions to read the AMI's attribute values.